6791: Saturalia artist:jlm character:Sleipreindir character:Vaermina inconsistent_rendering saturalia_dreams
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PermanentFace: Too few legs.
6802: argonian artist:KuroNeko beautiful character:Quill-Weave modern_clothing monochrome song_and_dance
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showing 10 of 12 comments
semiafro007: Olé ahí ese flamenquito del bueno. ¡Ole, ole y ole!
Rick2tails: yeah I dont see a problem with her or katia or raj in a dress Id even be ok with the bartender XD but if you start putting the male guards in dresses then youve gone too far ;P
bluedraggy: Rick! Do you know what you've DONE?!?!
Rick2tails: if we are talking the last thing. I SPECIFICLY did NOT ask for it to happen.It would be the opposite of a wish! so if it gets made it aint my fault.
damrok4321: she looks very good, I don't see any problem here
KuroNeko: @Rick2tails: You still ame up with the idea, you'll take full blame of what's about to happen.
@damrok4321: Thanks, and it's not her who have a problem but me who seems to have a weird obssession with lizards and dresses. @Caps: Thank you |
6804: artist:TempIntel blushing character:Katia_Managan impure_thoughts romance
6803: Katia's_wizard_robe Kvatch Kvatch_arena_armor artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan eyepatch night
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KuroNeko: She really has gone far in those few days hasn't she?
It's really nice, I like how you did the duality between the two sides, the left one is hunched and doesn't have reflection in her eyes while the right one stands upright and have a bright face. It looks very good, great work. |
6801: artist:TempIntel braids character:Little_Katia sad
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lapma: Poor thing cant find any playmates, and btw i remember hammerfell having a bit more sand.
KuroNeko: @TempIntel: Katia is no allowed there anymore until she understand the difference between a sandbox and a litterbox.
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TempIntel: @KuroNeko LMAO, this is Katia's punishment for misusing the sandbox "Go sit on the swings and think about what you just did!"
Rick2tails: cute picture but yall a bunch of speciesists to khajiit! XD
6800: Valentine's_Day adorable artist:lapma blushing character:Nah impure_thoughts teeth vampirism
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ZombieRiser: Now that I know she's a human, and in absolutely no way a vampire, I feel safe letting my guard down around her
Caps: @zombieriser mmmh, I don`t know about it, that glass she is holding in front og her face seems suspicious to me.
Rick2tails: normal human girl makes the best waifu other then Katia of course
6798: character:Katia_Managan fire monochrome song_and_dance
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Whistle: https://d.facdn.net/art/slavsvire/1581596017/1581594475.slavsvire_%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%86.jpg
with tail (it slipped from my mind)
Zargothrax: To me, this drawing has some odd Dark Souls vibes. A twisted ashen Kat dancing in the dark flames of the Abyss... Could be even more dramatic if her expression was completely blank and lifeless.
(No offense, I like this drawing, it's just what it reminds me of)
Whistle: Katya, a defiled hajjit, a loser, drinks, she’s my muse, she tries to overcome herself and achieve something better (probably for nothing), but she doesn’t sit and cry all the time, she took a step and entered a lonely harsh world It seems that it takes time and effort to succeed (imagine being thrown into the street in shorts)I will continue to try to paint her beautiful
6799: Katia's_wizard_robe Valentine's_Day artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan sweet_roll witch-hunter_control_panel
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Zargothrax: Hard to decide what's sweeter, Katia or the sweet roll
APayne1776_2: Sweet treat for a sweet heart
6796: Cosplay Quill-Weave's_evil_armor artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave crossover she-ra text
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Rick2tails: oh I already liked her from shera now as KATIAtra even better XD
6810: artist:TempIntel braids character:Little_Katia
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Really cute though. ; )