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2306: artist:POMA character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch text very_casually_underdressed
- Reply =О_о= Чёйта не могу в линии -- более толстую под левым локтем просто забыл убрать? She looks excellent generally! - Reply - Reply Either way, being as pissed as she is here, surely she'd just try to seduce the shop keeper instead of have any kind of rationally emotional response to the situation? - Reply Besides, a lot of real-world drinks used to be at least mildly alcoholic back in mediaeval times. It killed off much of the bacteria and made them safer to drink than straight river water, unpasteurised milk from dirty teats, or juices of uncertain age and provenance. The relatively low strength of the brew (2% typical) and the limited amounts in which it was consumed (no more or less than any other drink) meant you didn't tend to be that affected by it (consider, say, the consumption of four normal beers across the course of an entire day), and in a land without motor vehicles, heavy machinery or delicate surgery, it didn't matter as much even if you were. There are IRL people who are sensitive to alcohol same as Katia is, and indeed even a parallel in how certain broad racial groups have more or less ability to properly digest and process particular things (lactose and alcohol in particular, in fact). So it's almost certainly neither something Kaz has made up out of whole cloth, or, on a planetary basis at least, unique to this one person. As for there being a Cyrodiil branch of the AA... I kinda doubt it. |
2304: artist:POMA crossover mage_hands monochrome sketch text very_casually_underdressed
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MetalC0Mmander: @POMA: So can we not play the "who's doing the more work" game and can you just agree to do it... It just take 2 seconds and if you don't know how to do it I can show you.
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244: artist:justme character:Katia_Managan despair frowning sad tears
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2279: character:your_weird_OC fanfiction lined_paper_club photo text
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D_C_N: Any feedback would be great, erm, I'd like to make a career out of my writing, so knowing what I do well, or poorly, is important
- Reply You also did a good job of not letting any characters become the 'favourite' by making them 'too perfect' in any way (a problem that many fanfictions suffer from). I was really pleased (and pleasantly surprised) to see Katia written not as a 'damsel in distress' or the 'all conquering protagonist' but as an actual person as she appears in the comic itself. It may not sound like much, but I think it does so much to help make the story more believable and immersive (which is surely one of the best things a story can be, right?). Honestly, this felt like a small slice of a much bigger story. Sure there were a couple of typo's here and there and a few sparse grammatical errors, but for the most part, it was fantastically written. the way it's written made it feel like I was reading an excerpt from a larger novel. To summarise, an overall fantastic piece of writing that I feel was only let down by the lack of time devoted to introducing the individual characters (in a story this short with this many characters, I can see how that may be difficult to pull off though). (Also, I notice that the link doesn't work any more. Did you take the story down?)
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D_C_N: Thank you so much for the feed back first of all ( not sure whats up with the link, the stories still there, but the trscking stats are reset, so I put a new link) and uh, just thanks. And thinking of bandits and guards is pretty much appropriate. Thats just kinda what they are. Most the characters, or, well, all of them, were underdeveloped, probably because I just made most of them up for this story as I was writting it, with the exception of Sera,but she even was only put in because I thought maybe, it be better if I had one of my female charaters trying to save Katia instead of just the man. So, thanks again, and thanks a lot, that feedback pretty much made my week.
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D_C_N: I'm working on a second story, hopefully without the rush to finish by halloween I can avoid the flaws this story had, though, in order to explain and make it less confusing, I will need to focus a bit more on my own stuff, distracting from Katia a bit, which is not ideal, but I'll try to keep her the star as much as possible.
2303: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Dexterity artist:POMA character:Katia_Managan misuse_of_tail modern_clothing monochrome sketch very_casually_underdressed
- Reply - Reply The second picture is almost purrfect! On the third picture there is only one unnecessary line on her occiput. Don't stop! - Reply |
2283: artist:Mediocre_Scrublord character:Katia_Managan double_amputee modern_clothing
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2291: artist:Filthypaladin braids character:Katia_Managan character:Little_Katia happy magnus
- Reply Spoilers: the horse probably died. =D
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TemporaryFace: The biggest thing she's ever steered.
Not to be confused with the biggest thing she's ever ridden. - Reply |
2299: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow character:Katia_Managan portrait smiling
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MetalC0Mmander: Well this looks akward.
- Reply Seriously, coming from someone you know would be somewhat ok, but from her perspective, all her fans would simply be random weirdo's. (and let's face it, we're all random weido's in one way or another XD) |
2312: Krystal crossover text
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And Tronn, its Krystal, not Crystal <3
But I do like this
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