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Dramatic Descriptions

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Gren: #cold_shoulder

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Gren: Taking it to the next level:

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Gren: Breaking Cat

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Gren: @Myeyah: At this rate, I don't think you'll live long enough to see that happening.

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Gren: So true.

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Gren: THAT hilt.

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Gren: Pussy in boots.

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Gren: Very accurate.

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Gren: lol that teabag

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Gren: There's so much of Judy Hopps in that face. Cute indeed.

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Gren: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Why not use actual enemies from the games, just like Mankar Camoran, Mannimarco, Umaril and Jyggalag?

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Gren: How is this Prequel related? No offence, but this is just a normal random khajiit with a bunch of Skyrim stuff. It's not even related to Oblivion. The art is splendid though.

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Gren: This is beautiful! Nicely done, Radian.

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Gren: Also {Game of Thrones intro intensifies}

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Gren: @Kazerad: To think that a single picture would cause such chaos among the mods putting them against each other and forcing them to choose sides as in a crusade of decency and perversion. Only a naked cat is capable of such a thing.

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Gren: Holy carp she has the eye of Sauron!

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Gren: Oh wait, just forget what I said. Your OC does not necessarily has to be like our beloved slutcat. Sorry.

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Gren: @unknown_victor: Yeah she prefers to "ride" other things.

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Gren: It is said Katia Managan followed in the footsteps of Talos and after her death she ascended to godhood and became the tenth divine known among mortals as Slutcat. Goddess of party tricks, alcohol and one-night stands. People simply forgot all about that dull, boring bitch Dibella and nowadays Slutcat is worshipped by men, mer and beastfolk alike. The Thalmor still bitching around but we all know they love her and secretly worship her in pineapple-shaped shrines hidden in their homes.

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Gren: So this is a khajiit-dothraki hybrid?

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Gren: "Please, can you wait until next Christmas for the coming update? And uh, sorry?" -Sadcat

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Gren: @Vidiotdragon: I agree. I remember there used to be the tag "competence" to label these kind of pictures before. It seems someone replaced it with this one at some point. I don't know the reason though.

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Gren: @D_C_N: Well, of course everyone has their own opinion in the matter, I am not pretending to be the voice of the fandom.
In my case at least, I got hooked to the story with those short but faster updates and to me they not seemed mediocre at all. Actually, the fast pace made me feel involved in the story, it seemed much more interactive back then and was easier to grow fond of the character since the story is like a part of your life when updates with such frequency.
Don't get me wrong, I do like flash updates, those animations and minigames are really cool and somehow allows the reader to interact with the character in a much more personal way. However, the way that's affecting the progression of the story is a serious issue. Every year the pace decreases, we've been stuck in Kvatch since years when half of the story happened solely in the first year. That's why I think they aren't worth the wait. I think people is more interested to know what happens next rather than a minigame they'd likely play a couple of times and then won't touch it ever again. And if that wasn't enough, these campaigns can only worsen the situation.
BTW I don't have idea what you mean in your fourth paragraph. The "big project" I mentioned was the merchandising campaign, I'm not asking him anything but to update the comic.

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Gren: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: What worries me is that this is going to keep happening over and over again. Every year the comic progress slower and slower and these projects do nothing but deepen the problem. I really don't want to sound like a bitch, but six months is damn way too much. And i'm calling it, next year we'll have the same shit over again and we won't have other choice but wait month after month like idiots. If he refuses to further any progress in the story during those campaigns then why he can't be smart enough to have some backup... you know, some pre-made chapters that he can easily post every so often, at least one per month, giving some rest to people's anxiety while he can focus every effort in the merch and shipping.
But no... that's not his style. He just expect people to forget about those insane hiatus with a stupid flash minigame, that's why he did it again even when he said next time he wouldn't mix large updates with these big projects. He lies about flash updates actually not requiring that much time to do and assuring it's like 80-90 percent finished, and then BAM, half year of waiting. Somehow i don't think is fair for the fans, regardless of the waiting, the fact that the author is dishonest with his audience it's just not right.

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Gren: @Cereal: Dude, I know he's been busy with that stuff, and I really have nothing against him making money out of his work. The thing is he can't put the comic on ice for half a year, that's really stupid cause that's like sabotage his own creation. Regular readers will stop reading this thing eventually and new readers are unlikely to be fond of non regularly updated comics. So it's all directly proportional: less updates = less readers = less money you can make out of them.

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Gren: @Rinrhajii: Well, we also got 2 side stories, I guess that counts too.

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Gren: @TemporaryFace: Good ol' times... Such marvelous golden age has faded long ago and likely we will never experience it again.
Nowadays we are lucky when we get an update per month, and that's an insane amount of time considering this comic is mostly a writing fanfiction... so when shit like this happen and you got to wait half a year well... it's really disappointing.

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Gren: @GalaTheFish: We are all bored. Kaz, the hell are you doing? It's been 6 MONTHS! Half a year since no updates... Is this going to be a thing every fucking year? Srsly last year we got 4 months hiatus and now this... If you plan to do these kind of campaigns every year then we are doomed. I'm not sure how you expect new readers to get attached this way...

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Gren: "The universe an Khajiits are just gay people kill..." what?

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Gren: "console command control" That just made my day XD

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Gren: Thank you, guys! Yeah, that's a serious case of misspelling, my bad english strikes again. Sorry about that. Should I start writing that word all over the wall and my body with purple paint? XD
Personally, I love this and I too think this would make an excellent t-shirt. I so totally want one!
She told me next time she'll do one of Katia. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

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Gren: This was made by my sis. Be nice.

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Gren: This is why Sigrid is the best character ever! No, she is not using Bug Musk on me.

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Gren: Yes I got what I wanted for Christmas! Two worthless sexy Khajiit waifus!

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Gren: That's what you get for littering.

@TemporaryFace: Nonsense, they are all the same.

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Gren: Obviously, the trimmings should be yoyos and pineapples.

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Gren: Another case of canine Katia.

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Gren: @TemporaryFace: I think that's a regular daedric warhammer.

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Gren: OH MY! Aggy's shattered memories! This one is definitely one of the best so far.

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Gren: @Filthypaladin: We all love when she cries. It's just they don't want to admit it. :P

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Gren: @Radian: Nope, they are not. Welkynd cat even has its own tag here in the booru.
Mr. Scruffles technically is still locked inside Dmitri's chest. Welkynd kitty is the one that was playing with the welkynd stone back then when Dmitri was still alive.

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Gren: Random High Elf > You fucked up.

That's archmage Traven's room, am I right?
I just noticed the rings on their hands. They got married lol
Also, why is Katia on yellow team? :O
PD: BTW, I think you mistook Welkind-kitty with Mr.Scruffles. The last one is an undead cat, while the first one is the one who's looking for Katia.

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Gren: Am I the only one here who sees a swastika?

And why is there so many random lizard and cat folk? :P

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Gren: "You wanna get paid?"

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Gren: It seems the cat has gained some weight. My god she even broke the floor! I can't help but feel sorry for Quill. Her facial expression and hand gesture seems to be saying "How the hell did I get dragged in all this deep shit?"

While Aggy is all like "she's definitely not thinking like a withchunter"

I just wish Gaius were there placing a "do not fall here" note.

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Gren: How can we be sure that's Katia and not some random Khajiit? THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME!

@Filthypaladin: I lol'd at your last statement. X3

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Gren: This has to win!

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Gren: Damn, this is way too adorable.
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