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5501: artist:Bluedraggy audio character:Rajirra crossover fanfiction knock_off
From Elsweyr With Love #6 ![]() |
bluedraggy: The Epic Saga of one khajiit in a foreign land continues. I know there's a couple places that are wonky, but I think not as many as in prior ones anyway.
bluedraggy: Oh, and check out Pools (top right beside the My Profile links). Click From Elsweyr With Love for all of these in one convenient place. The things you learn!
5486: alchemy books character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch
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Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11: ... Or end up setting the whole town on fire somehow, even though she was making a potion of cold resistance. >):^/
DOOMGUY11: @Toryu-Mau: @AMKitsune: how the hell do you burn a town creating something that freezes XD
AMKitsune: @DOOMGUY11: Frost Resistance
Such an effect probably has warming properties. Too much warming could possibly lead to fire. This is also Katia we're talking about. If something can go wrong, it probably will. |
5494: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Nicros_Man character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch text
5493: artist:_Jadezzar character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC monochrome musicality romance sketch text
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showing 10 of 15 comments
Jadezzar: When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight This is the part of lyric I wrote.
Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: If only I could do it better...or maybe someone makes a better version...oh well. Like I always said, critics are welcomed and if someone wants to draw a better version I appreciate it.
DOOMGUY11: @Jadezzar: not really,no. since nicros and others are doing it, it's a fantasy/story/idea whatever idc dont worry :)
DOOMGUY11: @Jadezzar: but yea some people will find this entire comic and fanart cheesy so yk people have the right to disagree:)
Toryu-Mau: ... Eh, I'm just hoping there's not going to end up being another Booru War over things of this nature, since It's nigh impossible to mitigate a Booru wide open conflict alone. >):^c
So everyone keep their own timeline separate from each other when it comes to romance, eh? >);^]
Jadezzar: @Toryu-Mau: Don't worry. I don't want a Booru War. Just wondering, since there's some cliche associated with guys singing to impress a girl.
5499: character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch text
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Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11: ... It's mind blowing how much has changed since the founding just 71 years ago, back then they were having problem getting primitive Bi-Planes off the ground, fast forward to now and we've got the DARPA talking about forming a Space Force, like it's War hammer 40k or something. >):^/
What's next? "Thunder Warriors" in power armor with gyro-jet micro missile guns? >):^?
DOOMGUY11: @Toryu-Mau: well I did see a poster with a airmen in futuristic armor with the slogan"its not sci-fi its reality" >:)
5477: Mr._Scruffles Skeleton_manservant artist:Kazerad blood cat character:Dmitri_Argoth character:Welkynd_Kitty inconsistent_rendering knock_off necromancer photo skeletons
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showing 10 of 13 comments
TrashPanda545: This is very interesting, can't stop looking
Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11: ... Blasphemy! The heathen claims there can be such thing as "Too many cats"! D^B(<
We shall sentence thee to 24 hours at the local Khajiit Maid Caffe~! >):^D Repent~ Repent thy sin~! >):^<
Toryu-Mau: @Doprolol: ... ( Blesses with catnip infused grape juice and serves a cube of candied pineapple on a silver coaster. ) >):^]
Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: "Hey! I wanted to be in there too!"
(Note : For Jadezzar. I'll run away screaming if I'm surrounded by Khajiits, except if I'm actually in Elder Scrolls...) |
5490: artist:Nicros_Man character:Sigrid monochrome sketch text
5488: artist:_Jadezzar character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC monochrome sketch
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Jadezzar: Sorry for the bad quality. However I'm heading back to my hometown for few day, and there's a scanner, so I could upload better quality and maybe even colorized version. Also, if you guys want to know, from left to right...
Matabi, 13, Tojay-raht, Jadezzar youngest brother. Dokharesh, 50, Cathay, Jadezzar father. Dranareshi, 48, Suthay-raht, Jadezzar mother. Mtiszha, 21, Jadezzar sister. Darokisha, 17, Ohmes-raht, Jadezzar sister.
Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: 2 sister and a brother is a big one? My dad have 9 siblings. 12, but 3 didn't make it to adulthood.
Toryu-Mau: ... Jad's got quite the diverse family, eh?
It's rare to see an Ohmes-raht here at the Booru, so that's cool. >):^] Also, safe travels, M8. c^:(<
Jadezzar: @Toryu-Mau: Already at home, lol. After 6 hours train ride from 19:30PM to 1:45AM.
5484: character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra character:bartender monochrome
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Toryu-Mau: … So they had a bet involving Slaughterfish, and the loser would buy the winner a chocolate cake and watch them eat it while they get none of it. >)X^D
Also, they better tip Stehngir. >),:^/ |
5502: character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch text
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To make it look even better, first decide where the light is coming from and draw a line from it straight to the center of the eye to decide which direction the reflection will lean towards, considering the eye is a sphere and not a flat surface, the reflection should follow and curve to the round surface of the eye to look convincing, and give that "Illusion of Life". >):^D
PS: Bike touring suit looks great on Katia, perhaps in the future we should draw this one again to see and compare how we improved on which aspect. >):^]
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I will try what you recommended thanks you!
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Wait until you got a "real" armor.
(Keep up drawing, dude.)
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Lol. Yeah, not much drama in that flashback, maybe just a young Suthay-raht girl with recurring nightmare trading story with a teen Cathay who have seen the world.
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