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6046: Katia's_wizard_robe TES_Oblivion anvil character:Katia_Managan daedra dremora hugs mod screenshot
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showing 10 of 12 comments
DarthVader: Kill her! Kill her now!
KuroNeko: @Greenjoe12345:
This mod will allow you to take her (or any other NPC) as a follower) https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/3066 @DarthVader: Hey! dremoras may serve Dagon but they are not evil enough to kill someone they are hugging.
KuroNeko: @Greenjoe12345:
I only found this mod today after you asked if it was possible to take Katia as a follower, so I have not used it much but I tried it briefly and I could get Katia to follow me around anvil, I didn't try the other functionalities the mod add like adding new spells and equipments to your followers or giving them orders.
Greenjoe12345: @KuroNeko: I tried installing the Katia mod and it's given me a ton of stretched lines going from Katia around Anvil. there's also a section of wall missing
KuroNeko: @Greenjoe12345:
That's strange, I had the Katia mod installed for a few days now and I didn't run into any problems. Did you install the mod manually or did you use a mod manager? You may also try changing your texture size in the video options, try to set it to medium or large.
APayne1776: Sometimes I wish I owned a PC
PermanentFace: That is the green glow of a Charm spell.
KuroNeko: @PermanentFace:
Actually this is the glow from a silence spell, she's wearing her amulet of silence so she have a permanent green aura. Charm spells are brighter and cover the body more. |
6072: character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing monochrome sketch text
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Rick2tails: how are you doing there pretty kitty?
6071: artist:GalaTheFish artist:Makkon casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave hist_glands hoodie_katia knock_off mage_hoods painted_underwear plain_background questionable
Rick2tails: more people should draw these gals in that (lack of) clothing
6051: Ayleid_ruins Blade armor artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan green_eyes magic_fire
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Sashimi: She looks like a confident, capable ket! I like this style of art, Lapma. Nice work.
Rick2tails: I love her eyes and the lighting in this
Filthypaladin: lovely atmosphere
6044: adorable birthday braids cake character:Little_Katia fire happy
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Filthypaladin: The years move ever closer to the beginning of Prequel and everything in between.
bluedraggy: When you look up 'adorable' in the dictionary. Dawww, she even got a new hula hoop for her birthday! And if anybody gives you shit about perspective, tell em to go to hell. So maybe the number of cherries on time indicate her age, so she's like 7 here. I'd like to think she has all the friends around her, but I know better. Still, she's happy and that's the most important part. Happy Birthday... whatever your original name was.
DarthVader: Now, let’s see what happens if I smash the cake!
Rick2tails: this is the most wonderful thing! *force chokes Vader for suggesting anything to ruin this and then adds some Yoda force lightning *
DarthVader: Only Sith Lords can use those powers @Rick2tails: Only Dark side users can use those powers! Your attempts to destroy me were pathetic!
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Whats the thing floating above the cake?
KuroNeko: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu:
I think it's a hoop leaning agaist the wall in the back. @DarthVader: Even Molag Bal is disgusted with you. |
6043: Khajiit actual_underwear artist:Filthypaladin character:Katia_Managan skeletons
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showing 10 of 17 comments
bluedraggy: She has gotten along quite well with skeletons in the past. Perhaps she's made a pen-pal of a Khajiit skelly that she talks to magically. But... um... the communication link may be two-way visual. You should get dressed before chatting, Katia.
XenoYparxi: I'd say the main body is too short, it's not even two heads tall, and therefore the most of her body are legs
XenoYparxi: I do understand that. It's not that big of an angle to make a huge difference
6066: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:EKToRNo character:Katia_Managan destruction mage_hands magic text
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DarthVader: Yes! http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3ty9raNhw1rnsqduo1_500.gif
DarthVader: I’m kinda upset that didn’t workout as I wanted it to.
APayne1776: Shocking
6068: artist:Maettel character:Katia_Managan monochrome plain_background questionable very_casually_underdressed
Rick2tails: as Kaz said . its not a full outfit Katia..but thats ok it looks good on you
6067: Tales_and_Tallows accidents_waiting_to_happen crossover monochrome sketch
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DarthVader: Katia, beeehind yoouuu.
6075: books character:Quill-Weave monochrome sketch
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