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955: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Prophet_Lord character:Katia_Managan ink

Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Prophet_Lord character:Katia_Managan ink

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Prophet_Lord: "Run that by me one more time..."

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Gren: Looks like she's wondering about the picture right above her.

851: artist:Evdog cat_puns featured_masterpiece hope music

artist:Evdog cat_puns featured_masterpiece hope music

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Evdog: I noticed that, though there were instumental fan songs, there was nothing vocal, so here's a song dedicated to the one and only Katia F. Managan, who has gone through so much suffering.

Thanks to Tim Wilson for helping with a few lines of the lyrics.
Thanks to David, Navin and Dylan. You didn't help with the lyrics, but you wanted to, so that's something.

Young Khajit, from distant land,
You've set your feet on brand new sands.
Though your life has just begun,
You've found so much from which to run.

Young Khajit, we beg of thee
try not to cause cat-astrophe.
In time, you'll learn, and grow, and then,
You'll prove yourself a Managan.

Young Khajit, we hear your plight
and hope you hold out through night.
Your tale has caused our hearts to sing
Majestic, radiant, like a k-

Young Khajit, you've come this far
Please don't lose sight of who you are.
Build your power and find your stead,
And heed the voices in your head.

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Gren: Wow, this is so great!
Yup, definitely not like a King.

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stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: Wonderful stuff. Certainly a positive change from all the lazy edits.

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Nodzilla96: Winner of the fan art page. By Far.

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Man_Of_Mer: Ffffffffff...Fucking Managan. I may hate sans, but I can need hate Kaze. ;3

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Kazerad: After I am done featuring holiday images I am going to make sure this stays in the fanart page's "featured" box for like a billion years.

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ZizZazZuz: @Kazerad: Well crap, there goes my shot at it. ;-)

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Nodzilla96: Kaz speaks the truth! Feature!

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Bob: This is pretty great for katia's soundtrack, especially for the current situation she's in, the music fits well to her sitting there quietly contemplating her fate.

Though I also want to add an enhanced version of this since it seems to have an irish tone (must be since the setting in the beginning is in anvil) and adding in just a few more instruments would make it even better than before :)

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Evdog: @Bob: If you want to remix or cover it, go ahead. :) I'd love to hear it.

865: Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan comic crossover fireball magic_fire practice spacecraft

Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan comic crossover fireball magic_fire practice spacecraft

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Bob: I'm a bit confused on the crossover reference here.

What series is the bunny character from?

(I never read homestuck if that's the answer.)

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HuffingtontheOnly: I too am as confused as bob

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SrLupinotuum: Gren! explain the confused comic to the confused people(including myself).

951: adorable artist:PaDz character:Katia_Managan magic_fire smiling

adorable artist:PaDz character:Katia_Managan magic_fire smiling

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Man_Of_Mer: Damn, she's got some HUGE eyes! (What did you think I was gonna say?)

899: Pokemon VESTS artist:sentientsocks character:Katia_Managan crossover modern_clothing

Pokemon VESTS artist:sentientsocks character:Katia_Managan crossover modern_clothing

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Nodzilla96: Katia would be that trainer who buys the 500 nugget magikarp

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Nodzilla96: Katia HAS to be the fisherman too. Unintentional racism activate

943: artist:Tikaani character:Katia_Managan monochrome

artist:Tikaani character:Katia_Managan monochrome

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Tikaani: aw darn. this file is too big. shit. shit. i'm sorry. augh
anyway i tried to draw a katia!

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tjk: I like it! It's great!

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Man_Of_Mer: This needs to be a cartoon.

947: Tavia's_shop accidents_happen character:Katia_Managan confident featured_masterpiece imminent_death magic_fire pineapple smiling yo-yo

Tavia's_shop accidents_happen character:Katia_Managan confident featured_masterpiece imminent_death magic_fire pineapple smiling yo-yo

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Bloodrizer: A trick with pineapple and yoyo

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tjk: Amazing!

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Unidentified_BA: An informal picture on why you should not test flame based spells indoors.
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Higuera: Everybodys dream in elder scrolls :D

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Gren: Meteor Pineapple!
BTW, I can't see the yoyo... where is the yoyo?!
Also, is she wearing a bedsheet?

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stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: House owner's gonna be PISSED.

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Bob: I would be the happiest motherfucker to have katia as a housepet (or roommate..) even if she still did this shit. Dunno what's your deal :P

949: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:breuc character:Katia_Managan

Kvatch_arena_armor artist:breuc character:Katia_Managan

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Kazerad: I like how on the main page she is just kinda slyly looking at that Questionable-rated image next to her.

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tronn: I don't know why, but I really like this.

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Bob: You like pineapples don't you squidwar-

I mean.. Astrid?

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Bob: @Kazerad:

Sometimes I wish there was a rating system added to this just so I can display my approval for these kind of pictures. :)

795: Blade character:Sworddog law_enforcement

Blade character:Sworddog law_enforcement

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Nodzilla96: This actually made my day.

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Bob: Question though: What would happen if sword dog was actually able to fight and use a sword?

58: Katia's_wizard_robe Strength TES_Skyrim anachronism artist:Pseudonymous character:Katia_Managan inventory machete monochrome sketch text

Katia's_wizard_robe Strength TES_Skyrim anachronism artist:Pseudonymous character:Katia_Managan inventory machete monochrome sketch text

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SrLupinotuum: Best follower in Nirn

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Bob: @SrLupinotuum:

At least she's not that fucking yellow haired troll looking bosmer that follows you around, dick riding you after you just fought a few matches in the arena.

GOOD GOD, I hated him so much. ALWAYS followed me around after just leaving the arena too.
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