Another booru is not a valid source. Either find the artist's original site or leave the source blank.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Tahrey: And the clip full of magic crystals...

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Tahrey: Maybe it was your own personal Tyler Durden.

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Tahrey: Интересно, если Google Translate находится в плохо обращаются с английского на русский язык, так как это наоборот?

WTF is a Peredaem o_O

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Tahrey: Yeah, but how long ago was that? I've totally lost track.

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Tahrey: ...damn, I'm so blind, totally didn't notice!

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Tahrey: Is it just me or is there not actually any difference between HopeForYouYet.jpg and HopeForYouYetError.png?

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Tahrey: ... huh? ... just a box.

Wait, how is spotting that someone's got their pants down in any way like a videogame guard? :D

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Tahrey: :)

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Tahrey: >MOM
Better stay off the internet then, because where there be two or more characters in a piece, there will be shipping.

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Tahrey: wait ... i thought they only had 3 fingers so far ...

i'm going to have to go back and check

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Tahrey: Lu le la li lo

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Tahrey: *copies address*
oh, that's nice

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Tahrey: MS Paint is best paint

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Tahrey: "wait ... I wasn't wearing this a moment ago ... what happened?"

or maybe she's checking her barbarian / post apocalyptic wristwatch and has realised she's late for the ritual murder. It's almost half past sunset!

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Tahrey: An actually nice Khajiit? Lies.

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Tahrey: dang it, every other time i hi-5 the left hand, the right hand goes off the side of the screen :(

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Tahrey: #foreshadowing

...how are you meant to escape from the nightmare when you effectively can't open your eyes?

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Tahrey: benchpressing a pair of chickens

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Tahrey: oh ... oh!
... oh no :/

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Tahrey: *because ?

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Tahrey: tl;dr - BUTTS, LOL

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Tahrey: That's the wrong eye, though. Or is the idea that she's learning how to do it out of the other eye so she can use it more than twice a day, even if that risks ending up with two bloodied eyes?

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Tahrey: Ʃ8o3>

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Tahrey: I think if you were to merge those two coloured version 50/50 it'd be worthy of putting in an actual gallery and seeing what wandering critics made of it.

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Tahrey: BUT WHY

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Tahrey: moar.

also, colurz.

...but where are the clovers?

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Tahrey: The tail of that first R doesn't quite cover the nipplage location though, it's more omission than obstruction.

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Tahrey: human children are like Khajiit children except they have smaller ears lower down the head, less protruding muzzles, uncleft top lips and no fur.

oh also shorter tails, wider/shorter claws, and flatter feet.

so, try again? just make sure that they're clothed. they'll get cold without fur otherwise.

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Tahrey: So if he's walking around behind the bar with his junk out and no-one can tell, why is he so crabby all the time instead of continually stifling chuckles?

And ... well, just, why?

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Tahrey: wait ... so ... they're actually looking at each other without realising? subtles.

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Tahrey: Actually it's a pretty easy thing to do, all you need is a sharpie:

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Tahrey: wtf did I just watch?! :D :D

also, chaste and child friendly pole dancing seems to be A Thing these days. very confusing.

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Tahrey: Mmm, Iced Tea.

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Tahrey: Also somewhat Steven Universe-y. Like she's a very distant Gem projection or something, hence the green outline and the horizontal scratchiness.

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Tahrey: Who?
...yeah, that's a bit beyond my MSPainting abilities. Sorry, the internet must stay awake a bit longer.

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Tahrey: @MetalC0Mmander: I don't have a cat.
@Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Pics or it didn't happen.

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Tahrey: *translatificates*
Wait, that's meant to be a shovel?
And Kepskomu to you too!

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Tahrey: "Where else two katanas, scaly ?!

Prikona. = * = * _
From there the wings, and did not understand ... well, so Kaz Kaz - he knows better."


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Tahrey: Oh wait, we're meant to be tagging these?

Thanks, alcohol, for bothering to say that on the "first" picture as well as the "last" ;-)

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Tahrey: The next page arrow is my spirit animal.

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Tahrey: Those hips have passed straight through "wide" and "painless childbirth" into "lizardlike" :D

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Tahrey: I get the feeling this is what she ended up wearing after the razor incident, as it was the only gear that didn't suddenly feel far too loose.

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Tahrey: Looks like she's fused with Frieza... hence the non-kitty fingers and exposed muscles...

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Tahrey: Is that a katafication of Bombtrack by any chance?

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Tahrey: also, damn sexy whilst still probably scraping a PG rating

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Tahrey: take one on credit,
problem of not having money solves itself,
pay back the debt with interest?

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Tahrey: I like to think that she's actually looking at flirtybird and returning the wink

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Tahrey: pretty natural for a kitty cat though isn't it? even if it does make the smile kind of scary and predatory
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