If you wish to vainly improve your image with a reupload, beseech an admin or report your original upload for its crimes.

5658: artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan

artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan
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SilentOrbweaver: What is the costume from? Can't quite recognize.

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lapma: @SilentOrbweaver: Its based on khajiit style light armor from eso. [img] https://imgur.com/a/DDQNFFu [/img]
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SilentOrbweaver: @lapma:
Ahhh, thanks! Even though I own ESO, I skipped actually playing past the tutorial. Didn't quite worked out for me :/

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Sashimi: Oh wow, looking good!
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Dawoc: @SilentOrbweaver: I find that whether someone likes or dislikes ESO largely depends on what they went in expecting, and what kind of game they wanted out of it. As an Elder Scrolls game, yeah it's kind of garbage. As an MMORPG, it's pretty damned good and probably one of the better examples on the market. I absolutely loved the PvP in that game.
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SilentOrbweaver: @Dawoc:
Guess what. I absolutely agree with your statement. I find ESO to be quite fine as far as MMORPGs go. It's just my tiredness of MMORPGs in general that forbids me from enjoying ESO that much. I burned out a long while ago, during the WoW:WotLK period. If ESO came out 11 years ago, it would be 100% my jam. But, oh well, it didn't.

I'm glad to see it manages to exist nonetheless.

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Toryu-Mau: ... Woah, quite active these days, eh? Good to see inspiration has struck ya, M8. >):^]

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lapma: @Doprolol: Translation needed.

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Doprolol: @lapma: Bro, I got you some good art.

5644: Tales_and_Tallows adorable artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan featured_masterpiece text

Tales_and_Tallows adorable artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan featured_masterpiece text

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Rick2tails: adorable !

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Toryu-Mau: ... This one. This one can have the whole bowl of candy and keep the bowl too. >):^]

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Jakobqasadilla: How do I make kat girl real life?

5163: character:Katia_Managan portrait skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug

character:Katia_Managan portrait skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug

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Rick2tails: this looks like one of those WB shorts things where a characters face would zoom in at the beginning before it started .

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Evilpopcorn: As soon as I saw the thumbnail I thought of

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lapma: I'm out of ideas again. You can write to me if you
have any idea what to draw.

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Jakobqasadilla: Bottom text

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Toryu-Mau: ... I zoomed it in... Really, really slowly. Not sure why, but now I feel... Disturbed. >)':^[

5101: character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave monochrome pineapple sketch surreal yo-yo

character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave monochrome pineapple sketch surreal yo-yo
showing 10 of 11 comments

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Mezhik: @Kazerad: And You broke the code? =)

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AMKitsune: @Mezhik: Isn't everything questionable when you really think about it? An exposed ankle here, a sideways glance there. Instead of struggling with what is and isn't on a case by case basis, it's easier to just lower the bar to the point where everything is. Problem solved

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Anowon: The first yo-yo image. IT'S A SIGN!

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H-Psycho: @Anowon: Nah, tag was just misspelled. That aside, HOLY HELL, how has someone not made this connection before?!

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Sashimi: Idk, but I hope someone fixes this real soon.

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bluedraggy: I've a sneaking suspicion all will be fine tomorrow.

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Sashimi: @bluedraggy: I have a sneaking suspicion that you'd be correct!

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Jakobqasadilla: I just want to question why dodger is the yoyo

5154: adorable braids character:Little_Katia food table

adorable braids character:Little_Katia food table
showing 10 of 13 comments

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strikyer: delete

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strikyer: delete dramatic description wikihow

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strikyer: why is google not answering?

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strikyer: delete dramatic description yahoo anwsers

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strikyer: help google and yahoo doesn't work

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Rekwanze: @strikyer: Uhh, are you okay sir?

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Rick2tails: I think that wasnt candy that you ate strikyer

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SassacreIsBestCharacter: @strikyer: if someone were to make a compilation of the craziest and wierdest comments on this website this would definitely be in it

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CandyDragon: @Rick2tails:Did somebody say—?

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Jakobqasadilla: Add dramatic description

5276: character:Katia_Managan dwarven_corvette fire inconsistent_rendering magic_fire portrait screenshot

character:Katia_Managan dwarven_corvette fire inconsistent_rendering magic_fire portrait screenshot
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SilentOrbweaver: [A tasteless cat pun, interrupted by the sound of fuel tank catching fire]

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Jakobqasadilla: Sight someone needs to make this a real thing now

5653: character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra modern_clothing monochrome

character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra modern_clothing monochrome

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Toryu-Mau: ... Some people are physically incapable of smiling, so land a helping hand, eh? >);^D

InkTober 2018 Prompt 26 - "Stretch"

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Sashimi: Hehe, this reminds me of the time Asotil drew a smile on a guy!

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Toryu-Mau: @Sashimi: ... Yup, the path to justice and good citizenry begins with a smile, M8. >):^]

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Toryu-Mau: @Zargothrax: ... Protect that smile~! >)X^D

5651: Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit animation artist:scoopski character:Katia_Managan destruction magic magic_fire plain_background witch-hunter_control_panel

Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit animation artist:scoopski character:Katia_Managan destruction magic magic_fire plain_background witch-hunter_control_panel

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scoopski: Haven't done spritework in a while, so I decided to change that.

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damrok4321: very cool :D will be awesome when you improve and do more of these

5655: Tales_and_Tallows artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra character:Sigrid magic necromancy

Tales_and_Tallows artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra character:Sigrid magic necromancy

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Toryu-Mau: ... Now tickle them Voodoos. >)B^}

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Jakobqasadilla: Katia with hair

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Rick2tails: Katia...is it wise to dabble in the dark arts?

5654: Cosplay Digimon Tales_and_Tallows artist:Gravyfox character:Katia_Managan costume questionable text very_casually_underdressed

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Dawoc: I was thinking of uploading the non-halloween version of this here as well, but it contains a hint of areola, so I'd rather play it safe.

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Anowon: That Lenny face pumpkin knows too much.
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hypeonthemic: personally, i think it worked out well

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Sashimi: Heh, first painted underwear, now a painted costume!

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Rick2tails: Katia! It is a good idea ! ;)

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Nicros_Man: Renamon shows up
Renamon: Katia, why are you dressing up like me?
Katia: It seemed like a good idea...
Renamon: You are missing some parts; like my big fur arround my neck that covers my chest, my purple gloves and of course, my black eyes.
Katia: I was trying to find some.
Renamon: Good! Because I'm pretty sure you're not gonna get out like this! Let's just arrange this up.
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