Submit images and feed on the tears of mortal cats.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Tahrey: *zooms* ... ah, see, the largest monitor I have is 19", and no more than 1440 wide or 1024 high. That detail got a bit smushed.

They still look quite long anyway, though at least not unnaturally so. Just at the long end of normal.

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Tahrey: You ... me ... this pineapple ... and a yo-yo ... tonight, at the strike of two, at the broken well. Be there, you won't regret it. Rrrow.

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Tahrey: They tend to only have 2-frame walk cycles when drawn in that style anyway, but Gaius seems to have rationalised that to a very minimalist shuffle...

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Tahrey: (there's also too many of them, which adds to the freakiness... ;)

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Tahrey: I think they're misinterpreting. She looks tubby because the actual outline of her right-hand side from upper thigh to lower bust is obscured by the scroll. The eye then follows the line formed by the scroll itself which makes you think she's somewhere between obese and pregnant, but that's merely an illusion.

One would suggest that a small alteration to the layout so the scroll lies in a slightly different position might be wise, but that might mean a deceptively large amount of work at this stage.

What I want to know is why she has so many fingers, I mean, that's just weird. Mutant Katia! ;)

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Tahrey: They do seem a bit long and spindly, though that might just be because I'm expecting stubbier, more feline dimensions...

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Tahrey: I'm confused too, but more from overanalysis ... the one on the left looks more refined,but also seems to have less (attempted) detail... does that mean it's an earlier, intial attempt that's been twiddled and tweaked a lot, or a newer one that's using the lessons of the original to identify what is and isn't really needed and how to present them more cleanly?

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Tahrey: so cool :)

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Tahrey: *tailhug

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Tahrey: (so one stick for left track, one for right, one for turret, yes?)

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Tahrey: Actually looking at it, the smaller one does seem to be a bit smoother even when both are displayed at the same size. Annoying, when it represents much less work and no intelligent adjustment of the blur strength depending on how typically noisy each channel is in a digital camera at high ISO... oh well.

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Tahrey: Had a couple goes at trying to smooth the pic out a bit using GIMP. Its tools are maybe not the best for it (I mourn PSP's "edge preserving smooth" and "remove noise" tools), but I tried a couple different techniques using what was there and got reasonable results I think. They both had to result in reduced resolution, though I could do it again with either and upload the full rez if you like, just the outcome wouldn't be as good.

The one that's 1/3rd size (864x645) was a relatively simple Selective Gaussian at size 16, delta 16, then downsized with a linear filter and sharpened at level 33. The other, at 1/2 size (1296x968), was more sophisticated - separated the RGB channels, did dumb gaussians at diameter 8 (B), 4 (R) and 2 (G), recombined, a weaker selective gauss, resized linear, sharpened more strongly, a second selective one slightly weaker still, and a very mild sharpen to restore crispness.

Hopefully they will meet with satisfaction. I don't think any important details were lost, but it has got rid of almost all of that annoying spackle.

Click the individual pics to make them big, as ever.

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Tahrey: Yeah, but Blue Curacao is bleh, as are the majority of blue cocktails. They also have a far too high risk of containing either Blue WKD, or Blue Aftershock. I'm sure Katia would never be so low cla-----

No wait she totally would be.

But whatever, they're relatively rare compared to, yknow, water, and in the setting it's most likely that's what it is. Or some kind of magical potion of enhance charisma in order to boost her mind control powers.

And I've actually had a rainbow cocktail before ... it was fairly cool, but neither the strongest nor the best tasting, despite what I'd been told on both fronts. Merely pretty, up until the point where you'd drunk more than about a quarter of it, whereupon everything got a bit muddled.

Similarly the multi-layer coffee cocktail they serve at a beach bar my dad frequents (now he's fled the country for somewhere warmer and cheaper to live, albeit bloody expensive to get to for visiting), can never remember the name of it, something complex and spanish... Layers each of espresso (maybe even ristretto?), condensed milk, cream and a local syrupy liqueur (not in that order!), making a very interesting set of coloured bands a bit like a geological soil core covered in snow. But that doesn't last beyond the original mordre d'oeil, as you're MEANT to muddle it up quite vigorously before drinking...

...um. I think I might have digressed somewhat.

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Tahrey: What! I would never do such a thing. How dare you.

(Yeah, I figured it was either a SWAT van or a tank, and flipped the coin the wrong way ;)

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Tahrey: (Also I'm pretty sure QW has been directly referred to as "Giant Lizard" in the text ;)

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Tahrey: Also I'm rather interested as to what might be controlled by that RC handset at the upper left, with the three individual sticks...

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Tahrey: @Daniel: Agreed, it's just too bad that Katia had to be bisected for it to occur. Still, she doesn't seem too upset by that.

An increasingly awesome collection of figures there, ASW. It's a pity your camera doesn't seem up to the task of doing them justice, really! Does it have any kind of night-shot / low light mode, and have you anything to rest it on to keep it still whilst it takes that shot?

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Tahrey: Also it's pale blue.

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Tahrey: Ohhhh...

I was just being lazy with Lizards/Reptiles btw, but thanks for clearing up the collarbone = difference between quadripedal / bipedal thing.

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Tahrey: Meeeeeeeeep!

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Tahrey: ...I assumed an Armored Struggle Wagon was the Nirnian equivalent of a Paddywagon

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Tahrey: Project Megamanagaman? annmgamngamnggnamagnmangnmagnmagn

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Tahrey: Okey dokes. I just knew lizard vs mammal limb joint anatomy was somewhat different, hence how the former tend to have out-then-down stance (when quadripedal), but the latter are basically just straight down. Though both seem to have ball and socket joints, but mammalian ones are maybe a bit more complex.

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Tahrey: Don't you mean "Managaman"?

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Tahrey: ...it does kind of look suggestive though.

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Tahrey: Also, #got_the_hands_right.

One million points to hufflepuff.

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Tahrey: Dude, it's just water.

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Tahrey: [text color=red]red?[/text color]

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Tahrey: ...well, shit.

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Tahrey: NIPPLES OF [color=#FF4400]FIRE[/color]

Or possibly [color=Red]Fire[/color]. IDKLOL.

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Tahrey: ... ?

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Tahrey: *trieds clicking ProjectMegamanagan* WHY ... AREN'T ... YOU ... A LINK?!?!

...huh, how DO you even link here?

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Tahrey: PS what about the Elves in the first bar? They could be the "easy" / "first" stage. Or the Greater Imp Murderboss. Etc. There's quite a few you could pick.

Can't use the nightmare king as presumably he'll be the end boss and you can't select him directly.

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Tahrey: > Megamanagan

Yep, you win.

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Tahrey: Also we don't know what surface she's scooting along, a terran razor-scooter will be at least as hard to push on almost anything that isn't millpond-smooth concrete, tile or asphalt.

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Tahrey: They probably haven't invented hub-axle bearings on Nirn, yet. So that's just a wooden wheel rubbing directly on a wooden axle. Probably already well-oiled, but there's only so much you can do with that tech.

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Tahrey: How quickly do Argonians age vs Humans, though? And, as they're a lizard race, should they even HAVE collarbones? :)

I lika eet a lot though, the only thing I'm really puzzled by is what's going on with her top lip... if that's even the right word for the edge of an Argonian mouth.

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Tahrey: ...though given the context, I kinda feel like this is the "before" part of a diptych.

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Tahrey: ...or maybe just riding a push-scooter

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Tahrey: hehehe

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Tahrey: I call having given up pushing the wardrobe and just fallen asleep sitting against it.

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Tahrey: I do hope she actually has some magicka left.

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Tahrey: Because it's a really simple finger painting and all this time she was bigging up how great an artist she is? It does say "Platonic" on it after all.

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Tahrey: That's the great thing about quotes on the internet, they're always 100% true and accurate.

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Tahrey: Might be possible to do it in two overlapping pieces (may have for rotate 180 degrees in between) then use a panorama stitcher?

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Tahrey: ...who's Griswold?!

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Tahrey: Awesome mercandise

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Tahrey: Who's Lucy?
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