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5870: artist:vsauce4 booze character:Katia_Managan drunk modern_clothing pineapple text

artist:vsauce4 booze character:Katia_Managan drunk modern_clothing pineapple text

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vsauce4: Apologies gamers, i was trying to get used to a new art program

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Rick2tails: stop tryig to get Katia drunk people! ;p no bueno!

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APayne1776: Dizzy water

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vsauce4: @Rick2tails: idk what you're talking about

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Bill: Definitely an improvement in the meme posting. Good shading too.

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PermanentFace: @Rick2tails: At least they're not trying to get her in bed!

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Rick2tails: @permanentFace thats usually what comes next after getting some girl drunk.I prefer my gals sober .And we all know Katia has only drank before because of low self esteem and followed it up with disastrous life choices.

5886: artist:vsauce4 character:Rajirra character:your_weird_OC modern_clothing romance

artist:vsauce4 character:Rajirra character:your_weird_OC modern_clothing romance

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vsauce4: so after a thousand years of doing English hw, I finally post. (the weirdo on the left is me btw)

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vsauce4: im also running out of ideas to if yall got anything hmu

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COBA_RU: Влажные мечты Kazerad'a

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Rekwanze: At first glance I thought that was Rhett McLaughlin.

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Tenegan: At first glance i thought that was old Pewds

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Sashimi: Awww, palecat luv!

5881: Cosplay Wakfu artist:FlowerIMH casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan not_sure_if_racist

Cosplay Wakfu artist:FlowerIMH casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan not_sure_if_racist
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forestOverlord: I don't think this has been uploaded here. It's by the Korean artist formally known as FlowerIMH, now on twitter as RunningPigeon73, and shows Katia dressed as an Ecaflip from Wakfu.

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Rick2tails: oh wow! this is really REALLY nice! :)

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Geravind: That armor though...

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Gren: That thing must have insane armor points!

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Sashimi: Likey very much!

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SlashSeven: Wow, what a beauty~
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Kori: Nice ecaflip armor from the Wakfu. rly cool :)

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PermanentFace: Oh! Wakfu! I actually watched that recently!

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PermanentFace: I understood that reference!

5873: artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan elsweyr magnus sunset wilderness

artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan elsweyr magnus sunset wilderness

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lapma: Nothing too fancy but i really like colors on this one. And kinda low poly look( if you can even call something 2D low poly)

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SlashSeven: *never ending admiration*

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vsauce4: relaxing. nice warm colors

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Filthypaladin: This is a very warming, somber scene. And I quite like the composition. Good work, man!

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Geravind: "Sunday was a bright day yesterday..."

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PermanentFace: I've said it before, but I like your style lapma.

5868: accidents_waiting_to_happen artist:SlashSeven artist:Tabby_Catface character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro christmas painted_underwear text very_casually_underdressed

accidents_waiting_to_happen artist:SlashSeven artist:Tabby_Catface character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro christmas painted_underwear text very_casually_underdressed

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DarthVader: Nicely done! Great art!

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SlashSeven: It's supposed to be a Christmas art posted on a Christmas day but now it's a bit late for a Christmas art, I'm sorry about dat. I first time tried do make something serious and I've learned a lot new about art while creating iT. And... hope ya'll like it. Have a nice day folks

PS: Thanks, Darthy :D

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Rick2tails: well its just 10 plus months early for Christmas 2019? cute art!

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vsauce4: The decor in her left hand looks so REAL

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SlashSeven: ...I did something wrong with her muzzle, I can feel it

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AMKitsune: @SlashSeven: Perhaps her nose and mouth could do with being a little higher up? (also a little definition in the shading of the muzzle to signify the fact that it sticks out a little).

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SlashSeven: Probably yes, thanks @AMKitsune. Then her chin needs be higher too...

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Sashimi: @SlashSeven: This is lovely dude!

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SlashSeven: @DarthVader, @Rick2tails, @vsauce4, @Sashimi, people, I'm really appreciate your kind words. Thank you and happy Update =D

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PermanentFace: Charming! Of course we all know what happens when a cat gets its paws on a delicate Christmas ornament...

5861: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic angry artist:Bill character:Katia_Managan crossover inconsistent_rendering knock_off meme plain_background star_wars

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic angry artist:Bill character:Katia_Managan crossover inconsistent_rendering knock_off meme plain_background star_wars

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Bill: Lol my bad only meant to post one.
Anyway it's everyone's favorite meme series The Prequels.

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Zargothrax: Didn't we have a tag like "fine art" for these?
I checked before committing this comment and no, we don't have, but maybe we should?

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Rick2tails: why is Katia so angry about her tent shes hiding in? ;)

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Bill: She has sand in it. Sand that is coarse and rough and gets everywhere.

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Rick2tails: true nobody likes sand..they hate it!

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PermanentFace: We used to have a 'fine_art' tag for ironically bad art. But then it stopped being ironic and the mods got rid of it.

5885: Blade Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan criminal_apple poison potions

Blade Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan criminal_apple poison potions

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Sashimi: Nice Lapma!

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Rick2tails: snazzy looking Katia there!

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SlashSeven: Her cloak looks like several years passed since she bought it.

5883: Cosplay TES_Skyrim annoyed artist:lapma casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan spear text

Cosplay TES_Skyrim annoyed artist:lapma casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan spear text

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Rick2tails: I`d help keep you warm Katia! ^_^ nice art!

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Geravind: Aww... give her hugs!

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MintyFresh: She looks like she's regretting a few choices

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DarthVader: Give her hugs!! Immediately!!!

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SlashSeven: Frictions and moving is the most powerful warm bringing things if you have no radiator. Just saying. Wanna give her a good frictioning hug or massage and then some of the nearest clothes i have because she needs it and heck I can.

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5879: Cosplay Crossover_Collab Resident_Evil artist:Nicros_Man character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC crossover firearms modern_armor modern_clothing monochrome text

Cosplay Crossover_Collab Resident_Evil artist:Nicros_Man character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC crossover firearms modern_armor modern_clothing monochrome text

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Nicros_Man: Bluedraggy! I rocommend you to colour this!
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Vinarto: I was wondering when you were gonna make this.

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DarthVader: Do your own coloring, you are fully capable!

5876: Blade Cosplay artist:Filthypaladin blind_eyes character:Katia_Managan dwemer_technology erect_tail modern_clothing questionable

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vsauce4: guys guys guys GUYS GUYS GUYS... ITS UPDATE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Geravind: ...Nier Khajiitomata? =O_o= 2K?

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WBGaming81: UPDATE

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Rick2tails: hey Flithypaladin Id pay you to draw the bartender as 9S
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