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6165: adorable artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan crossover

adorable artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan crossover

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KuroNeko: I don't get the reference but this is cute. I like how you drew her hands, they look like cat paws.

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AMKitsune: Oooh, I get it now!
I was trying to figure out what the black thing she's holding is, when it dawned on me. A hat!
Knowing that, how many others cats hold their hats like that while making big eyes?

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Rick2tails: is this supposed to be a puss in boots from Shrek reference?

6163: Blade Kvatch_arena_armor armor_design artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan smiling

Blade Kvatch_arena_armor armor_design artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan smiling

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KNOWNvictor: Oooooo I'm loving that pose and those armour pieces

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KuroNeko: Nice redesign of the armor, I love the boots and the shoulder plates.

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XenoYparxi: her eyes are really wide apart

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Miki: Cool mustache. ))))

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Rick2tails: cute though the extreme foreshadowing on the one foot makes it look like a mlp hoof or something

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Kazerad: @Rick2tails: I think you mean foreshortening! Foreshadowing is when you're pretty sure the foot is going to kick you.

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Rick2tails: @kazerad hey ...er.. I could mean both

6162: adorable animation artist:Bluedraggy beautiful braids character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave chiaroscuro comic friendship inconsistent_rendering kittens night skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug sunset surreal text

adorable animation artist:Bluedraggy beautiful braids character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave chiaroscuro comic friendship inconsistent_rendering kittens night skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug sunset surreal text
showing 10 of 13 comments

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Zargothrax: This was emotional, also really liked the twist. Looking forward to seeing similar content from you Draggy, in the future.
And yes, that's a pretty sky!

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AMKitsune: @bluedraggy: At this resolution and duration, it's probably a good thing that you didn't try to animate it further. As it is, you've got a total of 22 frames, most being spaced either 5 or 10 seconds apart. If you were to have turned this into a full animation, the additional frames required would have caused the filesize to skyrocket!

Still, a lovely little story.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Katia has left the game.

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bluedraggy: Nice one TGWAKW. I likey!

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Dominik: I love how they hold their tails, that's so cuute

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Dexterosaurus: Aww, this is so adorable. Nicely done :)
Also, it kinda reminds me of Enderal.
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Millie: jdkhskjfhjkds my heart

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Rick2tails: this is pretty darn cute! I like it

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Sashimi: This was an excellent piece, Draggy. Well done!

6129: artist:Bluedraggy character:Rajirra impure_thoughts non-alcoholic_beverage questionable text very_casually_underdressed

showing 10 of 14 comments

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Rick2tails: you cant see anything questionable but theres the implication/suggestion Raj just had sex with the viewer that night

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Sashimi: @Rick2tails: Oh she's just referrin to.....finger paintin, yeah that's it, totally innocent activities.

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Unidentified_BA: @bluedraggy: It's probably fine, there are certainly more questionable things, not even including the secret part of the booru only for the mods. Though we don't get paid, at least I don't.

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bluedraggy: Oh, yeah - that's right. Kaz told me one of the mods was unpaid. Didn't specify which. They laugh at you behind your back. (er.. yes, this was a joke.) But sounds like I failed to cause enough controversy. That's okay, I've a QW coming up that may do a better job. (not really)

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Sashimi: @bluedraggy: Of course there will be a QW! Of that I have no doubt.

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Rick2tails: I just want Quill to show back up in the comic again
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mercrantos: My friend wants to know where the alternate version is haha

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bluedraggy: If he has an affinity for fur and knows my name, I suspect he could find it.

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Geravind: Khajiit approves.
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Killyellowcatnow: Yes

6159: Cosplay adorable character:Katia_Managan happy modern_clothing smiling song_and_dance

Cosplay adorable character:Katia_Managan happy modern_clothing smiling song_and_dance

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Fury: I drew Katia in some cool suit today! Hope y'all like it :3. P.S., this is one of my first digital drawings, so PLEASE gimme some feedback on what I can do to improve and crap. Thanks<3
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Streetwind: Leisure Suit Katia? I hope she doesn't act quite that sleazy, or we'll have to go back to calling her Slutcat =P

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GalaTheFish: Good heckin work.

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KuroNeko: That's very good, she look very nice in a suit.

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Rick2tails: not bad at all. the feet could use a little work. really like the 80`s suit on her

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Zargothrax: This is really nice, especially for being "one of your first digital drawings". By the way traditional art is also welcome here.
For feedback, your linework is really nice! I remember having a lot of trouble drawing nice and continuous, "non-hairy" lines at first for contours, and I still find it hard. Good work on the simplistic shadows.
Her left hand looks shrunk, and somewhat deformed. Hands are difficult, aren't they.

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Fury: @Zargothrax: Yo thanks, man. I noticed her hand was messed up once I got all her color and half her shading in, so I just decided to leave it be considering the drawing was almost done. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

6157: blushing character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing

blushing character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing

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vsauce4: Katia making herself at home

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DarthVader: I see that…

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Sashimi: Awww, she's so sweet!

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Rick2tails: such a cutie!

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Dominik: That looks soo nice

6155: Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan crossover monochrome sketch

Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan crossover monochrome sketch

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Dominik: I wanted to draw something with my favourite feline characters sooo i draw this.One day the whole world will knew about them.

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Unidentified_BA: Break the world, send them home.

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AMKitsune: @Unidentified_BA: Wait, I recognize those land masses. That's our world!
Let's not be too hasty with world breakage here...

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Dominik: @AMKitsune: our world is in some way connected to those two, that's why i drew something like this. I hope that i didn't annoy anyone by drawing it

5062: Blade artist:tselysytsya censorship character:Quill-Weave questionable redraw very_casually_underdressed

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tse_lysytsya: I hope I tagged thing correctly ^^;
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naibafnebur: So that is why some Argonians just have horns and not those flapy things...The more you know!!

(No but srlsy someone stop her)

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lordbeacatm: @tse_lysytsya украйинка?

5798: Blade Kvatch_arena_armor SoulCalibur artist:Nicros_Man character:Katia_Managan pose screenshot shield

Blade Kvatch_arena_armor SoulCalibur artist:Nicros_Man character:Katia_Managan pose screenshot shield

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SlashSeven: something gone wrong with head.

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Rick2tails: it looks more like a sports team mascot costume then a real life person. the fighting Katia`s

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SlashSeven: Tagged as adorable, lol, but.... I always felt creepy about peoples in huge costumes with eternally smiling faces

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Nicros_Man: sorry guys, I tried to not make her look like a humain.

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Bill: Nicros you did good and TBH just raise her height a bit and she would look almost perfect. Also what editing/modeling software did you use if any?

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DOOMGUY11: @Rick2tails: exactly what I thought!

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Nicros_Man: @Bill: For the head, you use a Cat Head. That's what its called.

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DarthVader: Soul caliber 4 I hope because me and Katia would make an exiting battle for me any ways.

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Nicros_Man: @DarthVader: Nah, its 5

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lordbeacatm: I'm scared

6153: character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing portrait

character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing portrait

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vsauce4: Thought I'd do something simple. Nothing too over the top

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Dominik: Maybe simple but still good

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Rick2tails: simple but cute!

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KuroNeko: Never blinking, always watching, she's looking right into my soul.
But seriously this is cute, I like the way her shirt slide under her shoulder, also it's nice to see she finally washed her painted underwears.

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vsauce4: @KuroNeko: Wow thank you so much! It's always nice to hear from one of my favorite artists
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