All beings within Mundus are but characters on the stage of fate and should be tagged as such with "character:" before their names.

6763: artist:TempIntel character:Kazerad looking_badass modern_clothing pineapple sunglasses text

artist:TempIntel character:Kazerad looking_badass modern_clothing pineapple sunglasses text
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TempIntel: This is what the 90s looked like.

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Un_Mapache: @TempIntel: I agree

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Caps: The radest man in the world.

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Vidiotdragon: "That is one swood guy."

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Rick2tails: I have met Kaz a few times.I can confirm this is how he looks and gets around

6762: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Pugo character:Katia_Managan pixel_art

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Pugo character:Katia_Managan pixel_art
showing 10 of 11 comments

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Pugo: @Makkon: I'm pretty sure it's weird to find my own art cute, but i agree highly with your point there

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Pugo: well uh, i meant to say it's weird for ME to find my own art cute
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TempIntel: It would be cute on a Valentines card

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KuroNeko: That's really cute, it reminds me of something but I can't remember what.

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IkkyKrrk: I'd love to see more from you, this is adorable.

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Pugo: @IkkyKrrk: Oh, Don't worry you'll be seeing much more from me

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IkkyKrrk: @Pugo: looking forward to it!!!

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CoCoNO: I'm in love with a cat

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APayne1776_2: What a cutie

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Rick2tails: very cute. also thats kind of how I look when I see art of Katia ^_~

6768: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Zargothrax character:Katia_Managan dwemer_technology wilderness

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Zargothrax character:Katia_Managan dwemer_technology wilderness

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Zargothrax: Rather quick drawing, where Katia mourns, as she has no idea how minigames featuring her will be supported from now on.

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Makkon: :(

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KuroNeko: I'm sure everything will be all right.
(It's nice to see more of you art by the way)

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APayne1776_2: Press F to pay respect

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Caps: I`m sure people will find another way to upload animations on the internet.

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: To be fair it won't die until dec 31. Also worth noting that prequel games are already archived on flashpoint http://bluemaxima.org/flashpoint/datahub/Game_Master_List.
And thanks I just didn't feel like drawing recently, this is the first time in at least a month that I actually enjoyed drawing.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to ask if anyone has played the last 2 levels of the current game. For me the last 2 levels never unlocked, even though I finished all previous levels. Actually now it even reverted to locking all levels after 11.

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: The two last levels are not finished yet and haven't been unlocked, and from what I got from the comments on the last update, that delay is what caused the game to break and lock all the levels past 11.

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: Thanks cap.

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: It's fixed now and level 27 is available (one of the best thus far)

6769: Ayleid_ruins Katia's_adventurer_outfit Secunda artist:lapma ayleid_well character:Dmitri_Argoth character:Katia_Managan drunk horn_and_drunky masser necromancer night

Ayleid_ruins Katia's_adventurer_outfit Secunda artist:lapma ayleid_well character:Dmitri_Argoth character:Katia_Managan drunk horn_and_drunky masser necromancer night

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KuroNeko: Ther's a bone that's about to get raised and it won't be the necromancer doing (I'm sorry :p)
That's very cute, it's a shame we won't get more of Dmitri, he was nice, actually one of the few guy who actually felt bad for taking advantage of Katia while she was drunk. What was someone like that even doing in Mannimarco's cult?

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bluedraggy: If only someone wrote a fanfiction about that night. BTW, https://archiveofourown.org is a great site for fanfiction I hear!

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Caps: And then she says she is not a cultist...

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KuroNeko: @bluedraggy: I read this one, It was good.

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Zargothrax: She'd have made great friends along the other cats.

6771: artist:TempIntel blushing character:Katia_Managan dwarven_corvette dwemer_technology modern_clothing non-alcoholic_beverage

artist:TempIntel blushing character:Katia_Managan dwarven_corvette dwemer_technology modern_clothing non-alcoholic_beverage
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TempIntel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aktLRiWXfqg
Best enjoyed with the jam

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AMKitsune: I can practically feel the chill in the air. Great job.
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TempIntel: @AMKitsune Thanks!

6357: accidents_happen argonian artist:KuroNeko casually_underdressed character:Quill-Weave dress

accidents_happen argonian artist:KuroNeko casually_underdressed character:Quill-Weave dress
showing 10 of 13 comments

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Dominik: @Lurci: And that's how this love story begins
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Lurci: @Dominik Actually, they met when my OC sneaked into her house, to steal something. But when she catched him, he got stunned by her beauty.

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AMKitsune: You know, it's only just occurred to me how simple yet amazingly effective the colouring on her dress is. Especially for something in a traditional medium, to get partial transparency like that, really impressive.

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Rick2tails: better then a wet tshirt?

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KuroNeko: @bluedraggy: She's a reptile so she has not much to cover, also it's too late, her hat has a new owner

@AMKitsune: Thank you, this is the first time I try yo draw transparent clothes so I'm glad to hear it looks good.

@Rick2tails: Not really since her whole body is visible here.

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bluedraggy: Pfffft. LOL. You have the cutest style ever conceived KuroNeko. Who could make a mudcrab look cute? Of course, this is coming from a true QW aficionado so I may be biased.

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MinnoSimmins: I really like the way you do fabrics, both for this and the previous one.

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KuroNeko: @bluedraggy: Hehe thanks

@MinnoSimmins: Glad you like it, i'm verry happy with how the clothes turned out, this tutorial http://fav.me/dddx2e5 really helped me improve the way I draw fabrics

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I always love to watch your drawings, Kuroneko, you are really good at it. ; )

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KuroNeko: @Caps: Thank you

6751: artist:Dominik braids character:Little_Katia character:Niko crossover guar_plush oneshot

artist:Dominik braids character:Little_Katia character:Niko crossover guar_plush oneshot

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Dominik: My excuse, for drawing this, is practise in making shadows. Annd
maaaybe wanted to draw two cuttest cat characters together

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AMKitsune: When your dreams are full of dark shadows for monsters to hide in, it's good to have a friend bring a little sunshine to your world.
That's a couple of cute kittens right there. Great job

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Kazerad: @Dominik: Neither of them are cats!

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Rick2tails: this is cute!

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KuroNeko: Two cute little notcats.

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semiafro007: Will niko save this world?

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Dominik: @semiafro007: With Katia's help - for sure
@Kazerad: Ok, maybe they are not, but they are still the cuttest

Thank you guys

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Caps: Amazing crossover!!!
I love it. ; )
Sadly, oneshot is an underrated game.

6754: Gold_Road Katia's_adventurer_outfit artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan curled_tail happy yo-yo

Gold_Road Katia's_adventurer_outfit artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan curled_tail happy yo-yo

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AMKitsune: And now for a trick involving a yoyo that she's not ashamed of XD

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KuroNeko: That's the face of pure happiness and I love it.

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lapma: I was not quite happy with that pink light so i replaced it with some simple background

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Dominik: She looks so happy with her yoyo trick. Really nice one

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Rick2tails: this is cute

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Caps: Now we need a pineaple. ; )
P.S.: She is really cute.

6759: Cyrodiil argonian artist:TempIntel character:Quill-Weave character:todd_howard modern_clothing text

Cyrodiil argonian artist:TempIntel character:Quill-Weave character:todd_howard modern_clothing text
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TempIntel: I always took Quill's character as someone who wants to get away from it all.
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durandal: Miraculously, "Todd_Howard" is not already a tag on this booru. This has been recitifed.
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TempIntel: @durandal First Todd pic woot woot!

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XenoYparxi: now we need a drawing of Todd and Kaz hanging out in a bar

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Caps: That map with those tiny points in Daggerfall makes me go crazy

6761: Gold_Road Katia's_wizard_robe Safety_hat armor artist:lapma character:ASOTIL character:Katia_Managan magnus

Gold_Road Katia's_wizard_robe Safety_hat armor artist:lapma character:ASOTIL character:Katia_Managan magnus

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KuroNeko: Katia is adorable as always and ASOTIL looks annoyed there is no more criminal scums around to be judged.

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