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Dramatic Descriptions

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Gren: Why is yet no pic of Sigrid using Junketsu? I can't blame anyone now for doing all this great (and questionable) art. I just saw this series and I have to say it was totally awesome!

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Gren: @Mediocre_Scrublord: Well, I think ninjas were meant to avoid combat as well. But I think ninjas are more related to Assassins mainly due to their goals (to kill people).
While Agents are more like Spies. They are the sneaky charming info-collectors saboteurs.

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Gren: You mean frost and shock spells, right? I thought about it after I saw the last update and I concluded that they definitely can be unlocked with feelings as well. Since Katia said she's able to cast fire spells when her feelings are hurt then maybe the opposite feelings has the opposite effect. That is to say she'd be able to use frost magic when she feels pleased. While the shock spells should be right in the middle. So the key to cast those spells has to be feelings of comfort / encouragement.

Also, I'm totally convinced that Gharug and Katia will meet again after the arc of Kvatch is finished and something is going to happen that will lead to Gharug seeking revenge on her. (Remember what Aggy said, right?)

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Gren: Perfect!

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Gren: @Mediocre_Scrublord: Aw man, what's your problem? Why you had to remind me that? Now I'm depressed.
Dmitri come back! T_T

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Gren: This means another puzzle!

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Gren: Amazing drawing! I have to say I love Aggy's expression in this picture (definitely suits him).
I can't wait to see these two adventuring together though for some reason I have the feeling this duo will no last long. :(

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Gren: @Bob: Because I can. >:D

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Gren: Oh shit, the answer was meant for Sr Lupinotuum.

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Gren: @Moo_questionmark_or_aggy: You got it wrong.
Mr._Scruffles ≠ Welkynd Cat.
As far as I'm concerned, the cat Dmitri sent (assuming he is alive somehow) is Welkynd Cat not Mr. Scruffles.

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Gren: OMG THIS IS EXCELLENT! I can't stop laughing! XD

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Gren: You really want her to be a knight, don't you? X3
But isn't supposed a knight must have "personality"? I think it's like a prerequisite. That's where they differ from warriors. And considering how everyone treats her, is safe to say this is not one of her strengths.

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Gren: Yeah, but this is Katia we're talking about. She was barely able to swing a broken branch. Not to mention that Ilden stopped her blow with a finger. She's such a lightweight (no pun intended) that ASOTIL was able to lift her up with a hand without effort.

Besides, that's not how it works in Oblivion. Reality does not apply in the game (you're not thinking like a witchhunter! X3). The amount of weight you can carry is determined by strenght. Female Khajiits are one of the weakest among all races (30 points by default at the beginning); and when your strength is low even a shitty armor easily can weigh half of the weight you are capable to carry.

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Gren: A knight, really?.... Definitely not Katia.
I'm sure she's not able to move after she put on that heavy armor.

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Gren: She's not a ninja, she's an Agent!

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Gren: Srlsy?

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Gren: Well, this post just become a forum.
My dreams and hopes were broken long ago when Dmitri died.

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Gren: This makes me think about Dmitri's welkind cat. What if he were a Khajiit too? He has proved to be pretty smart to go to Kvatch by himself and somehow is looking for Katia which would be very hard to give such a task to an ordinary kitten. He even was smart enough to avoid the "definitely not a vampire", Nah.

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Gren: How the hell should I know? There's a lot of weird people out there with even weirder fetishes.
As far as I can tell, it could be because Mikey the Fox has drawn several pictures of Katia and Gumball in his tumblr.

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Gren: This picture reminds me of those music video clips where the camera focuses from different angles and then they put the recordings together to give a dramatic atmosphere.

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Gren: I was just joking man.

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Gren: But three sizes bigger in front.
"Fshuff fshuff" sounds like a heavy armor to my.

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Gren: My hand is burning. Tee-hee
Looks like she's needing a bit of support for that pair of baby feeders.

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Gren: BTW her tits are gone!

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Gren: Umbra sword and ebony armor? Yeah, not happening.

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Gren: WTF face

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Gren: Nice perspective.

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Gren: Is that Martin Septim?

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Gren: Well, I guess I can admit that Khajiits and Argonians have improved compared to how they were in Skyrim. Not the graphics but their appearance.

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Gren: @Mediocre_Scrublord: Yup, there can't be any other possible logical answer.

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Gren: Wow, Katia with a cutlass. No doubt she has the spirit of a Redguard. An adventurer in every sense of the word.

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Gren: This is so sad. I hope this dream never ever happens. T_T

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Gren: @Mediocre_Scrublord: Use your imagination.
She obviously must be thinking in spoons. What else she would be thinking?

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Gren: @tjk: Oh my, that was so funny! lol

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Gren: Why people keep drawing Katia extremely curvy? Not complaining though. :P
She looks even less "person" with those feet. Then again, khajiit aren't people.

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Gren: Holy cat!

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Gren: OMG is Popeye--I mean, Jiub!

We definitely need more Jiub. I wonder what would happen if Aggy meets him. Probably he will abandon Katia since he's a more suitable adventurer AND is a Dark Elf.

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Gren: My boobs weigh too much.

Boobs. Impractical for any wizard.

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Gren: @comkiller: Yeah, I know but still! In Skyrim, Argonians were too much ugly and Khajiits weren't much different from bipedal house cats.

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Gren: NOOOO!! I was the one supposed to upload the image Nº 1000! You've stained my honor! Give me back my honor!
P.S. Awesome painting, man. ;)

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Gren: Robe of paralysis.

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Gren: @Gren: I'm ready to make some signs now. :P

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Gren: *made *purpose
shit horrible typos

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Gren: Gahahahaha! I can't stop laughing at this. Both, the art and the comments are perfect.
Also, did I make a cat cry? Well, all I can say is “my job has been done” (isn't that the purpuse of this comic after all?)

Thank goodness I'll be remembered for this!

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Gren: @DestinedFateX: You know, I was just joking but if you think about it, actually it does make sense, since she was just a cheap whore back then. If she were beautiful wouldn't have had any problems in getting whatever she desired by just seducing men. Though she couldn't help it. It was in Hammerfell after all, so it's safe to say most of the people she fucked with were mostly redguards, and it's highly unlikely there are much of them with a cat thing as Dmitri.

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Gren: Honestly, I think argonians are getting increasingly disgusting by every new game of the saga. They just don't look like Argonians anymore. Now they're just some sort of slimy dinosaurs.

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Gren: Ugliest Khajiit I've ever seen. Definitely fits with Katia. (But seriously, what the hell did they do to the species? Fat head, extremely muscular arms, sharp claws on feet even the look on her face looks dumb. At least they improved one thing with those melon sized tits).

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Gren: Yup, this is not racist at all.............. Here, kitty kitty.

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Gren: Looks like she's wondering about the picture right above her.
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