A higher power gifts you comment boxes, do not sully them with unnecessary linked images
2197: 4chan Khajiit anachronism blood character:Katia_Managan character:anon grievous_bodily_harm ice_cream modern_clothing societal_collapse teamwork text
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Tahrey: Incorrect. Story666.gif is the end of a conversation between two necromancers. Comme ca:
http://www.prequeladventure.com/this/story666.gif This, I think, is some kind of (zombie) crossover thingy that hasn't been tagged correctly?
tronn: No, story666.gif is its humorous filename. As far as I know it is OC not crossover thingy.
Tahrey: Not x-over collab then?
If nothing else it's sort of 4chanly crossingover, as that's definitely a non-EFG (ie non-V) Anon right there. Also cities being nuked to get rid of zombies reminds me of SOMETHING... |
2195: Cosplay Crossover_Collab artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan crossover modern_clothing musicality teeth transistor
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showing 10 of 17 comments
Tahrey: *googles for Transistor*
Ah, I think this might be the inspiration pic, or at least some version of it. Brilliant work on recreating that :) https://www.supergiantgames.com/webhook-uploads/1408049137159_2461732-5964398817-ZFC2g.jpg
Geravind: Красяво -- блики прожекторов и тени на лбу.
Кхаджит одобряе. =*_*= (неумышленный мем :р) Khajiit likes these glares and shading.
Mediocre_Scrublord: OF THE WORLD
Mediocre_Scrublord: SPARKLE AND SHINE
Mediocre_Scrublord: LIGHT THE INSIDE
Radian: @Mediocre_Scrublord: At least one dude played Transistor. AND THIS IS MY FAVORITE SONG!
Radian: @catchTwentythree: Yup, The Spine is first in my list. Paper boats and We All Become are second and third.
Also, Old friends is my ringtone, Paper Boats is my mom's ringtone. |
2208: Khajiit artist:Antariplex character:Katia_Managan food knock_off painted_underwear saliva skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug surreal tears
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showing 10 of 13 comments
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Katia why did you give me that skooma.
Olaffson: Oh my! She looks like The Corinthian from Sandman now :P
Antariplex: @tronn: Thank! <3
I'm having a tough time deciding whether I should have uploaded the image without the burger like so: http://imgur.com/YnovUj6 Or just drawn a better burger.
Man_Of_Mer: I've been gone 3 days. What the hell, fandom?
2217: Undertale character:Katia_Managan character:greater_impmaster_murderboss crossover text
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MikeyTheFox: I'm kinda working on little project that mixes undertale with prequel. I kinda got the idea from Pepsi but instead of fighting Katia, you are her :V
MikeyTheFox: "* Greater Impmaster Murderboss is confused cause she uses FIRE MAGIC"
2210: Cosplay Crossover_Collab Khajiit artist:ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu character:Katia_Managan firearms metroid wallpaper
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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Like all new artists, I once again forgot the tail :v. I will fix that soon.
MikeyTheFox: Yes! Finally! Someone did it!
While back when the whole "spanking" thing happened. I joked to Kaz saying: "Quick need to replace this with a popular meme going around. Throw Katia in a Zero Suit" I never did end up drawing it cause im lazy. I did however, put her in one in Second Life. But yes now I am content
CaptainLackwit: +1 for not using the heeled version.
Kewot_Rokar: Oh my... Now we need Dead Space.
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Kewot_Rokar: I might take you up on that. Can't give any promises.
2124: 3D Khajiit Kvatch_arena_armor accidents_waiting_to_happen armor artist:SlashKamei character:Katia_Managan crossover
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Here it is, Katia's debut match!
Fair warning, it's an auful train wreck of a 6 woman ladder match, full of lag and disconnects.
So, you know, as canon as possible.
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Where's my gun?
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Then again, I'm also wondering whether the first four models were made on a male wrestler base, just with fake boobs, butt/hip pads and groin tucks, as the impression they give is of novice drag queens, right down to the walk... (the latter two are more realistic but have a similarly offputting stripper vibe).
That actual-real-life-WWE "Jericho" bumper vid near the start is fucking terrifying, by the way. People actually watch this stuff on TV, for enjoyment? o_O
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