Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...
7445: argonian artist:KuroNeko artistry character:Architect character:Dodger monochrome
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NotGodOkay: She's drawing Benis putt!
damrok4321: One of her eyes seems to not exactly look the same direction as the other, but that's not a bid deal. Still good art.
Skybolt06: I love Dodger, I feel like Kaz could've made a complete other story about her breaking more and more laws XD
KuroNeko: @Skybolt06: Who know, maybe one day we'll get another story about her.
Speaking of which if you're interested in such things, there's a fanfic telling her adventures with the architect.
bluedraggy: Guess what I just posted in its entirety? I renamed it though.
7416: artist:redout character:Katia_Managan monochrome sweet_roll text
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showing 10 of 15 comments
bluedraggy: I know this is my natural state of seeing such things where they're not intended. Only Redout knows for sure, but I think the pants question is a valid one. While our salivating Argonian may well be drooling at the sweetrolls, the lines indicating breast bounce might indicate he's not looking at those. Another thing that reinforces that is the "Moooom" and rather obvious negative reaction by her 'son'. I don't know of anyone who would negatively react to their mom delivering food to his friends. But if that's not the point and she is wearing questionable clothing, that would make more sense too.
TL;DR? I think this is lewd. I also think it's Katia in an older form and her son. But again, that is kinda my default response so I could be all wrong. (but I'm not)
ADudeCalledLeo: @bluedraggy: So what you're telling me is that this is a cougar Katia Momagan.
I approve.
bluedraggy: Nope, you're 100% right. What a DIFFERENCE a 12 pixel line makes! :)
Vidiotdragon: "Moooom, my friends are here! Can you please go jiggle in the other room! ... but leave the sweat rolls."
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bigchungus: awesome but . . . the lizard boy's attitude and face is weird if you know what I mean (and it's mostly because of the motion effects arround those eh.....)
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FoolishMippard: The request was for a milfed-up Katia embarrassing her son by being too much of a milf so I'd hazard a guess it's supposed to be Katia.
7447: artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave character:Sleipreindir character:Vaermina monochrome saturalia_dreams text
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bluedraggy: Man, you try to give the spirit of the season and all you get is laser-beaming flying reindir. Sheesh!
damrok4321: lol, vaermina here looks so done with all this shit, I like the overall drawing composition, quill's robe looks comfy, and steam coming out of the reindeer's nose works as that cherry on top of the cake. Nice work
ADudeCalledLeo: "You know what I hate more than mortals' imagination, though? Their lack of drive to finish their shit."
Good art!
KuroNeko: @bluedraggy: Yeah, really, this lizard has no respect.
@damrok4321: You'd be done too if you had to deliver a whole month of christmas cheer for a year. @ADudeCalledLeo: I feel attacked XD
bluedraggy: I highly suspect you weren't the mortal being referred to here, Kuro. I think that honor belongs to another.
KuroNeko: @bluedraggy: Oh of course, far from me from trying to usurp place of the king in that domain :p
It's just that as an artist who has started a ton of projects that never went anywhere, I kind of feel concerned too XD
Zargothrax: Very nice drawing, you made Quill really lovely with this dress and the pose!
7210: artist:semiafro007 character:Rajirra classic_art demon featured_masterpiece fire justice
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showing 10 of 13 comments
semiafro007: @Zargothrax: Yes it is, according to Dante's hell, betrayal is the worst of sins, that's why traitors are in the ninth circle, the last circle
ADudeCalledLeo: I'm still kinda hoping for a redeeming arc, but IMO it's way more likely that Rajirra will either be never seen again or explicitly killed off in Kvatch's Oblivion Crisis.
Probably the former, unless Kazerad really wants to draw wanton destruction.
PermanentFace: Kazerad has a demonstrated predilection for wanton destruction. I'm still hoping Rajirra gets eaten by Tyranids.
ADudeCalledLeo: Oh hey this got featured, congrats semia!
KuroNeko: Wait, that's the first drawing from semiafro007 that got featured? I could have sworn there was at least three.
Anyway, congrats.
semiafro007: Finally, the recognition that I deserved, thanks, whoever featured it.
Sashimi: @ADudeCalledLeo: I hear ya Leo. I have reasons for wanting her to remain out of sight, but part of me would like to see her have a chance at redemption as well. I believe anyone who has committed a wrong deserves the opportunity to set things right. Who knows what the Maker has in store for us. Turn the page....
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GrizzlyBear: Finally, a long overdue semiafro feature. And well deserved too
7448: artist:odes character:Aggy undead
7446: Khajiit artist:ChrisMono character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing text
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GrizzlyBear: I can't escape it. I think my sanity is beginning to slip
Almighty_Kat: I am used to see Katia with Shirts... I demand more Hoddie Katia images!
Adorable, cute, nice art! |
7443: artist:Skybolt06 character:Katia_Managan rags sketch text
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Skybolt06: Thanks to KuroNeko for an actual opinion on the coloring thing (literally all of my friends said "up to you" so ye, thx) sadly I don't think I'll do this to the others (unless you want me to...) because I lack proper colors, and almost everything in this picture has color mixing with the limited amount of colored pencils I have XD
KuroNeko: I know the struggle to not have enough pencils to color something as you want too.
Mixing colors is actually a viable strategy with colored pencils. And if I can give you a tip, you can rub a paper (the best being blotting paper) or even your finger across the lines mades by your pencil to make the coloring more uniform and help the colors to mix together. Just be careful to not put some out of the outline or you'll have to erase it afterward. |
7442: amulet_of_silence artist:Skybolt06 books character:Katia_Managan merchandise milk monochrome photo questionable sketch sweet_roll text very_casually_underdressed
Skybolt06: I still question to this day whether or not it was the real me who drew this...
anyway hope you like the art!
KuroNeko: The arms would need a little more work but otherwise I'd say you did well with the anatomy.
The only thing that looks really wrong to me, is the book on her left. from this point of view, we shouldn't be able to see it's left and top sides which makes it looks like it's a hole in the rock.
Skybolt06: @KuroNeko: Yeah some of this isn't the best but my main focus was on the anatomy for the most part anyway, also sorry for being dead in the community for a few days, but the good news is that I passed drivers ed, so I can get a permit when I turn 15... yay!
@_Noxygen_: Thx man, me too, like I said, I still have no idea how I drew this so well |
7455: amulet_of_silence artist:Zargothrax cake character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering khajiit_racism meme painted_underwear photo very_casually_underdressed
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It's good to see Katia has been exercising too. Those arms are massive
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