Mortal fiction is pathetic. Any mention of 'spoilers' will usher forth a cleansing flame.

6213: Colored Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Tabby_Catface artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro knock_off portrait

Colored Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Tabby_Catface artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro knock_off portrait

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Tabby_Catface: :P

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OgTariq: on jah

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OgTariq: mans stole my job

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damrok4321: Wow... just... wow... thanks guys. This has to mean that you actually like my work

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OgTariq: @damrok4321 ya man you do draw some good stuff

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Sashimi: These are good!
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hmmmmm: idk the shading is a bit too much

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OgTariq: im assuming i can color the stuff again. but ill make the colors a bit less bright according from what you said tabby

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Tabby_Catface: @OgTariq:

6211: angry artist:Zargothrax character:Katia_Managan questionable questionable_sanity very_casually_underdressed

showing 10 of 12 comments

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damrok4321: Omg I love it

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damrok4321: And I’m glad that I am the one who actually inspired someone lol

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Tabby_Catface: absolutely angry. hell...

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DarthVader: Yes! Anger is a path to the dark side!

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Sashimi: AHHH!

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APayne1776: RAGE

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KuroNeko: This is absolutely terrifying, is that what others see when she use her eye of fear?

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Cloud: I can't stop imagining her mewing in fury! So every time I look at this I smile. :)

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: Perhaps. But on a second thought, probably not.
Eye of fear is basically once-per-day fear spell. We can't be sure how that would affect it's victim, but I think there are only 2 options: It induces a primal, but seemingly sourceless fear, or it makes the caster appear much scarier. Since "fear" is in the illusion school, not some psychic school of magic, it should be the latter. Since an illusion can be as vivid and unreal as you want, I think the effect (of fear, or eye of fear) would make you appear bloody monstrous.

Now that I think about it, I should one day draw Katia as a Bloodborne boss. That would be pretty close to what one would see after being hit by eye of fear.

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KuroNeko: Katia as a bloodborne boss would be sure a sight to behold, and the cutest lovecraftian horror ever.

Also I did this because I was bored:

6219: Colored Kvatch_arena_armor armor artist:OgTariq artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan knock_off text

Colored Kvatch_arena_armor armor artist:OgTariq artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan knock_off text

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vsauce4: IDI NAHUI

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Tabby_Catface: LOL, привет снова, великий и могучий.

6217: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan monochrome text

Kvatch_arena_armor artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan monochrome text

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damrok4321: seventh day of challenge completed. Don't yell at Katia all of sudden.

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DarthVader: @damrok4321: I’ll do what I want!

6149: Blade Imperial angry armor artist:KNOWNvictor brown_eyes character:Katia_Managan looking_badass

Blade Imperial angry armor artist:KNOWNvictor brown_eyes character:Katia_Managan looking_badass

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KNOWNvictor: The first part to a two-part drawing, I hope to draw more like I use to but I will forever hate tags. Had to upload as a jpeg because of the size of this thing xD Hope you enjoy

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Rick2tails: this is quite awesome indeed!

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Zargothrax: Absolutely badass!
(Think I'll just tag it so)

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KNOWNvictor: @Rick2tails: @Zargothrax: Thanks!

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Tabby_Catface: That's the sort of thing that can blow minds by it's quality. Please, make more. We'll appreciate it.

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Dominik: Absolutely wonderful!

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OgTariq: this is amazing

948: 4chan artist:Kazerad character:Weedum-Ja hist_glands obscurity questionable very_casually_underdressed

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Blue_Dragon: Oh no you don't Kaz. You don't scribble this and then go and hide it over on /co with ME stalking you! Nonono. I was ABOUT to put it on facebook fan page, but na... they don't have a questionable tag. ^_^

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Kazerad: @Blue_Dragon: Thank you for not putting it on the Facebook page :p. not every joke image I draw on 4chan needs to end up there. I stil remember frowning vehemently at the Facebook fan group guy after he uploaded that picture with the skimpy underwear that I colored (everyone else in a thread was coloring it, for some reason).

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stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: Why must every character be drawn na--

Oh wait, internet.

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Kazerad: On a side note, last night Squiggles reminded me that she originally had drawn this character without clothes when trying to get her body shape down for the original talk graphic in Katia:Excelcior. Since Squiggles has posted on 4chan, I think that technically makes the text incorrect.

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Bob: @stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people:

/r/ M'aiq The Liar nudes pls. :D

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Unidentified_BA: I'm seeing a repeating theme with 4chan. I think, correct me if I am wrong here, but I think they like naked people.
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Decimus: Ah, glorious dignified nudity.
There is not enough pinup in this world.
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TemporaryFace: Can I just say I love the amount of research you do for this story?

Even if Valve shakes its collective head at your deadline habits.
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WillDaFur: This pose is soooo cuuuute <3

5307: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow adorable artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan happy magic witch-hunter_control_panel

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow adorable artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan happy magic witch-hunter_control_panel

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damrok4321: How cute! :3 she's really excited about something :D

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Rick2tails: katia settle down! *pets*

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Toryu-Mau: ... When you reach out to the stars expecting silence... then out of the blue, someone notices. >):^3

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Tabby_Catface: <3

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KuroNeko: Awww that's adorable.

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lapma: I was not expecting new coments here

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Tabby_Catface: @lapma: Your drawings are not perfect and this isn't bad. That's why they looks more adorable than others.

6210: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan portrait

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan portrait

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Tabby_Catface: owo, heart shaped eyes...
That changes everything.

6202: Secunda adorable artist:KuroNeko braids character:Katia's_Dad character:Little_Katia character:katia's_mom chiaroscuro dreams fear guar_plush magic_wand masser monochrome text

Secunda adorable artist:KuroNeko braids character:Katia's_Dad character:Little_Katia character:katia's_mom chiaroscuro dreams fear guar_plush magic_wand masser monochrome text

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KuroNeko: It's time to make the cat cry

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DarthVader: @KuroNeko: Gooood! You have done well KuroNeko!

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Sashimi: Noooo! Just let us hold on to our happy illusions for a while longer! Btw, you make such an adorable little Katia.

6198: actual_underwear artist:Zargothrax casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan sitting

actual_underwear artist:Zargothrax casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan sitting

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Zargothrax: Quick gesture drawing I turned into Katia. Later, I wanted to wrap her in a blanket, to give the painting the sort of "cosy" look (and make it less lewd) but I still suck at drawing fabric and clothing folds, thus the results were terrible, so just gave her an actual bra and called it a day. Could've improved the lineart to make it cleaner, but I was lazy to redraw it all.

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Tabby_Catface: So fine

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bluedraggy: Don't feel bad, Zargo. Katia likes actual bras. It's canon! She might even like panties - who knows?
But really, she's awfully cute. I like your design aesthetic for her. KInda angular but still very appealing. TBH I don't even know if it needs the Questionable. Casually Underdressed maybe tho.

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APayne1776: I like this art

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APayne1776: A sweet girl in a cozy chair

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Zargothrax: @Tabby_Catface, @bluedraggy, @APayne1776: Thank you! I'm going to continue experimenting with stylistic elements and see what happens.

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KuroNeko: That's a very cute Kat. I really like her pose and she has some very big, nice... tail.
Her left ear seems a bit too long compared to the other, but otherwise it's relly good, nice job.

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Sashimi: Oh my! That IS a very cute Kat!
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