
Dramatic Descriptions

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Tahrey: Very nice. Looks almost like fibretip pen but I have a feeling it's digital.

That glove is going to be burnt all to shit, though.

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Tahrey: Katia has Corgiface :D
And an interesting compromise between digitigrade and plantigrade foot anatomy.
Overall, I rate it "neat" out of fourteen and a bit.

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Tahrey: ...then put on an outfit and developed vital stats more reminiscent of Rajirra.

Needs more yellow face/bodypaint (except on the nose and fingerpads) btw ;-D

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Tahrey: Pfffft! :D

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Tahrey: Wait, is POMA actually The Fischbach in disguise? Cuz, wow, that's a pretty good bit of style convergence if not... :D

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Tahrey: Though I don't recall the two terminators actually talking to each other, except when both of them were using other people's voices on the phone...

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Tahrey: Not a contributor to the crowdfunder then, I take it.

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Tahrey: According to the TESwiki that I ended up flicking through yesterday (to find out wtf Hist Sap was), the answer to that question is "yes". As in, drunkenness and drug addiction is viewed much the same on Nirn as it is on Earth. Some races have more or less resistance to the intoxicating or narcotic/addictive effects of particular substances, which is why they may feature surprisingly heavily in certain cuisines and cultures without much ill effect ... it's when people either indulge to excess, get creative in order to enhance those effects, or partake of delicacies from foreign lands that the problems start to arise.

Besides, a lot of real-world drinks used to be at least mildly alcoholic back in mediaeval times. It killed off much of the bacteria and made them safer to drink than straight river water, unpasteurised milk from dirty teats, or juices of uncertain age and provenance. The relatively low strength of the brew (2% typical) and the limited amounts in which it was consumed (no more or less than any other drink) meant you didn't tend to be that affected by it (consider, say, the consumption of four normal beers across the course of an entire day), and in a land without motor vehicles, heavy machinery or delicate surgery, it didn't matter as much even if you were.

There are IRL people who are sensitive to alcohol same as Katia is, and indeed even a parallel in how certain broad racial groups have more or less ability to properly digest and process particular things (lactose and alcohol in particular, in fact). So it's almost certainly neither something Kaz has made up out of whole cloth, or, on a planetary basis at least, unique to this one person.

As for there being a Cyrodiil branch of the AA... I kinda doubt it.

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Tahrey: *where are

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Tahrey: Looks good, ASW, if a bit sparse.

Where is imaginary-internet-voice-Khajiit's ears, though?

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Tahrey: Nominating for next featured masterpiece.

Like, actual physical media and everything.

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Tahrey: Tronn is a robot skeleton. I'm not sure the concept of gender even applies.

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Tahrey: spoiler: is wooden figurine of top front part of horse from outside a tack shop.

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Tahrey: i ... just ...


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Tahrey: dayyyyum

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Tahrey: Or maybe embed it into some kind of fancy Flash visual-novel-reader thingamajig? Cuz you could upload that happily enough.

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Tahrey: Load the .txt as RAW into an image editor with suitable dimensions

Save as .png

Upload the whitenoisy result



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Tahrey: hehehehehe
animation ftw
expressions ftw
cartoonish stretching of body proportions ftw

I feel that Katia's elbow and shoulder have actually both been dislocated here by Raj TRYING to pull away.

If only you could still set ani gifs as desktop backgrounds. Maybe it can be used as a facebook sticker somehow instead?

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Tahrey: I think her legs change length depending on the art style, and the knee-guards likely aren't tied on particularly tight and are just resting on the boots by their tips, so you're all good. For a freehand first shot, I'd personally have been overjoyed at ending up with something like this :)

Dose eyelashes doe, where the heck did she get such extreme mascara in Kvatch, without any money?

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She's super duper yummy!
A heroine for your tummy!
She left her family behind...

Now available from Tavia's, south wall street, Kvatch

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Tahrey: The stylised-art panels where she first starts properly mastering her fire magic get it about right I think. Scrawny but not totally emaciated.

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Tahrey: And now to make things a hundred times worse - imagine this is a fast-shutter action shot, where he's just slowly swung his hips as far as he can to the right of this image, then snap-thrusted to the left. And the chicken wing is actually an integral part of everything.

You're welcome.

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Tahrey: dawwwww

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Tahrey: It's a kangawolfbatyphon or something. IIRC he deliberately combined all the most cliche/overused parts of tryhard hybrid fursonas into one convenient lump. Including the lurid colour scheme.

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Tahrey: Technically, boxer shorts. Her (painted) "pants" are hidden underneath them.

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Tahrey: Ah, so her fire powers have finally reached the level of Homer Simpson's?

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Tahrey: I mean ... why is she blushing so much? If it's merely equivalent to a prehensile limb, it'd be like having his arm on your face.

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Tahrey: Methinks the shark doth protest too much...

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Tahrey: Headcrab ghost, or a SATW beerghost that's had one too many?

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Tahrey: "Fan-tasy"? :-/

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Tahrey: @Man_Of_Mer: I'm using it purely in the TVTropes.com (disclaimer: DON'T GO THERE, IT WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE) sense, not in the sense implied by the words when separated out. As in it's odd selfinsert bits of fanart/fanfic/etc. No value judgement included or implied. I do kinda like it, in fact, though I may not entirely understand it.

Truth be told I didn't entirely know what to label it as - it's not really fanfic (other than being a comic itself), "fanart" is a bit too generic as it's on the booru already and it doesn't really specify the kind of thing I'm thinking of, "fanstrip" just sounds wrong from the off... etc. So I plumped for that.

Katia's in bed with a Marty Stu / what I assume is the artist's fursona, and having some kind of intimate contact ("tailboner"?!), soooo...

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Tahrey: *spine
** at point blank
*** from the front

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Tahrey: But that's what the "your_weird_OC" tag is for. Is there a matching "fandomwank" (or whatever) one?

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Tahrey: I submit this as contender for the next Featured Masterpiece.

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Tahrey: :-3

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Tahrey: ^_^

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Tahrey: > Katia: Whip paintbrush out of Rajirra's hand and shove it up her a~~CARRIER LOST~~

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Tahrey: Probably inflicts rather more grievous wounds than a perfectly clean, straight, razor sharp blade would, actually...

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Tahrey: @RoninSmall: Well, it's maybe not perfect, but I get the idea of what you're saying, and I must say your English is far, far better than my (non-existent) Russian, or indeed Google's...! :)

Thanks for the attempt, much appreciated.

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Tahrey: Very nice ... but, next time, can you boost the gamma a little? It's dark enough on my monitor that I have to move my head off the normal viewing line to see many of the details. Which is partly the monitor's fault, but it only happens on very dark images.

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Tahrey: ...Katia likes it? :)

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Tahrey: GTrans says:
Katenyke ponravilosy, uiiiiiiiiiii!
"Khajiit approved."

Though the second line was "Caggiano approval" until I corrected it. I mean, wtf?

What's a ponravilosy, anyway?

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Tahrey: Also, if you can sign up one of those cheap-ass ceramic figurine production houses (you know, the ones that sell tat on the back covers of TV guides) to make copies of this on the sly... £10 says Beth would never find out.

Only (twelve easy monthly payments of) £12.99!

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Tahrey: Kateyme Ponravipocv, yiiiiiii!
"Khajiit Odosr?i"

...Yeah, I suck at trying to transliterate cyrillic without a cheat sheet. But I think there is at least some kind of familiar-diminutive form of Katia in there, as well as "Khajiit" of course (or "Kcadchit")...

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Tahrey: 4. Shoot a BB gun at the new monitor.

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Tahrey: BTW Kaz the code for the "dramatic descriptions" page is still messed up, you can't go further back than page 1. Even when it claims to be on page 2, 3 ... etc, it shows the first page of comments only.

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Tahrey: I think we need to appoint someone as official Russian translator, because doing it via machine gave me this pile of nonsense:

"I just asked a sound bream accurate transmission of invoices: I perchtaki look metallic. Thanks for the tip, but it's best Save your while, as the figure waiting for a full-recoat I need to rethink some things. Maybe if I can agree with my strange friend, I wanted to paint the process chamber ;)"

However, I second Geravind's more easily understood sentiment. You don't happen to be a claymation-er do you?

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Tahrey: ...Russian X-Com?
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