Serve your overlords. Submit images.

5950: artist:zody77 character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing

artist:zody77 character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing

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CaptainLackwit: shit

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Rick2tails: ok Katia.."let`s get physical physical. I wanna get physical! let me hear your body talk" *sings*

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Un_Mapache: Ah, the 80's... I don't miss them. I was born in 1992.
Nice pic tho.

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Sashimi: The 80's was fab!

5946: artist:Bluedraggy audio character:Rajirra crossover fanfiction

You Only Live 18 Times - Chapter 9
artist:Bluedraggy audio character:Rajirra crossover fanfiction

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bluedraggy: Sorry - been a while since my last audio, I know.

Chapter 9 text can be found as part of this:

All Audio readings of Spyjirra stories (so far) can be found here:

You Only Live 18 Times, Chapter 9 - Spyjirra fanfiction reading.

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damrok4321: Nice, I like listening to those stories

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bluedraggy: Thanks Damrok!

5947: Daedric_text Night_Eye animation artist:scoopski character:Katia_Managan sad tears text

Daedric_text Night_Eye animation artist:scoopski character:Katia_Managan sad tears text

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scoopski: Got back into Daggerfall, so making fanart of "Slutcat Adventures 2: Daggerfall" only felt appropriate. Now I'm kinda tempted to make a fancomic about Katia attempting to survive the plot of Daggerfall.

Transcript: "Making a Cat Cry 2: The Prequel"
"Slutcat Adventure 2: Daggerfall"

5943: Imperial_City artist:KuroNeko character:Mehrunes_Dagon daedra looking_badass monochrome strife telekinesis text witch-hunter_control_panel

Imperial_City artist:KuroNeko character:Mehrunes_Dagon daedra looking_badass monochrome strife telekinesis text witch-hunter_control_panel

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DarthVader: Goood! Yes Katia! Kill him! The anger is swelling in you! Release your anger on him! Only your hatred can destroy him!

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Sashimi: You must feel the force! Erm...telekinesis!

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Rick2tails: when all else fails throw a rock at him..or better yet lots of objects!

5944: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan rain streets_of_Kvatch yellow_eyes

Kvatch_arena_armor artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan rain streets_of_Kvatch yellow_eyes
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Vinarto: *Hug*

5942: artist:KuroNeko character:Mehrunes_Dagon daedra looking_badass monochrome strife telekinesis text witch-hunter_control_panel

artist:KuroNeko character:Mehrunes_Dagon daedra looking_badass monochrome strife telekinesis text witch-hunter_control_panel

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Mathematician: Awesome! Go Katia!

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Zargothrax: This is so epic!

5941: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan lockpick text

Kvatch_arena_armor artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan lockpick text

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KuroNeko: Katia x Lockpick OTP
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kittycat69: Local slut cat is insane to the point of befriending inanimate objects.

5379: Egyptian artist:Toryu-Mau character:Rajirra green_eyes magnus photo

Egyptian artist:Toryu-Mau character:Rajirra green_eyes magnus photo

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Sashimi: Here's a little somethin Toryu-May whipped up for me. It's Rajirra as the Egyptian goddess Bastet. Thank you for making this TM! I hope we see more!

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DOOMGUY11: Huh I like this hieroglyphic style
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SilentOrbweaver: Bastet, and not Ra? Missed pun opportunity.

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Toryu-Mau: @SilentOrbweaver: ... It was a choice between a bird god and a cat goddess so the decision was already made before the question even began, M8.
And I felt that Bastet's duality and the choice of weapon better suited to portray Rajirra. >):^]

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Jadezzar: Hmm, funny thing is, there is another feline goddess of Ancient Egypt. Sekhmet.

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Toryu-Mau: @Jadezzar: ... There's also Mau the Great Cat, guardian of Persea Tree and slayer of Apep the serpant good of ill intent. He's seen more as an aspect of Ra rather then an individual god though. >):^]

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Jadezzar: @Toryu-Mau: Then there's Maahes, Bast's (or Sekhmet's son, God of War and also a feline.

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Toryu-Mau: @Jadezzar: ... There was also Nefertem, the water lily of the sun, who was the god of perfume and son of Bastet. Lots of cat gods in the pantheon, M8. But still, Bastet is the best in my eyes. >);^]

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Sashimi: Toryu Mau, where are you?

5934: character:Katia_Managan


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ZephyrEasting_XD: Made her in Trove!
12 hours.... Worth it!

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damrok4321: Gud damn sir thats epic!

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Atum_Doxhun: @ZephyrEasting_XD: did Trove change? When I used to play you ld only inside of a slot which was small

5937: Like_a_Witch-Hunter amulet_of_kings artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan character:Martin_Septim looking_badass monochrome text

Like_a_Witch-Hunter amulet_of_kings artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan character:Martin_Septim looking_badass monochrome text

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KuroNeko: I saw some theories saying that Katia could be the hero of Kvatch, so I wanted to draw her fighting Mehrunes Dagon.

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Rick2tails: kick ass Katia! :)

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damrok4321: dude, so freaking cool

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damrok4321: But still I prefer the way she's not a hero of Kvatch, because that would mean in time She would reach the shivering isles and become sheogorath, So she wouldn't be Katia anymore

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KuroNeko: @damrok4321:
Thank you :)

In Skyrim, Sheogorath still remember the event of the Oblivion Crisis, so maybe turning into him doesn't overwrite your personality and she would still be herself... justa bit more crazy.
Now, speaking of Sheogorath makes me wonder if this part of the comic was foreshadowing.
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