If you wish to vainly improve your image with a reupload, beseech an admin or report your original upload for its crimes.

826: Mr._Scruffles Skeleton_manservant artist:ShroomBot character:ASOTIL character:ASOTIL's_angry_horse character:A_Stranger character:Aggy character:Dmitri_Argoth character:Gaius_Atrum character:Gharug_gro-Upp character:Ilden character:Isolde character:Katia_Managan character:Millona_Umbranox character:Nah character:Quill-Weave character:Safety_Guard character:Sigrid character:Stephane character:Sworddog character:nightmare_king cultist friendship group_photo monochrome sketch

Mr._Scruffles Skeleton_manservant artist:ShroomBot character:ASOTIL character:ASOTIL's_angry_horse character:A_Stranger character:Aggy character:Dmitri_Argoth character:Gaius_Atrum character:Gharug_gro-Upp character:Ilden character:Isolde character:Katia_Managan character:Millona_Umbranox character:Nah character:Quill-Weave character:Safety_Guard character:Sigrid character:Stephane character:Sworddog character:nightmare_king cultist friendship group_photo monochrome sketch
showing 10 of 12 comments

- Reply
Kazerad: Dmitri is holding Mr. Scruffles! That is one more tag.

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Denhark: oi! this is my buddy's Shroombot's art!

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ShroomBot: Re Uploud my art work why dont you?! Haha, It's alright, Glad to see someone liked it so much to uploud it XD Thanks I guess. Also Hello Denhark...

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Gren: Yeah, sorry, I wasn't entirely sure of whom were the artists of all the art I've uploaded, that's why I not ventured too much in adding artist tags. Maybe Kazerad can do it for me (I have no idea if I am able to edit the tags of my own uploads).

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Gren: Oh wait, I found the way to do it. It's done now. You have been added in tags as it should be. ;)

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ShroomBot: Thanks Mate! And you made me feel really good about myself, It's nice to think someone liked it so they uplouded it to the Realy prequel page, I didn't make an account yet because I didn't know how, XD I really suck at making accounts on anything.

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ShroomBot: I don't even know how to change my profile picture, that's always the first thing I do when I make an account =P

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Gren: If you mean the MSPA forum then you must know that that's not gonna be used anymore. From the next update onwards, Kaz is going to put a suggestion box in Prequel's webpage for commands so people will not need to register on the forum anymore.

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Gren: I think the profile here (both here in the fan art page and in the comic page) works with Gravatar. So if you have an account on Gravatar just write your email and it synchronizes automatically.

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Bob: Self bro-fisting guard is best character.

Deserves emmy for best supporting.

359: artist:sardonicSincerity character:Katia_Managan clothing_design

artist:sardonicSincerity character:Katia_Managan clothing_design

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Bob: Dem pupils are dilated as fuck.

Did she hit on the skooma again?

Decent design though.

286: Haskill artist:masonthekiller character:Katia_Managan character:Sheogorath daedra

Haskill artist:masonthekiller character:Katia_Managan character:Sheogorath daedra

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Bob: .... What?

944: Cosplay photo

Cosplay photo

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Bob: Clearly not racist toward khajiits.

942: Kill_La_Kill angry artist:sentientsocks character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:Sigrid crossover questionable sketch very_casually_underdressed

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Blue_Dragon: Why this hasn't been uploaded already is beyond me, but it just needs to be here. Sentient Socks FTW (again). Yeah, a couple nudes - but they surely are perfect for the Questionable tag right? (Rejects indeed! SS is insane.)

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Gren: Is that Sigrid?

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Blue_Dragon: I assume so - though the only similarity I recognize is the hair-bun-thing. But isn't Quill the cutest thing ever here?

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Gren: @Blue_Dragon:
Yeah, she looks kinda younger here.

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Unidentified_BA: I think this is JUST passable as far as questionable art goes. I'll look into it.

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Prophet_Lord: Quill doesn't have a tail.

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Blue_Dragon: Leave it to me to be the first to push the envelope too far! I'm known to do that - afraid my porn-sensor is set too high apparently. Well, at least I can stir things up while the site's gone dead. What's really odd is that I didn't catch that Quill was missing her tail! Maybe it grew out later? Well, if it is too much, so be it. Just so it's known that it was my decision to post it, Sentient had nothing to do with it. (And in my defense, no pineapples in sight!)

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tjk: Quality, non-sexualized artistic nudity. I really don't see what the problem would be. Surely the one where QW was groping Katia was far worse, but still acceptable?

936: artist:Man_Of_Mer character:Nah questionable vampirism

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Man_Of_Mer: Uhh... I need a better camera.

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Unidentified_BA: You know it's questionable because the belt is not looped right and she bit her tongue.

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Bob: Better camera?

Better scanner is more like it.

Some parts are disproportionate but then again, drawing ain't easy.

613: Athletics Katia:_Take_Control Kvatch_arena_armor accidents_happen acrobatics angry artist:Riess blood_from_the_eyes character:Katia_Managan those_damn_bushes

Athletics Katia:_Take_Control Kvatch_arena_armor accidents_happen acrobatics angry artist:Riess blood_from_the_eyes character:Katia_Managan those_damn_bushes

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Kazerad: The secret to getting 70 seconds or less in the Take Control minigame, for anyone who didn't find it out on their own.

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Zokva: Dammit, I tought I was doing something wrong when that happened to me.

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933: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Armael artist:YeOldeAlekk character:Katia_Managan

Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Armael artist:YeOldeAlekk character:Katia_Managan

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Unidentified_BA: This is a piece that deserves more attention because I have a pencil love bias.

937: artist:DragonXVI hope music

artist:DragonXVI hope music

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Carnelian: Lovely!

931: abstract artist:Prophet_Lord character:Katia_Managan crown iconography tears

abstract artist:Prophet_Lord character:Katia_Managan crown iconography tears

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stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: She becomes what she fears.

So deep.

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Nodzilla96: Coulda used this in that shirt contest I had held

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Prophet_Lord: Maybe I'll submit it for the next one.

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Bob: @stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people:

Knowing how Oblivion's story arc goes.. I pray to the Nine that fate isn't her destiny.

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Man_Of_Mer: I feel we should name this ,"The Lament Crown."
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