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Gren: @Higuera: Yeah me too. Reminds me to the titans from Attack on Titan. Creepy.

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Gren: No orange soda for you, miss. Next thing you'll know you'll wake up in arms of a dog at Bino's.

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Gren: http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1177170981l/684780.jpg

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Gren: That's not how alchemy works you silly cat!
By the way, isn't this a little questionable? I mean, this is quite explicit and there may be kids watching it.

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Gren: Katia Managan with hobbit feet. Eww.

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Gren: @Nefel: Yeah I thought so too, I just kind of assumed it was rain because of the tags. And I hadn't thought about the painted underwear, which means it's not the orc but most likely the necromancer OR the skeleton (and you're using the gag).

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Gren: @TemporaryFace: But Katia is still young! She's about 19-20 y/o (kinda teenagy if you ask me), she lacks of maturity, is still too naive and her actions have proved to be quite childish most of the times. She's hardly an adult. So I suggest to use "younger Katia" instead.

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Gren: @Nefel: Yeah, I get that a lot. That's why I say internet hasn't perverted my mind that much... yet.

"Now you are the orc" Aww man, I thought I was the unicorn. :(

BTW, I don't recall it rained the day they met.

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Gren: Wha-? No, I don't even want to know what the heck is this crazy shit.

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Gren: @tronn: Duh, of course I know. I was just trying to be funny okay ¬¬

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Gren: @MetalC0Mmander: Against arrows and shurikens? Sure. Against the physical strength exerted in a sword stroke? Hardly.

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Gren: @MetalC0Mmander: I suggest "Katia Hammered in Hammerfell"

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Gren: Katia has found yet another vice... selfies.

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Gren: Welp, the sky is red, you know what that means.

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Gren: I lol'd like crazy with this shit. XD

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Gren: Totally lady-boner.

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Gren: I'm kinda sure this is a reference to Kill la Kill. NUDIST BEACH!

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Gren: "Hurry up and hide the pineapples in a safe place! NO, NOT THERE!"

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Gren: Imperial Soldier: "Oh boy, here we go again."

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Gren: Finally I'm not dressed like a prostitute!

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Gren: Oh yeah, I remember having seen that long time ago. Hilarious.

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Gren: Katia: "Oh crap, another treasure? Just when I thought I finally was giving a step forward in my adventuring life."

On the next update
Katia: "Wha? What is this shit? Where's the vampires? Where's the drunk sex with necromancers and skeletons? Where's the non-lesbian platonic relationships? Where's my failures, my humiliations? Why have you done this to my Kazerad? WHY?!

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Gren: @Mediocre_Scrublord: Actually, I think that's a towel.
I don't get the reference, though. Internet hasn't perverted my mind to those levels yet.

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Gren: Khajiit slavery all over again.

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Gren: All the fat is in the boobs. Well, I guess she should be grateful. No one's gonna complain of that.

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Gren: @Mediocre_Scrublord: Yeah, that would be like the good ol' times.

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Gren: Actually, this one has a better resolution than the one I quoted.

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Gren: Well, Kaz said the next update was done already but I guess he'll wait until two weeks have passed since the latest one, just to reduce the waiting for the next one I guess? I don't know how Kaz's head works. Maybe he's busy with the merchandising and stuff?

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Gren: So... Killerfish and a Slaughterfish, huh? I ship it.

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Gren: I've lost my innocence.

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Gren: Just when I thought there was no possible way that Katia could humiliate herself even more...

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Gren: I fear she's gonna rape me.

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Gren: Is this a british version of Katia?
Oh wait, I knew I had seen this before: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/818

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Gren: @Nefel: Oh, then that's racist! How come the tags still doubt about it?

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Gren: I know this is latin but I just lol'd when I saw "cum me". XD

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Gren: The most frightening of this picture is Sigrid's flat chest.

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Gren: I don't get it. Is the milk supposed to represent anything? Sometimes I wonder what's on the head of people when they draw these things.

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Gren: Future command: Swirl your tails as fast as you can in attempt to gain impulse and fly like a weird cat-helicopter. Totally not Miles Prower. And look, now you have a new technique with no magicka cost and way better than telekinetic levitation (I guess...).

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Gren: "Oh crap, this is happening again. You knew you shouldn't have eaten that mushroom. Or that spicy sandwich. Or that spiked elixir the necromancer gave you."

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Gren: So... it seems the longer the time she spends with Katia, the more useless jobless drunky whore she gets.

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Gren: http://reactionface.net/reactionface/images/original/244.jpg?new=1

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Gren: Gomu gomu no ...

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Gren: Rajirra's mastering obscene party tricks. Why isn't this canon yet?

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Gren: Holy shit, someone's plotting a murder!
Vendetta for the table!

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Gren: Nah, that ain't gonna happen.
Besides, it should be the other way around. Katia is the magicka-leech, the best she could do is grab the pike and act as a lighting rod.

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Gren: A-W-E-S-O-M-E

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Gren: Business isn't going well, it seems.

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Gren: Still not happening.

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Gren: The cat was who killed the slaughterfish, actually.
Katia is just... petting him. yeah, that must be it.
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