Play nicely with other mortals. For we shall not play nicely with you.

5937: Like_a_Witch-Hunter amulet_of_kings artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan character:Martin_Septim looking_badass monochrome text

Like_a_Witch-Hunter amulet_of_kings artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan character:Martin_Septim looking_badass monochrome text

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KuroNeko: I saw some theories saying that Katia could be the hero of Kvatch, so I wanted to draw her fighting Mehrunes Dagon.

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Rick2tails: kick ass Katia! :)

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damrok4321: dude, so freaking cool

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damrok4321: But still I prefer the way she's not a hero of Kvatch, because that would mean in time She would reach the shivering isles and become sheogorath, So she wouldn't be Katia anymore

- Reply
KuroNeko: @damrok4321:
Thank you :)

In Skyrim, Sheogorath still remember the event of the Oblivion Crisis, so maybe turning into him doesn't overwrite your personality and she would still be herself... justa bit more crazy.
Now, speaking of Sheogorath makes me wonder if this part of the comic was foreshadowing.

5935: artist:xbgt character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering khajiit_racism knock_off meme photo

artist:xbgt character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering khajiit_racism knock_off meme photo

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vsauce4: :(

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5887: animation character:Katia_Managan pixel_art very_casually_underdressed

animation character:Katia_Managan pixel_art very_casually_underdressed
showing 10 of 13 comments

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MintyFresh: Like a record baby right round right round

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Rick2tails: cute! dont get dizzy Katia!

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SlashSeven: Just a simple sprite sheet with one state of a character. Not very bad sprite sheet though.

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Zargothrax: I once did this to my cat. He was occupying my revolving chair; something I disapproved of. I started spinning it a little, then stopped, but to my surprise, instead of jumping off he just didn't care (typical feline attitude). So I started spinning the chair quickly for half a minute. When I stopped, he was shaking his head left to right, then persisted to remain on my chair, but at least I had a good laugh.

Oh, I got carried away. This actually looks great!

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Skoon: @Vidiotdragon: CRAP you beat me to it! haha

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vsauce4: I LOVE THIS!

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Bill: Now comes the all new wave of Pixel games. Starting with the "Binding of Slutcat."

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Bill: Also love your Pixel art. Part of what got me to actually try it.

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Sashimi: Hiya Toxic! Good to see you're still alive! nice job with the sprites.

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samtsa: This is really amazing

5933: JoJo's_Bizarre_Adventure artist:vsauce4 character:Rajirra crossover meme text

JoJo's_Bizarre_Adventure artist:vsauce4 character:Rajirra crossover meme text

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XenoYparxi: Rajirra got some thicc

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Rick2tails: ok Raj? we need to talk. you been eating way too many Krispy Kremes the past year!

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Sashimi: No artist tag?

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vsauce4: @Sashimi: fixed :)

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Sashimi: The B.L. is a wonderful thing.

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AMKitsune: @Sashimi: Be that as it may, was that really necessary?

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Sashimi: @AMKitsune: Without question.

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Unidentified_BA: @Sashimi: AMkitsune mistyped how he meant to address your comment. What he meant was "Don't be such a jerk"

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Sashimi: @Unidentified_BA: You're right, that was uncalled for and in poor taste on my part. Sorry guys, I apologize for that. Feel free to delete that if you desire.

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Sashimi: Yeah, that was me bein a hypocritical ass alright. So again, I'm sorry for that.

5931: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Kvatch artist:infinitedge2u black_eyes character:Katia_Managan night snow streets_of_Kvatch

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Kvatch artist:infinitedge2u black_eyes character:Katia_Managan night snow streets_of_Kvatch

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Rick2tails: this is so cute! I love it!

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DarthVader: I believe someone has already posted this. Unless you have modified it in anyway, please announce it.

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FriendOfFennecs: @DarthVader: If they have, please provide a link. I checked with both Google Image Search (prior to uploading) and a look through relevant tags (just now) and found nothing that matches.
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hypeonthemic: I know for a fact ive seen this before, many months back. Dont think it was on this booru though

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XenoYparxi: I think it was here

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Kavro: I can confirm that this is one of only 2 images on this site tagged as being done by infinitedge2u (who I also confirmed as the original artist. I was not prepared for that deviantart page tho). So unless the image has been either removed or improperly tagged, this is the only instance of it here.

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DarthVader: Just making sure, I thought I seen this before from someone else.

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Norad2: Wherever it came from, it’s very nice!

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vsauce4: I think we can all agree this is super good

5929: adorable artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan hoodie_katia hoodie_of_gray_tomorrow modern_clothing sitting

adorable artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan hoodie_katia hoodie_of_gray_tomorrow modern_clothing sitting

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APayne1776: I wish I could get one of those hoodies but I'm poor

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Krozbott: above comment is me_irl

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vsauce4: @APayne1776: FR thou

5882: Cosplay Sneak artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan metal_gear modern_armor not_sure_if_racist text

Cosplay Sneak artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan metal_gear modern_armor not_sure_if_racist text

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Gren: Nothing to see here, just a cat in a box.

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Rick2tails: theres a true invisibility cloak right there

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DarthVader: Snake!

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Schrodinger: I better not say anything.

5924: Cosplay Shantae artist:zody77 casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan crossover

Cosplay Shantae artist:zody77 casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan crossover

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Sashimi: Oh my!Another great commission by Zody aka Alandalice. Thank you sir for the gorgeous pair!

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APayne1776: My God this is incredible

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Rick2tails: it really is *wolf whistles* fantastic work

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Skoon: Awesome.

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Sashimi: I'm honestly surprised that I haven't come across this crossover yet.

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vsauce4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op3or4b7lKU

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Sashimi: @vsauce4: Awww, gimme my phone back!

5927: character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear

character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear

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Rick2tails: cute! though katia seems more busty then usual here .more of a shortstack

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vsauce4: @Rick2tails: a slighty larger bust is pretty hot though, not gonna lie

5925: acrobatics artist:zody77 casually_underdressed poledancing

acrobatics artist:zody77 casually_underdressed poledancing

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Skoon: Loving these.

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Sashimi: Ooo, very noice!

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Rick2tails: oh my.. I`m not sure I can take much more of this wonderful art! *fans self* ^_^

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APayne1776: Oh hell yeah

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vsauce4: *blood shoots out of nose* dammit, i was doing homework!

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Rick2tails: @VSAUCE BETTER NOT LOOK AT THE ORIGINAL SOURCE THEN! its got even a anughtier version
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