Challenge the rules at your own peril.

5829: artist:WBGaming81 pineapple text

artist:WBGaming81 pineapple text

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WBGaming81: Ok, so...
Making a TP takes longer than expected
Anyways, I wanted to ask which armor should represent which outfit.
So if you see this post, please do me a favour and comment on which should be which

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AMKitsune: @WBGaming81: Well, on the resource pack that Mikey and I were making (don't know about him, but I haven't worked on it in quite a while), the leather armour was the arena raiment, iron armor was asotils armour, I don't think we got around to the others, but diamond would probably have been daedric styled and gold armour might have looked like the guard captain armour.

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SlashSeven: @AMKitsune: hey, may I take a look at your TP?

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WBGaming81: @AMKitsune thanks
@SlashSeven I dont really have a finished pack, but more like a half done collection of textures, I will upload a test version with many of the textures done in a while
The work on the TP was pretty slow lately, due to exams, but since I'm done for now, it should go a lot faster

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Bill: Gold should be Sigrid's armour, Diamond should be the their tunic, Iron should be arena raiment, Leather should be the mage cloak/clothes. Lastly make the zombie an oblivion looking one, skeleton is imp, spider is dreugh(probably spelled wrong), and enderman should be vaermina or a daedra. I could go on but I would probably list what every single item and block should be.

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Bill: Thief* sorry

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AMKitsune: @SlashSeven: https://imgur.com/a/HVifwSH
The 'welcome to prequelcraft' screen shot is old, but it's probably the best example of multiple textures together.
The whole pack is nowhere near complete yet, is uncompressed and strewn with psd files and the like, so it's not really in a state to be shared around.

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Bill: If I wasnt already working on something(me and a friend are creating basically a port TF2 to an updated engine) I'd probably enjoy creating a texture pack. BTW once it's done I would totally want to make a corresponding map of anvil and the road to Kvatch. That maybe could lead to a Prequel stylized Cyrodil if someone with more time and patience we're to come along. Good luck with it regardless.

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WBGaming81: @AMKitsune wow!
Thats loocking good!
I am trying to go for a kinda ?cartoonish-MSPaintish? texture too

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WBGaming81: "cartoonish-MSPaintish"

What did I just write XD

5826: Blade Marksman character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Rajirra magic_staff oblivion_gate spear

Blade Marksman character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Rajirra magic_staff oblivion_gate spear
showing 10 of 20 comments

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Dexterosaurus: @Nicros_Man: Thanks! That would be neat, wouldnt it? :)

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PermanentFace: @Dexterosaurus: Closing days of the Third Era, yes. The Era ended with the death of the Septim line, when Martin Septim sealed the dragonfires.

I know it can be hard to keep track of which khajiit is which, what with how they all look the same, but basically Rajirra's the nasty one. She's treated Katia like garbage since she first arrived in Kvatch and ultimately locked her in a room to die alone at the hands of a horrible monster.

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Sashimi: @Dexterosaurus: Awesome pic! Love to see the ladies of Prequel together.

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Dexterosaurus: @PermanentFace: Ah, i see. Thanks for correcting me. I just remembered the intro, and presumed oblivion crisis was at begining of fourth era. My bad. :)

As for Rajirra, i know which khajiit is which. Besides, this picture takes place in future, so who knows how her character might turn out. And honestly, Rajirra is one less hostile people Katia has met.

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Dexterosaurus: @Sashimi: Thanks! Wanted to do more Characters (Gaius as divine crusader for example) but thought that would be bit too much.

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PermanentFace: The only people more hostile than Rajirra that Katia has met are Gharug, who's a career criminal and murderer, and Sigrid, who has been under the influence for most of the time we've known her.

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Sashimi: @Dexterosaurus: Well I hope to see more pics with a mix of characters!

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DOOMGUY11: Why tf this so gud? You make me cri it's so beautiful! I want to see mor

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Dexterosaurus: @Sashimi: Dont hold your breath, im bit of a slowpoke.

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Sashimi: @Dexterosaurus: Hey, no worries there! As long as you enjoying yourself, that's what matters.

5827: Pokemon adorable artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan character:Minun character:Plusle crossover modern_clothing

Pokemon adorable artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan character:Minun character:Plusle crossover modern_clothing

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Vidiotdragon: 2 B A Master.

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Rick2tails: gotta catch em all Katia! poke her mon! I mean Pokemons

5824: Detroit_Become_Human Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Nicros_Man brown_eyes character:Katia_Managan comic crossover text

Detroit_Become_Human Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Nicros_Man brown_eyes character:Katia_Managan comic crossover text

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Rick2tails: its just a replica Katia.

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Nicros_Man: Following scenario:
Android Katia: Hello! My name is Katia, I am an android send by Cyberlife.
Katia: WTF?!

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Bill: Cyrodil: Become Slut Cat

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DOOMGUY11: Well human androids are overrated anyway

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AMKitsune: The future is now!

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Nicros_Man: @AMKitsune:

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Sashimi: I approve of Android kets!

5815: Imperial artist:lapma character:Darth_Vader character:Gaius_Atrum crossover star_wars

Imperial artist:lapma character:Darth_Vader character:Gaius_Atrum crossover star_wars

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lapma: Your sad devotion to that ancient CULT has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given you clairvoyance enough to find the Rebel's hidden fort.

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DarthVader: I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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DarthVader: That’s great!!!!

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bluedraggy: "tapes" Not everything George Lucas wrote is timeless. But this is.

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DarthVader: @bluedraggy: Ehh, could be worse.

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Bill: "Star Cults:A New Cult," "Star Cults: The Countercult Strikes Back, "Star Cults: Return of the Illuminati,"

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scoopski: "Star Cults: The Cultist Menace", "Star Cults: Attack of the Cults", and "Star Cults: Revenge of the Cult"

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Bill: "Star Cults: The Sacrificial Tendencies Awaken," "Star Cults: The Last Cultist," "Culto: A Star Cult Story,"
Should we continue?

5817: New_Life_Festival artist:AMKitsune artist:Kazerad artist:Nicros_Man character:Katia_Managan iconography looking_badass magic_fire text

New_Life_Festival artist:AMKitsune artist:Kazerad artist:Nicros_Man character:Katia_Managan iconography looking_badass magic_fire text

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SlashSeven: Oh gosh it's gorgeous :3

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Sashimi: Awesome! Happy New Year!

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Rick2tails: heres to another year of pretty yellow kitty

5816: New_Life_Festival artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan dress modern_clothing tail_sleeve

New_Life_Festival artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan dress modern_clothing tail_sleeve

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Happy New Life Festival, Katia! And you guys too!

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Rick2tails: she looks lovely in that dress!

5814: Blade Warhammer armor artist:lapma character:Gaius_Atrum crossover firearms looking_badass

Blade Warhammer armor artist:lapma character:Gaius_Atrum crossover firearms looking_badass
showing 10 of 12 comments

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lapma: @Evilpopcorn: @Evilpopcorn: I think he would care more about killing chaos cultists.

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Zargothrax: I was just thinking about Astartes Gaius and >>89 a few hours ago, needless to say I was quite surprised to see this! Thanks Lapma, this just made my day!
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twistNtwirl: I knew it! The god emperor was a Septim all along!

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PermanentFace: Not sure a servant of god-emperor Talos would bear the symbol of Oblivion upon his power armor. Maybe it represents his chosen foe? But I think the Red Diamond might be a more appropriate chapter icon.

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lapma: @PermanentFace: 1st reason that comes to my mind is O standing for obedience.

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PermanentFace: Checks out. An open mind is like an unguarded fortress.

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AMKitsune: Well would you look at that? Looks like the elite forces of the imperium of man (and mer) are about to face off against a hoard of orcs. a few hundred more of the greens and it might even be considered a fair fight

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lapma: @AMKitsune: Not sure about mer though. Especially orcs are also a mer

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somebody0214: fookin cultists, man, I'm tellin' ya they're everywhere

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Bill: Reminds me of Fallout. (Fallout: New Cultists would be the title.)

5811: artist:Bluedraggy audio character:Rajirra crossover fanfiction

YOL18T - Chapter 6
artist:Bluedraggy audio character:Rajirra crossover fanfiction

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bluedraggy: Yet more audio nonsense. Now with 30% more tribal drums. After all the recent Christmas art, this feels kinda weak. Sorry doesn't really tie in to Christmas at all.

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SlashSeven: kinda can understand it.
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twistNtwirl: That was so cool! I love alternate cultures!! Great job!

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bluedraggy: Wow! Thanks guys. It is more appreciated than you'll ever know.
I just finished an essay on the writing of YOL18T, but it gives away the end of the story so I won't post it here at least till I finish the last audio chapter. I'm still a little traumatized by the ending though.

And as a reminder, the text of the whole of YOL18T story can be found here:
and here:

Or you can just wait for me to read it all. :)

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DOOMGUY11: Argonian swim more? Ha! Nice...

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bluedraggy: Yeah, I've always thought that the ability to breathe underwater is a pretty damned significant thing, so at least in my conception, argonians are a lot more aquatic in their native state at least.

5813: Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan monochrome redraw

Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan monochrome redraw

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RavStrawberry: Just something I did some time ago

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DOOMGUY11: @RavStrawberry:yo dude/gal that's great!(her tail? Or you decided not to include it?)

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Rick2tails: this looks cute but could use color
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