Mortal fiction is pathetic. Any mention of 'spoilers' will usher forth a cleansing flame.
6354: action_pose artist:Scyorfufse digitigrade knock_off monochrome plain_background sketch text
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showing 10 of 14 comments
Zargothrax: @bluedraggy: Y'mean post 4799? Find it strange too, giving credit'd be the least. Lets give the benefit of the doubt and say scyorfufse is new to art and doesn't know the etiquette yet. That should change though.
Zargothrax: @OgTariq: I missed that tag, you're right, that's half a point there.
As for the backstory, the console command part got me too. Good to know the dragonborn plays on PC. Who would even want to be in Skyrim anymore without mods.
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scyorfufse: yeah the artist is bluedraggy its my first time dealing with tags so i thinked that if a had the knock_of tag i dint need to put the artist name, and i dint put a lot of the plot cause it was too long already
bluedraggy: No sweat scyorfufse. But tbh the artist was Cider. I just colored it.
Cloud: Well, this is scary and yet very cool. I like the idea and that He looks much more able than Kat.
Is he a alcoholic as well? That is the only reason I
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scyorfufse: i dint was thinking that blue was gonna say something, and he is not an alcoholic but he can "drink" a lot, he just cant get too drunk and he dont like being drunk cause the bandages get loose and he needs to put then in place again, sorry if i say something rough, my english is not the best cause its my second lenguage, if anyone want some more backstory or somethink else fell free to ask, i gonna take 1 or 2 days to answer cause im quite lazy and need to deal with some stuff
Cloud: @scyorfufse: Thanks for info. If this is a opposite version of Kat, is he a drug addict? I could also understand that he would be a vergin.
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scyorfufse: i think he is magic addict cause he dont like to much pain, and he dint find any drugs so i dont know, about the second question i dont know either, but he can open her mouth like a snake and the opening goes to the back of her tail to her under lip, this happens cause he can kinda rip himself where the cuts that the people that harvested her organs did, he used this one time to be an flesh iron maiden, it dont appear cause the only part of the cut that dont regenerate is on her belly
6367: Kvatch_arena_armor angry character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra happy redraw
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AMKitsune: Not quite from the comic itself, but still a very impressive vectorisation (I presume) of an existing picture.
Rick2tails: here is the tail..er tale of good happy kitty and grumpy not so nice kitty!
6361: Cosplay Mysticism artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan crossover dwemer_technology ghostbusters monochrome soul_gems
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KuroNeko: In elder scrolls legends, one quest involve catching some ghosts in order to drive an assassin insane by using a special soul gem made by Sheogorath.
damrok4321: neatly made, looks cute, and original idea, as always.
PermanentFace: Ingenious.
AMKitsune: In this alternate universe, AGGY just has to be their Slimer. That one ghost that has no ill intentions and just hangs around the main cast, but in this case, spouting apparent nonsense and breaking the laws of physics instead of flying around and leaving slime everywhere. You know it makes sense!
KuroNeko: @damrok4321: @PermanentFace: Thanks.
@AMKitsune: Yes he fit the role perfectly, now who would be the rest of the team? |
6364: Ayleid_ruins Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Night_Eye Secunda artist:lapma ayleid_well character:Katia_Managan glowing_eyes masser night
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AMKitsune: This legitimately looks like some kind of otherworldly scene. The baron land, unusual architecture and colourful view of space make it look like something out of a sci-fi set. Well, to me at least. Turn the brown into green grass and it turns right back into a night scene from oblivion (Cyrodiil has grass EVERYWHERE).
6359: Redguard artist:Lurci character:Katia_Managan costume dunmer not_sure_if_racist pineapple song_and_dance
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Zargothrax: We were not ready for this
4799: action_pose artist:Bluedraggy artist:Cider character:Katia_Managan questionable red_eyes very_casually_underdressed
showing 10 of 19 comments
Enheldor: @Geravind: Thank you google: "А чё там сложного как трах?" becomes: "And what's so complicated about fucking?"
Geravind: @Kazerad: From the opposite side, obviously, someone is purrforming dark magic (so it's even projected on the character) -- that's why security units don't dare to approach until reassembling with the called
![]() It's just like Eador's event: "A necromant squad attacked ... province!" "Well, you got quite a funny park there, guys. Have fun, don't die."
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Geravind: killing furry, summer sideshow (killing floor summer sideshow)
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lllxBL4ZExlll: Katia just needs to go on a killing rampage or something
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @lllxBL4ZExlll: A killing rampage is all you need when you lived at a castle but suddenly get a phobia of royalties, getting buried in shit by your family because you all had to move to the countryside, getting robbed by a orc you had sex with, find something worth anything and breaking it, realizing you have had sex with a skeleton, being mindcontrolled by a bitch into giving her all your stuff and thrown out into the rain naked, almost burning to death, being left for dead by a fellow khajiit, getting trapped in a cage then being ripped off all your belongings and being tortured
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lllxBL4ZExlll: wut i just commented twice somehow
6356: Cosplay a_Hat_in_Time artist:lapma braids character:Little_Katia crossover hats kittens meme song_and_dance text
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DarthVader: https://youtu.be/ghAAnYooXbY
Rick2tails: its the cat in the hat! ..well a cat in a hat
6336: Quill-Weave's_house artist:MinnoSimmins books character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave literary_endeavors painted_underwear unwelcome_guests
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Deostades: It's rare to get me to lol in meatspace, but your comment got me to lol in meatspace ^_^
KuroNeko: @MinnoSimmins: "Can you come help me? There is still twice as much outside"
Nice image, I like Quill expression.
Rick2tails: I was going to say I`m sure she had much more baggage then that !
6353: argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave dress hats modern_clothing water_walking
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Zargothrax: Dashing!
Rick2tails: cute and adorable!!
AMKitsune: One day, I'm going to have to ask KuroNeko to put together a zip file of as of yet, unseen pictures called "Instant Adorableness: open in case of emergency" because these are always so uplifting! I don't know if I'd be able to hold off on breaking the figurative glass though. I don't have that kind of self restraint
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6360: Kvatch_arena_armor amulet_of_silence artist:dex_go_loco character:Katia_Managan streets_of_Kvatch
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There is a lot of improvement since the last one, the proportions are better, especially the head and the hands, good job.
@lapma: I can't believe I've never noticed that Katia eyes are yellow and not white.
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@dex_go_loco: Nicely drawn kvatch arena armor! Especially with the wolf emblem. I usually have to redraw that multiple times as it always turns out goofy. Very nice background, and pose, cute paw pads! The front of the chest appears somewhat flat. Possible solutions I can come up with: the skirt should arc inwards around the side of her hip, some shading on one side could help too. The belt is drawn well for it's angle, it's just an unfortunate angle. Had her hip be tilted back a little, or if the she was leaning a little, the belt would not have been dead-on front view, in which case it could have arced too, (following and) showing off the roundness of the body. Overall: great improvement compared compared to the previous!
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