Think before you post. Not even Stendarr will forgive you.
8077: Katia's_Thief_Tunic Marksman artist:birdlover character:Katia_Managan kvatch_arena_trousers
1737: censorship character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra imp monochrome other_magic_wand spear tavia's_shop_storage_room text unwelcome_guests
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NotGodOkay: Piness is all so much more enjoyable.. Than pingas.
8073: Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit Kvatch_arena_armor armor artist:S_Miles_Art beautiful character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering kvatch_arena_trousers looking_badass magic magic_fire magic_lightning sketch text
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somebody0214: I imagine she's making explosion sounds exclusively with her mouth
Rick2tails: this is pretty neat!
Zargothrax: I really like the way you depict magic, and illuminate the character with it!
8074: Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit artist:S_Miles_Art character:Katia_Managan magic magic_lightning not_sure_if_racist text
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ADudeCalledLeo: Katia you fucking clown GET OFF THE COUCH
8072: argonian artist:Raywingale character:Quill-Weave portrait
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NotGodOkay: I hate my own art so this is a blessing.
NotGodOkay: I'm serious. Your art is a blessing because you draw better than me! You know what people like, not me. So you're a blessing of a human being because you're better than me! If I have the chance to get myself and my art removed from here. I would get myself removed. But you can stay because you're better than me!
Rick2tails: very pretty
Zargothrax: That's a really unique rendition of Quill Weave, I like it a lot!
Raywingale: @Zargothrax: thank you! I finally figured it out (it took a year and a half for this) how to draw scales. However, I forgot to draw the green ones on her again... I will try to improve next time!
damrok4321: Gosh, I love it. It looks amazing :D
ADudeCalledLeo: wow this is awesome
Good art! (also NGO: what the heck dude, that is NOT how you compliment another person's art)
NotGodOkay: @ADudeCalledLeo: I was too depressed to know better to be honest.
8071: Saturalia accidents_waiting_to_happen argonian artist:damrok4321 character:Quill-Weave drunk happy text
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damrok4321: She enjoy drinking alcohol egg substance.
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: never had the egg substance but i got some christmas burning bush
Rick2tails: merry boozemess
DarthVader: I like how you had to clarify it was eggnog and not something else. Lmao
Zargothrax: Happy end! Very nice drawing, it's been while, since we saw something from you here, good to have you back!
8065: Khajiit Saturalia artist:egliomatn character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch
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showing 10 of 13 comments
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: I love this happy kat.
Nicros_Man: SHE'S SO CUTE!!! I want her as my Santa! She's so adorable I wanna pet her!
Rick2tails: santacat please let me sit in your lap (or you in mine XD ) cute picture !
ADudeCalledLeo: adorable! good art!!
Vidiotdragon: Leave many cookies and milk out for this santa
8067: Khajiit artist:Bluedraggy casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan dwemer_technology impure_thoughts painted_underwear questionable swimsuit text
bluedraggy: I was just going to do another standard lewd pose, but as soon as I took a look at my reference Miata, the topic became suddenly clear and awfully easy to do! Gen 1 Miatas are super horndog looking with a minimum of effort! Okay, its easy to explain the dripping radiator, and the headlights might just be a trick of the lighting... but the blush gives it away. :)
I really wasn't going to have to do anything silly and overt like that though. The real thing still just looks like that normally! But Sashimi suggested I add googly eyes, and once I did that... well, it's not a great work of art so wth, let's just go over-the-top with it.
bluedraggy: Also I see I got Katia circumventing the Kinda Questionable pineapple. That honestly wasn't intentional.
Rick2tails: can you blame the car? XD
NotGodOkay: Puss in bikinis don't turn me on unfortunatelly. (Too fluffy)
But hey! Las Vegas vehicles!
bluedraggy: But for safety, user your hands to honk.
Zargothrax: If that car has any neurons, they are now activated, for sure.
APayne1776_TheThird: Car is from Ohio
7860: Khajiit Saturalia adorable artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan christmas featured_masterpiece khajiit_racism presents smiling
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damrok4321: I'm kinda late for Christmas at its peak, but as long as my Christmas tree is standing I see it as Christmas so I'm not late.
bluedraggy: I really don't want to use the 'adorable' term since it's used so often. But darn it, that's just what this is. Adorable. Everyone should get a PocketKat(TM) for Christmas! She even comes with a bell. (but no returns)
Kyot_Morfal: I want this gift
Rick2tails: I want a Katia for Christmas (and also you could always claim youre early for Christmas if you go by orthadox Christmas which is Jan 7th )
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Too fucking adorable, I think i might have a heart attack.
8070: Quill-Weave's_bed argonian artist:Zargothrax character:Quill-Weave death fansnark monochrome saturalia_dreams skeletons
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Nothing remains anymore. Nothing, but a lone argonian skeleton, known as Quill Weave, drifting through the void, defying the laws of entropy, unable relinquish her existence until her prophecy is fulfilled: to complete day 28 of the Saturalia nightmare series, so that she may finally awaken from her sleep.
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Jokes aside, love the art. There's some really nice detail you've put to that lizard skull :D
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Good art!
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It's a bit strange you mention the skull though, @damrok4321, I don't really think it was very good, probably because I was too lazy to find a proper reference. I spent most of the time on the background and the ribcage, but overall I avoided spending too much time on a joke image (again...), which is why some of this image is so wonky. (for instance, the bed is too short for her legs, but I noticed it too late)
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