Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.

5407: artist:koshka character:Katia_Managan dwarven_corvette modern_clothing

artist:koshka character:Katia_Managan dwarven_corvette modern_clothing

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Rick2tails: now thats a really cool looking buggy

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DOOMGUY11: Did this once, no regrets it was fun as hell

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LuminosityXVII: Man, one of these days I've got to get me one of these.

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Toryu-Mau: ... It always confuses me whether a Quad is a bike or a car? Or is it a cart? but Cart is a car, isn't it? Or is it something else entirely? So confused~ sand halp~! >)X^?

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DOOMGUY11: It's a quad bike my dude,

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DOOMGUY11: No it's a jet ski

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Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11: ... ( Runs around in circles, even more confused ) ~ >):^? ~

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Jakobqasadilla: Its a quadcycle powered by a combustion engine so hypothetically its a motorquadcycle

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Jakobqasadilla: I like how it looks like you tried
Great job on the anatomy

5435: character:Katia_Managan dwemer_technology monochrome sketch text

character:Katia_Managan dwemer_technology monochrome sketch text
showing 10 of 21 comments

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Jadezzar: It's a fighter? Could be nicely considered as dive bomber or torpedo bomber.

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Toryu-Mau: @Sashimi: ... It's incredible to look back and think just two month ago, I had zero art skills, fast forward and look at me now~ But it never would have happened in the first place if you weren't there to push me up the hill so I could begin to roll on my own, S. Thanks a million, M8. c^:(<

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Sashimi: @Toryu-Mau: I'm happy my encouragement bore fruit! It makes me happy to see your art blossom!

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Toryu-Mau: @TrashPanda545: ... It's British aviation engineer Boulton Paul's turret fighter design named "Defiance", the first fighter class airplane in history to be desinged specifically for air to air interception bia wide range FLAC turret gun dome for a dedicated gunner to operate so the pilot could focus on evasive maneuvers while the gunner tracks and leads targets into fire. >):^D
I am rather fond of this design since partners who fly in one of these together tends to form a strong bond and deep understanding of how their partner reacts to different situations under pressure. c^:(<
There's nothing quite like bonds that are forged in life or death scenarios, after all. >):^]

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Toryu-Mau: ... Also, Rajirra is on spitfire duty this time since she got to drive the Silver Ghost last time.
Katia gets to fly this one while her scourge sister lays down the fire~! >):^D

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DOOMGUY11: @Toryu-Mau: bruh fur real our art skills have gotten better again this is a awesome drawing! For you to consider and do it means alot. I owe you

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DOOMGUY11: And yes most awesome pilot stories are when they have a buddy with em

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Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11: ... Yup, Wing M8s that fly together, laughs together, as the saying goes. And the same is true for art as well. c^:(<

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DOOMGUY11: "Promise you'll get me back home in one piece"
"Ok I promise"
Oh loved this story <3

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Jakobqasadilla: I wanna say "bruh that's a German JU-88" but I don't have the knowledge to definitely say or make a standing argument of why I think so

5650: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:lapma blood character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra comic tavia's_shop_storage_room text

Kvatch_arena_armor artist:lapma blood character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra comic tavia's_shop_storage_room text

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DOOMGUY11: mission passed!

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Toryu-Mau: ... That's why one must always read the fine print of the contract, M8. >):^/

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Zargothrax: Ah, the avegarge group project. Well done Lapma, this scene lines up perfectly with the meme!

5649: Minecraft knock_off pixel_art

Minecraft knock_off pixel_art
showing 10 of 11 comments

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DOOMGUY11: Insert minecraft music*

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Pocky: @Toxic poto pynis

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Raydio: epic

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Toryu-Mau: ... Majestic. >):'^]

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Doprolol: Pocky? I thought you died!

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Anowon: She watches while you rest. I wonder what she's seeing. I wonder if she can see.

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AMKitsune: @Anowon: You're quietly finishing off your dinner. You go to put the leftovers in the fridge when a booming sound from outside shakes the very foundations of the house...


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Queenish: fear, we live in fear.

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APayne1776: She's always watching

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Sashimi: "PUNY MORTALS!" Quick! Offer a pineapple sacrifice!

5605: artist:Nicros_Man character:ASOTIL character:Aggy character:Gaius_Atrum character:Gharug_gro-Upp character:Katia's_Dad character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Rajirra character:Sigrid character:Stephane character:bartender character:katia's_mom character:nightmare_king character:your_weird_OC portrait

artist:Nicros_Man character:ASOTIL character:Aggy character:Gaius_Atrum character:Gharug_gro-Upp character:Katia's_Dad character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Rajirra character:Sigrid character:Stephane character:bartender character:katia's_mom character:nightmare_king character:your_weird_OC portrait
showing 10 of 32 comments

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CaptainLackwit: @Nicros_Man: Oh. Oh boy.

Okay so maybe you want to go try out the game prequel is based upon before writing stuff in the setting. No seriously.
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TheCourier343: @DOOMGUY11: hey doomguy it's me the courier, that's right I finally found a way to contact you through this site now I'm going to find u....
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TheCourier343: @DOOMGUY11: hey doomguy it's me the courier, that's right I finally found a way to contact you through this site now I'm going to find u....

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DOOMGUY11: @TheCourier343: oh no. Why lil bro? :'(

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DOOMGUY11: @TheCourier343: so yeah hey bro! Idk what you are doing here but, yeah...

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Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11: ... Wait a minute... Was that your Bro-Bro, or a Bud-Bro? >):^?

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DOOMGUY11: @Toryu-Mau: it's my lil brother, me and him compete with each other on everything XD. Once he saw me drawing he decides to beat me.

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Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11: ... Sibling rivarly eh? Hope we see him around to push you to draw even better~! >):^D

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Nicros_Man: @CaptainLackwit: I didn't played Oblivion, but I would like to.
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TheCourier343: Toryu-Mau my drawing's are ASS. I can't draw katia. So don't expect alot of drawings from me.

5495: artist:Nicros_Man character:your_weird_OC monochrome sketch text

artist:Nicros_Man character:your_weird_OC monochrome sketch text
showing 10 of 20 comments

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Jadezzar: The Japanese influence comes from the shoulder plates (sode). Maybe late variant, since it's not like the boxy earlier type.

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DOOMGUY11: @Jadezzar: perhaps micros can explain?

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Toryu-Mau: @Jadezzar: ... Attach some fancy golden crests on the Kabuto helmets they're wearing, eh?
A Shogun's gotta show those uneducated Ashigaru who's Boss in the most literal sense, after all. >):^]

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DOOMGUY11: @Toryu-Mau: *pumps shotgun* anyone want a new hole to breathe through?

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Jadezzar: @Toryu-Mau: Only Jad got to wore. Kat will got a headdress, though. And after I think, gonna give her a Kiritsuke kozane dou instead. She'll have a Naginata, Jad got a Yumi bow. And yes, both got golden crest, Kat a small one in shape of Cat head, Jad a big, crescent moon, though not as big as one worn by Date Masamune.

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DOOMGUY11: @Toryu-Mau: oh sorry you meant "Shogun" * puts shotgun away*

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Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11: ... Well, there's an actual historical record of Oda Nobunaga shooting one of his general with a fancy new Kyushu arquebus gun he got from recent conquest, reasons being quoted as "Because he could". >)B^]

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Toryu-Mau: @Jadezzar: ... Date Masamune needed to calm down a bit with over compansating with how big his crest was, he could put an eye out with that thing, eh?
... Oh wait, maybe that was actually the intention since he was looked down on for being one eyed himself? >):^?

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DOOMGUY11: @Toryu-Mau: *pulls it out again*
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TheCourier343: Beefy boi.

5646: Avatar_The_Last_Airbender Cosplay artist:Nicros_Man character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid character:your_weird_OC crossover monochrome

Avatar_The_Last_Airbender Cosplay artist:Nicros_Man character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid character:your_weird_OC crossover monochrome

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Nicros_Man: Katia as Aang, Nick as Katara, Ra'Jon as Soka, Sigrid as Azula and Sigrid's sister as Zuko.

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Toryu-Mau: ... Nature bending is kind of similar to mysticism school of magic in principle, eh? >):^]

5642: Cosplay accidents_waiting_to_happen artist:Bluedraggy artist:Zokva booze character:Katia_Managan crossover knock_off merchandise questionable text very_casually_underdressed

showing 10 of 13 comments

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Unidentified_BA: We did determine this is completely fine, as we always do, through a case by case basis. No need to report! https://i.imgur.com/VTGcc9g.png

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bluedraggy: Always good to see Rule Enforcement Officers' behind-the-scenes deliberations. Hold that thin yellow line gentlemen!

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Rick2tails: she is desirable you cant change my mind

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Rick2tails: I also read it. if he hadnt been in such a condition he could avoided what happened easily I bet.

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bluedraggy: At the risk of blatantly generalizing the sexes, I think most women want to turn the bad boy good. Similarly, most men want to fix broken women. Both suffer from the delusion that they can do so.

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CandyDragon: Darkstalkers is rated T, this is just Felicia with a Katia cosplay and a boob job :P

Nice work

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POMA: Fetish porn on booru. Well, that's where I draw the line. Fuck you all, fuck mods and fuck you kazerad, cya never. [comment pending for deletion]

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bluedraggy: I think I triggered POMA. My one regret is that I may never know what the fetish was that did it.

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POMA ^^^

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Kazerad: @POMA: You uploaded a naked Sigrid just two weeks ago!

5641: character:bartender food ice_cream modern_clothing monochrome

character:bartender food ice_cream modern_clothing monochrome

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Toryu-Mau: ... He had a rough day, and just wanted an ice cream brake.
It was mud. Somebody replaced all the ice cream with literal mud. >):'^c

InkTober 2018 Prompt 23 - "Muddy"

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DOOMGUY11: Bruh how cruel XD
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DirtyBlue929: Poor bartender. His luck is almost as bad as Katia's, only he doesn't have the advantage of being cute.

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Toryu-Mau: ... The moral here is, pranks can have a devastating emotional effect on a person if the timing is wrong.
Harshwhimsies should be had with a great deal of consideration to make sure it's going to be funny to the recipient too. >):^c
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DepecheMode: @DirtyBlue929: Rick2tails would disagree with you, the bartender is cute in his own way

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Rick2tails: this version of he bartender is not cute. when I get art of him hes very cute

5645: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:protofun character:Katia_Managan magic_fire pixel_art

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:protofun character:Katia_Managan magic_fire pixel_art

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Rick2tails: is she about to slam a basketball? *starts singing Space Jam*

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: COME ON AND SLAM

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Toryu-Mau: ... Get Dunked On~! D^B(<
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