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Tahrey: No, she just *weaves* with that. No-one said she couldn't have the secret alias Sword-Cleave as well.

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Tahrey: Took about 4 or 5 times for me, first time I've ever seen it... neat.

There are various secrets in it after all.

Maybe it's just what happens if you cycle through the head accessories too many times?

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Tahrey: ...interesting

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Tahrey: ^ this

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Tahrey: It's only offensive if you don't like butts. There's no actual sexual content.

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Tahrey: 1-2, yellow, 5-1-4-1, custom bg #003333

Pirate Kat, on a murky night. Devoid of cutlass, hat or flintlock (or parrot...) sadly, but let's just say she's a recent recruit and the drunken captain wanted her for a cabin "boy". Make your own decisions on what point he figures it out when stepping through shirts 4, 3, 1 and then pants 3 and 1...

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Tahrey: *hits it a couple times*
and, yet again, 1-0, yellow, 1-0-1-1. Thanks for making me look like a perv at work.

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Tahrey: And if you change the clothing to 3-1-3-3 and fur to the medium brown ... voila, Katia Warrior Princess. Thanks, randomiser.

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Tahrey: Has this been updated? Because the thing's loaded up with a random selection of things, none of which were selectable before...

(A quite neat oriental style combo, in fact - Head set 4 / ---, yellow, outfit 10-2-5-2, bg 1)

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Tahrey: JJR: It happens sometimes.

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Tahrey: neat... do those hex codes mean anything? they look like they've been taken from somewhere specific. maybe memtest86+ :)

and... whisker marks on her nose? does that mean skyrim-style whiskers are canon now?

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Tahrey: bewty?

also, fur can be shiny. have you never seen a petfood commercial?

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Tahrey: *presses the randomise button but once*
*gets this*

God damn it all, internet.

Well, at least it let her keep her boots on...

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Tahrey: Is there supposed to be anything selectable with the second box after "Fur", or is that being reserved for future use?

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Tahrey: hmm, did someone edit forced_meme to just meme? I mean, it's something basically no-one except me finds at all significant...

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Tahrey: Was MSPainted in response to a forum comment :D

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Tahrey: Nice bit of oekaki, btw

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Tahrey: Tag your stuff, Furnut! :D

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Tahrey: @Sasquatch_boote: ... this is why smilies exist, btw. Because tone of voice doesn't work in plain text ;)

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Tahrey: Could have been worse.

Could have been her hideous milk taco.

...ugh, I can only apologise. But I needed to scrape that out of my head.

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Tahrey: Think you're off to a good start with the clothing, really. One of my least favourite parts of trying to draw anything. Honestly, if you ever want to realise why even non-pornographic nudes are so popular...

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Tahrey: ...and thus I learned POG had a deviantart & tumblr and his own DBZ-derived characters. Lost in a world of yay.

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Tahrey: bloop

well, won't need to use imgur any more then. too bad I couldn't use my first choice of name thanks to the limits on allowable username characters

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Tahrey: What is this sorcery?!

Also, very useful and a cool way of co-opting the available formats. 9/10, loses a mark for not having pleasing background music ;)

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Tahrey: @Tahrey:
...oh, right. Like that. Derp.

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Tahrey: wtf

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Tahrey: @Man_Of_Mer
OK, i'm new to this, obvs that's not how you quote someone's name into a post. Let's see if I can do it correctly. Maybe it needs to be the first thing in a reply? Or you just write it out without an @, such as Man_Of_Mer ?

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Tahrey: DAAANG, Plague. The Kawaii level in this picture is almost TOO DAMN HIGH.

@Man_Of_Mer - he's so modest about his abilities as well, is the more amazing (or possibly distressing?) thing. If you watch his youtube videos the self deprecation almost gets annoying as he knocks out another awesome piece like this in a single sitting. And apparently the Prequel pieces are almost all done as practice studies rather than anything serious O_o

Also, making a character cuter by REDUCING the eye size, I think this must be a first?!

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Tahrey: IDK, @POMA ... I kinda like the eyes as they are. Nice and expressive :)

Could do with some kind of appendages of any kind though o_O
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