Obey all rules or suffer unimaginable consequences.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Lykozze: This picture is awesome! I just can't help but think of that Gummi Bears cartoon.

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Lykozze: *distant vuvuzela*

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Lykozze: There you go, Raydio. I hope this qualifies as celebrating Rajirra Day.

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Lykozze: This reminds me a lot of the Billies (Land Dreugh)! Quite terrifying.

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Lykozze: @Raydio: Suuure!
Good job with the picture, but why is rajirra day a national one? Can I still celebrate it? And how is it celebrated?

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Lykozze: I don't even know anymore. I guess Katia likes cake a little too much. Don't drink and draw.

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Lykozze: That would be an entertaining conversation to listen to. Awesome picture!

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Lykozze: Incredibly cute! Just like all the other stuff you posted here!

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Lykozze: This is what Katia will look like after spending almost two years without blinking.
I can see why this would be tagged as questionable. It certainly makes one question their sanity.

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Lykozze: This is really fantastic ...and huge!

I'm sure that by the time Katia would reach Skyrim, she'd be jaded enought to no longer care about random killing and pyromaniac monsters.

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Lykozze: @Cremafied: I'd love to see that!
This picture is nice as well. What did you use for the "sun"? Is it a random texture or something insane like a macrophotography of a fishegg or something? It would certanly explain Katia's interest.

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Lykozze: @realbboy: Yes, I found the lack of this emotion disturbing! I just took the "indecision" and changed it just a tiny bit. The file was even named "intoxication".

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Lykozze: They do look similar! But why does the bartender look so feminine?!

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Lykozze: Quill-Weave uses rotten meat to lure some filthy rats out of her neighbours basement. Hopefully a guard will see them and dispose of the nasty things.

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Lykozze: Very good! I always wondered if we will one day have an Elder Scrolls set in modern times. If I could give you one advice it would be to keep the background a lot more simple. The .gif might have too many colors to deal with, resulting in these flashes (I think).

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Lykozze: More like Katia Humanagan.

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Lykozze: @realbboy: I agree with you. However, this specific artwork was neither made by a fan nor is directly related to prequel in terms of characters and setting. Sorry, I hope I don't sound like a dick pointing this out.

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Lykozze: Sweet! However, I'm not sure this is fana- A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON!

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Lykozze: Great picture, awesome art style. Looks like Katia is ready to take on the nightmare king in her dreams.

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Lykozze: Katia demonstrates how to fight like a witch hunter using bear traps.
This is my favourite alternative way to dismantle enemies in Skyrim with the Ordinator mod installed. Some lockpicking perks allows you to place powerful traps, but instead of luring enemies to them I like to use telekinesis to throw them around like a madman and using them as shield against arrows and magic. But just like with scissors I would strongly advise against running with them in front of your face.

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Lykozze: That's too sad...
You did a great job adopting this art style. Very well done and clean picture, I would love to see more stuff like this!

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Lykozze: I'd watch it. Although maybe this is what actually happens when Katia gets drunk.

By the way, welcome to this booru!

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Lykozze: You did a great job with this! It doesn't get anymore adorable than that. I'd rather pray to Alkosh though.

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Lykozze: I've read somewhere that that fanart is getting weird...er. Is that true?!
Also, I#m not sure if I need to tag this as questionable or not. I guess having to ask that question alone often answers it by itself.

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Lykozze: I can't imagine to be in Katia's position. Hang in there, best of luck and don't overwork yourself!

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Lykozze: This is so good! I like how the "washed out" colors and the damaged background make it look like an old illustration.

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Lykozze: @bluedraggy: This description is so accurate, thank you!

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Lykozze: @Kewot_Rokar: You're right... There are always these small details that I'm missing that end up distorting the whole thing. A single small line would have made her neck more visible. But at least in my case there is not a whole lot of neck left when posing like this, try it!

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Lykozze: @picartosux: I agree on the Russian, however I would strongly consider poems to be (fan)art. Just not the kind of art you would post on a booru.

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Lykozze: RIP! Also, Gharug gro-Upp must be quite flexible to position his hand like this. Then again, he uses his abs for storage. Nice work madman!

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Lykozze: What monster would bake a stone into a sweetroll?! You monster!

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Lykozze: Great! The idea of using the main colors as background works really well. Can I steal that idea?!

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Lykozze: I really love this hot Katia! I really like this art style!

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Lykozze: It got featured? Awesome! I thought about making the price of the spear exorbitantly high, since spears seem to be quite rare in Cyrodiil. Or maybe they got banned like levitation.

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Lykozze: Wanted to give this combination a try as well. As always I immediately noticed some issues with the lineart right after uploading it. I hope you still like it!

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Lykozze: Oooh, that is such a good crossover! I was this close to doing this one myself, a Roy Mustang and Katia crossover just fits so well together.
Great job, it looks fantastic!

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Lykozze: I was playing around with some very simple pixelart animation after seeing Furrymoan's dwarven corvette. I lack experience with stuff like this, so I don't know if this is horrible or not. However, I still hope you like this little mecha.

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Lykozze: Thank you for the criticism, I'll try giving my drawings 4 fingers from now on. The thumb really annoys me as well. It is one of those things that you only notice after the image is uploaded.
But this is why I upload: I want to learn to be better at artwork. Two months ago I could only really draw stickfigures. So thank you everyone for letting me know this stuff so I can continue to improve!

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Lykozze: Here is Katia, indulging in the favourite pastime of every khajiit. I wonder if she will be successful in her daily shopping.

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Lykozze: You know, I never really understood how underdressed Bubsy was until I saw Katia in the same clothing.

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Lykozze: I'm glad you all like it. However, I just now realized I completely forgot the tail...

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Lykozze: Yup, that is quite questionable. It looks pretty good, just watch out that you don´t just pose her for the sake of looking "good". Let her at least search for her glasses or something or you´ll just end up drawing porn (though there is nothing wrong with that).

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Lykozze: What fuels this dwarven corvette? Magic? Guar droppings? CHIM?! I have to know!

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Lykozze: @BlakeWolf5113: Obviously. Team Skull would never ruin a perfectly fine skull beanie! They cost money, you know!

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Lykozze: This looks amazing! Kind of hard for me to see Katia in this, though.

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Lykozze: Nicely done! I love how her tail wraps around her leg!

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Lykozze: @Geravind: Well, just based on that description I feel I should make a regular Katia with metal plates nailed to her flesh. That would look very painful, though...

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Lykozze: There you go @Enheldor! This one was a lot more difficult than the others, since there are barely any comic pages with this cat. I hope you still like it.

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Lykozze: @Lykozze: Well, I could not have messed up that link more than I did... Just believe me that they look pretty similar, except the color, the ears, feet and the tail.

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Lykozze: @notafurryipromise: Yes, we have a winner! I guess it was pretty obvious with the connection to fire and stuff. Then again, not everyone knows Golden Sun.
Here is a Mars Djinn:
<img src="https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/goldensun/images/9/98/MarsDjinniGif.gif/revision/latest?cb=20090612062044">
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