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6313: artist:_Jadezzar character:Little_Katia character:your_weird_OC guar_plush missing_tail

artist:_Jadezzar character:Little_Katia character:your_weird_OC guar_plush missing_tail

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Jadezzar: Someone advised me to put this long forgotten image up. Been very long time. It's an episode from my fanfic, where Jadezzar returned Katia guar doll from bunch of Dunerippers.
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hmmmmm: awww its cute

4560: Strength artist:_lockerobster character:Katia_Managan merchandise misuse_of_tail monochrome painted_underwear questionable training

showing 10 of 17 comments
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Dunz of steeeeel
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: *Bunz

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lockerobster: @Raydio: its a bit of both. The background is a fill, and I use a clone brush to touch up any parts I smudge with my hand (most of her body) or mistakes while shading. The repeating pattern you see on the dumbbell is the result of me messing up while shading.

Its all drawn with a mechanical pencil loaded with B grade leads.

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furnut: nicely done! thats a nice tail and a shapely rear too
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Millie: Katia Managains

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Kat: Very nice.

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KuroNeko: So that's why she's so weak, all her muscles are in her tail.

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Rick2tails: @kuroneko well dont forget her gluteus maximus as well there .Shes got some decent ones there

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KuroNeko: @Rick2tails: Yes you're right, those are two very nice muscles.

6312: artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan plain_background text very_casually_underdressed

artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan plain_background text very_casually_underdressed

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damrok4321: meh

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Rick2tails: this is derpy cute

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OgTariq: too cute

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Dominik: Awwww

960: Katia's_wizard_robe adorable amulet_of_silence artist:JustaSuta character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave friendship happy hugs smiling

Katia's_wizard_robe adorable amulet_of_silence artist:JustaSuta character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave friendship happy hugs smiling

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FriendOfFennecs: Ah, the affectionate feline head-rub (that is, it's the head doing the rubbing). This is something we need more of.

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Rick2tails: too cute!

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OgTariq: is ship it

6308: animation beach character:Katia_Managan character:bartender curled_tail discomfort erect_tail swimsuit

animation beach character:Katia_Managan character:bartender curled_tail discomfort erect_tail swimsuit

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Dominik: Original had more pictures but i had to erased some of them. File was too big. I know that also some pictures looks different but i was dumb enough to not make them in chronological way. Despite it, hopefully it looks at least "fine" .

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Rick2tails: it looks adorable.I also assuming she is implying I the viewer could join and sure why not? I`d love to ^_^ (has commission idea for the future now)

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KuroNeko: Nice, you did well for you first animation, that tail wag flow well and looks cute.
Also when the bartender looked at the screen I expected him to ged afraid and run away screaming about hairless trolls.

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Kazerad: This was a cute fourth wall break.

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Dominik: @Rick2tails: she is implying, and i dont think that the viewer would have any choice (i dont think that anyone would say "no", especially to those eyes

@KuroNeko: Thanks, but i should thank you too. You helped me by giving this tip. Now i can make my own animations from drawnings. Thanks again! And the bartender couldn't escape. Otherwise, how would you play volleyball together

@Kazerad: Thank you. I am glad you like it . It was too good opportunity for that break to just let go

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Rick2tails: I totally want to play.."volleyball" with those 2 !

6310: artist:Alex_V160 character:Katia_Managan magic monochrome text training

artist:Alex_V160 character:Katia_Managan magic monochrome text training

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Dominik: Nice , she would be an awesome teacher!

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Rick2tails: Katia moved on to teaching?

6306: Daedric_text Katia's_wizard_robe Papyrus Sans Undertale artist:MinnoSimmins character:Katia_Managan crossover skeletons undead

Daedric_text Katia's_wizard_robe Papyrus Sans Undertale artist:MinnoSimmins character:Katia_Managan crossover skeletons undead

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MinnoSimmins: Discount 'Summon Skeleton' scroll (2 for 1 deal!)

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damrok4321: the best crossover in history of best crossovers, ever!

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Rick2tails: this is pretty cute

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APayne1776: Oh my God it's sans undertale

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Dominik: She definietly expected "different" skeletons

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KuroNeko: Well, she didn't make a bad deal, one is very though (although a bit too friendly) and the other can exploit the game mechanics at his advantage.

727: /co/ 4chan artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan computer cruelty_to_animals internet knock_off

co 4chan artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan computer cruelty_to_animals internet knock_off

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CoolestUsername: Here's that thread. https://archive.moe/co/thread/50715103/#50725657

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Mediocre_Scrublord: That thread is an experience

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tronn: That thread was great fun, OC was made and everybody enjoyed themselves. 10/10 would make a cat cry again!

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Xanthu_the_Crimson_Wizard: jut break the infernal device!

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NotGod: To be fair I would just stay the fuck away from 4chan. It could be because I'm not one of the 'special' ones but I can consider that a blessing cause for what's going on there.

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Rick2tails: youll never find a more vile hive of scum and villainy then the chans

6304: character:your_weird_OC dwemer_technology fanfiction questionable text

character:your_weird_OC dwemer_technology fanfiction questionable text

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NotGod: I had fun here :3

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OgTariq: i am confused

also welcome to the fanart page

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NotGod: What? It's just about Katia's Descendant who works at a mental hospital.

And thanks

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Dominik: I have read it, don't regret it and i am waiting what will happen next.

In one word: Nice. Welcome aboard.

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NotGod: I don't think I can continue with this. Not like this because it's too "Special" for me to work with. It also demanded great imagination.

I don't plan on continue with this but I've been thinking about if Chesha had a story of her own. Set on a 90's like Tamriel. It'll be much to work with (Lore, architecture, modern names for each province) and knowing myself, I might not make it till the end. I haven't gotten much of a strong drawing style. But if it's a good or even great idea to modernize Tamriel to the likes of the 90's then I can try.

Well I can't do it alone cause I never did something big alone. But thanks anyway.

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OgTariq: @NotGod: Perhaps maybe i can help you with this, im usually good with lore and story. If you want to, then lets talk on Pm's.

Its always good to bring your imagination into something real

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NotGod: Great! I'll keep this in mind. For now I'm about to make Stitchies. (Not related to Disney but more like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E2hkCsqUAw)

6301: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:damrok4321 bath character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro magic_fire merchandise questionable very_casually_underdressed

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damrok4321: tried to make some Katia lewds

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APayne1776: This is pretty nice

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KuroNeko: She's going to take a nice, relaxing, hot bath.
This is really good (and not that lewd)

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Dominik: I don't see anything lewd here. Just a khajiit girl who is about to take a bath.
And the image is really good

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Rick2tails: a clean kitty is a happy kitty :)
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