Challenge the rules at your own peril.

5961: angry_giant_hands artist:Zargothrax cat character:Katia_Managan character:Mehrunes_Dagon khajiit_racism meme text

angry_giant_hands artist:Zargothrax cat character:Katia_Managan character:Mehrunes_Dagon khajiit_racism meme text

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Zargothrax: It's been a while since I did one of these. Or posted anything, really, but something came up and I didn't have much time/energy to draw. But stuff's back to normal now.

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damrok4321: haha great i like those

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PermanentFace: This is hilarious.

5938: Imperial_City artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan character:Mehrunes_Dagon daedra fire looking_badass machete monochrome oblivion_crisis rude text

Imperial_City artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan character:Mehrunes_Dagon daedra fire looking_badass machete monochrome oblivion_crisis rude text
showing 10 of 11 comments

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Sashimi: Cool! Like the style!

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AMKitsune: Now what indeed! Are there any plans for this to continue, or is it a two page short?

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KuroNeko: @DarthVader:
Thank you.

Yes there will be more, I plan to have them fight for a bit and then end when Maxim turn into Akatosh.

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KuroNeko: @KuroNeko:
I meant Martin (I don't know how I managed to turn Martin into Maxim .

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Rick2tails: you can do it Katia! We believe in you!

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DarthVader: You should definitely make more of this! It looks great!

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DarthVader: @KuroNeko: you should add some Easter eggs (an Easter egg is an intentional inside joke, hidden message or image, or secret feature of a work.) in your art lol!

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Zargothrax: This is what smartness without wisdom looks like XD
I really like this one!

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KuroNeko: @DarthVader:
Hmm, yes I can try, I'll see if I can add something in the future pages.

Glad you like it :)

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PermanentFace: This is great.

5920: accidents_happen acrobatics animation artist:scoopski character:Katia_Managan curled_tail impure_thoughts painted_underwear pineapple yo-yo

accidents_happen acrobatics animation artist:scoopski character:Katia_Managan curled_tail impure_thoughts painted_underwear pineapple yo-yo

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scoopski: Might be kinda janky and late, but happy (belated) Valentine's anyway

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vsauce4: wheeeeeee

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Un_Mapache: End of the production line at the Katia factory

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PermanentFace: When you miscalculate the coefficient of friction.

5910: artist:Bluedraggy artist:Boogeestro beautiful character:Rajirra text

artist:Bluedraggy artist:Boogeestro beautiful character:Rajirra text
showing 10 of 18 comments

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Sashimi: @AMKitsune: The original.

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Sashimi: I was tempted to post the original, but I've really refrained from posting any more of my commissions here due to drama.

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Sashimi: The model for the pose.

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Sashimi: If anyone wishes to see more of Boogeestro's art that hasn't been posted anywhere, you can pm me.

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Skoon: WOO WOO WOO!!!
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Arcikeligo: Amazing artwork. It has this funky pose though, I don't know but something just looks a bit off. Other than that it looks great

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Sashimi: @Arcikeligo: Well, she's leaned over to the side more in the drawing versus the reference photo, so her torso has more of an arc. It was more clear before the dress was added and obscured it.
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Arcikeligo: @Sashimi That clears it up, thanks!

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Sashimi: @Arcikeligo:

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PermanentFace: Oh good grief.

5966: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan dwemer_technology headphones hoodie_katia paintbrush

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan dwemer_technology headphones hoodie_katia paintbrush

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damrok4321: A mix of art/gaming/Katia and my shitty drawing skills

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DarthVader: I can actually live with this Katia Managan than the current one!

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vsauce4: how dare you call this shitty. I love it!

5967: artist:Bluedraggy artist:makingfailure beautiful casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan knock_off plain_background questionable

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bluedraggy: Original by MakingFailure. I don't think he'd mind. I felt like doing some experiments in color. Some worked, some not so well. But it was fun anyway, and a sexy cat is still a sexy cat. And if certain people choose to think this is Rajirra, who am I to say any different? :)

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Sashimi: Very nice Draggy! This one certainly was deserving of color.

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Rick2tails: this looks good

5959: artist:XenoYparxi beautiful character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra character:your_weird_OC dress monochrome painted_underwear sketch

artist:XenoYparxi beautiful character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra character:your_weird_OC dress monochrome painted_underwear sketch

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XenoYparxi: I'm here to plug my prequel sketches and tumblr as well. Don't mind the catto in the corner she's just sitting there

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Sashimi: Watched the rest of the stream recording. Nice work Xeno! Very elegant ladies.

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XenoYparxi: @Sashimi: ( ͡° 3 ͡°)

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Zargothrax: Such grace!

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AMKitsune: I'm getting a strong 'ancient Egyptian' vibe from the bottom left there. That gets a big thumbs up from me

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Dominik: Wait, did you draw this? Like, you didn't use any computer program or something like that?

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XenoYparxi: @Dominik: well I use photoshop for drawing, if I get your question correctly

5268: artist:Kazerad beautiful character:Rajirra dress fanfiction long_hair smiling

artist:Kazerad beautiful character:Rajirra dress fanfiction long_hair smiling
showing 10 of 30 comments

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Sashimi: @LuminosityXVII: LUMIN! I've been tryin to get a hold of you on discord. I was wondering where you went. And yes, this IS heaven, I'm happy you like this one!

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LuminosityXVII: @Sashimi: Oh lord. Seems I missed a message or four. I’m sorry! Didn’t mean to disappear like that! I’ve just had a hell of a lot going on for a while.

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Sashimi: @LuminosityXVII: Oh,np, at least you didn't get rolled by an orc! :highwayman

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Toryu-Mau: @Sashimi: ... Woah, she looks regal enough to scare Katia. This is halo worthy. c^:(<
Also, do notice that I am distinctly not dead and has risen from the grave yet again~!
... By that I mean somehow catching Pneumonia and Bronchitis simultaneously in the middle of summer and nearly suffocating in my sleep. That was quite the scare, never thought I'd feel afraid to go to sleep because it felt like my lung would collapse >):'^c

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Toryu-Mau: LuminosityXVII: ... Nah, M8. Just jump off from one of Yggdrasil's many branches and cross your finger Lady Luck smiles upon ye. >):^]

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Sashimi: @Toryu-Mau: Hey, glad to see you're back! Sorry to hear about your ordeal, I can't say I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing something like what you went through.

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Toryu-Mau: @Sashimi: Eh, t'was but a flesh wound compared to that one time when I got run over by a truck or that other time where I fell upside down from second story attic ladder... .
Mr. Death just likes to say hi each year, I'm his favorite. <3< c^:(<

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DOOMGUY11: Wow this is awesome!

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Sashimi: @DOOMGUY11:

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Dominik: Yes, you are beautifull... but there is only one Katia. Sorry, Rajirra.
Cool art!

5386: Cosplay Prequel knock_off persona

Cosplay Prequel knock_off persona
showing 10 of 13 comments

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Toryu-Mau: ... They'll never see it coming~ ♪ >):^D

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: https://pics.me.me/my-job-here-is-done-but-you-didnt-do-anything-14014082.png

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: god damnit

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: https://pics.me.me/my-job-here-is-done-but-you-didnt-do-anything-14014082.png

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: [image]https://pics.me.me/my-job-here-is-done-but-you-didnt-do-anything-14014082.png[/image]

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Kazerad: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Keep trying! Don't give up!

And don't look at the BBCode link either, that's cheating.

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DOOMGUY11: Hmm sadly idk much about persona 5 do you guys recommend it?

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Rick2tails: its a good game with a message to it

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Dominik: I highly recommend persona 5.At the beginning it may looks boring, but trust me, its a great game.

5787: character:Katia_Managan crossover dragon dragonish monochrome sketch

character:Katia_Managan crossover dragon dragonish monochrome sketch

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Bill: Quick sketch I made with the advice from SlashSeven & tronn

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Sashimi: Hey! That's quite an improvement!

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Bill: Thank you, I really appreciate your feedback!

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Sashimi: Sure thing! Just stick with it and you'll be surprised how much change can happen in a short time!

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Rick2tails: practice practice practice is the best course to get things going well artwise

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DOOMGUY11: Your pics make me cry tears of joy. If you keep it up I would like to see how improve!

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SlashSeven: Surely you got better at this

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Bill: I'm gonna work on another one except this time I will probably make it my profile pic too

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Dominik: Great job. Keep drawing!
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