Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...
Tahrey: Oh no ... there's at least one of them in the world.
This planet must be cleansed. Commence exterminatus.
BTW, ASW, if you import the picture into a sufficiently advanced image editor - specifically, one that allows you to separate the picture out into its component RGB, CMYK or HSL fields, or even just do a circular hue shift, you can either perform the latter, or recombine the components in different ways so that grey stays grey, but blue exchanges places with yellow and so-on. Might have unpredictable effects on the fire colour, but, hey, it's there to be played with.
In this case I'd start by switching Y with C, which should turn Kati amber-yellow (and the fire somewhat purple, and the garment trim a little more towards the orange), as well as adjusting the colours o the book and text.
If that's no good, well, er... blue, in the rgb scheme, is essentially a dropping-out of red and green (to varying extents depending on whether you want more cyan or more indigo), so the possibilities might be a little more limited, but you could turn her a sort of orangey or greenish colour maybe and then blame it on the lighting. Or maybe pinkish and say it was another razor incident. Erm.
Hue rotation might be safest, though that could result in blue or even green fire.
Tahrey: In which case, photoshop or the like may actually be the better choice for you. That or an oldskool hard-paletted paint program. That way you can separate the different coloured parts into individual layers, and then change it to your heart's content later on with the colour tinting / hue shift tools (or in the old program, twiddle the colour indexes around/use a colour-replace tool).
And indeed if you go old skool enough you'll either have a limited range of colours to pick from for your palette (EGA-high, Atari ST, Amiga especially in extra-high-rez) or a near-/completely-fixed one (EGA low, pretty much every non-Atari 8-bit machine ever...), which would be an interesting exercise in picking sets of colours that work well together, blending them in various ways to create (a still-limited-range-of) intermediates and that, in extreme cases (and as shown off in some of Kazerad's own deliberately retro styled sprite arts), can even be used to substitute for the shadow / highlight tones of other midtone hues.
Tahrey: oh ... i thought you had used a phonecam or something. Either the paper curled up some in the corners, or your scanner seems to have some focus issues :/
Tahrey: It was probably on 4chan's /co/ at somepoint 8-12 months ago, so you'll have to go to LoveIsOver and spend aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages scrolling through various threads.
Tahrey: I thought this was Megaman, thus your player character's face is in the middle, and the other 8 are the enemies you can choose to face in any order (but there's only one or two "optimal" paths) ??
So we have Barman, Luckman, Trickman, Guardsman, Megakatia, Snarkman, Lesbiman, Snideman and Nahman.
Tahrey: BR:
I don't think we can make fair judgement until you show us your own "shit" (figurative, not literal)
Also, Toriel (who I think is meant to be some kind of goat-creature?) has featured in, like, three pictures on the entire booru so far. Maybe quite a few more outside of here, but Undertale is the New Hotness right now so there'll be a flurry of art to do with it, much like there was with Cave Story, and various other such games down the last few years. Sit it out, you'll be OK.
I mean, you're bothered by that, whilst I'm over here in a foetal position, clutching my knees and rocking gently, still desperately waiting for the day when the unrelenting Pony onslaught will end.
Tahrey: Rad: It's somewhat easier when you've already laid handpaws on her. The dropping of the hood is either accidental or purely for dramatic effect so it doesn't look like she's magically snapped her own neck. does wonder if Kat's arms are strong enough to do that.
Tahrey: I'd be wary of the whole "Katia in my Pocket" thing, though, if actually animate. I've seen that "Granpa in my Pocket" TV show. Things usually go badly and are only saved by an amusing confluence of several deus ex machina and the infuriating, unrealistic ignorance of all the other adults involved in the scene.
Tahrey: Pocket Khajiit!
Your miniature friend!
Pocket Khajiit!
Your friendship never ends!
Pocket Khajiit!
Avoiding disasters like wow!
Pocket Khajiit!
Available in toystores now.
Tahrey: SJ: Pretty certain if you can handle the monochrome pencils that well, colour will hold no particular challenge once you get over the fear and do the necessary research.
(Honestly, a lot of people have made amazing stuff with simple tools like that, and it could be a good intro to the "feel" of digital media before getting overwhelmed by all the different tools and features of Photoshop and the like)
fanarts of something you like, either in your own style or trying to ape the original, are all well and good, but trying to force it one way or the other is a road to ruin and needless self loathing because it's not coming out perfectly like the way some other person did it. Everyone has their own style which develops fairly organically, outside of some basic practice and theory acquisition.
Tahrey: I have no idea what that is, as I didn't watch the video the first time, it went into a loooooooooooooooooong unskippable ad when I clicked it just now (so I didn't bother waiting), and I've never played or seen that much of Thief but AFAICT it's not what I meant.
I'm meaning actually more feminine (without being a sissy/damsel/whatever - more yer noire femme fatale or whatever) and giving more an impression of having been written for an actress rather than having a script turn up for a burly action dude and someone going "hey what if we make it a woman to make it a bit different on the cheap" > Ctrl-F, replace, repeat repeat.
Though Salt did come quite close without quite making it 100%, and it looks like the newer Tomb Raider games might do.
...maybe I was just having a bit of a hormonal moment, IDK. Especially as I was about to add that a section similar to that Khajiit Thief animation, complete with rainbow 6 style stealth outfit, would be a cute touch.
tl;dr --- a movie about the Bond Girl / Bourne's Unwitting Accomplice / etc (maybe or maybe not featuring an actual Bond/Bourne/etc expy as a side character), instead of that guy himself. Particularly where said BG is one of those who was herself a secret agent from a different team or the like.
Weirdly enough Goldeneye had a little of that I think. I'm now wondering how much footage you could get from a supercut of Natalya being quietly badass/pretend-secret-agenty, maybe enough to put a fake movie trailer voice and "coming soon" titles over the top?
Tahrey: Also, apparently the key to Gittin' Gud with brushes is just a hell of a lot of practice. That and holding them like a pen/pencil (ie a couple fingertips, not palm or all fingers) but a surprisingly long way up the stem...
POMA: That was not a waste. Except that you stopped short and didn't colour in the lightning ;)
(The grey background really makes those just-off-primary 8-bit colours pop out though, so that can stay...)
Tahrey: OK, I see Undertaling, I see pencils... WHERE'S THE JACKET, SJ? AND THE COLOUR?
j/k this is once again amazeballs even with those outfits and in monochrome.
Enjoy the fuckton of supplies and don't feel you have to waste them here. Make some shit you can sell and get rich off :D
(wait ... watercolour pencils? even though I don't art worth a damn, I may have to stop in a stationers on the way home and look for some of those, if they work the way I think (lightly colour in an area then play a wet brush over it?), just for the dopey adult colouring books I got bought, which have a mix of small features that are suitable for fineliner pens, and huge ones that look rubbish if left blank but would ruin the pens...)
Tahrey: I feel the irresistable tingle of SCIENCE! creeping over me. Someone might have to handcuff me to the chair for my own protection.
SCENE: A nearby discount store
"Can I help you sir?"
"No, no, just browsing for ... supplies..."
"It's just that chair you're dragging behind you is making a bit of noise ... and damaging the floor ... and scaring the children ... and knocking lots of stuff off the shelves..."
"No, honestly, I'm fine, but thank you for asking. I've got some science to do."
Tahrey: Maybe not super detailed, but the LOD is entirely appropriate and sets the scene nicely. Somewhere out in the trackless desert etc. Plus there's some layering/suggestion of distance shading going on, and I too am a fan of #colored_outlines like this.
Tahrey: I particularly like the warm tones achieved by using orange as a shadow colour for yellow, the smudgy smoke, and the general use of paperwhite highlighting. Someone knows what they're about.
Tahrey: The things I've made from Plasticine in the past would disagree with you on that point ... the oil eventually seeps out and you get left with a brittle thingy and a greasy stain underneath it.
Could be we were using an inferior brand, though.
Might work to spray it with lacquer or something to seal it? And what even happens if you bake Plasticine anyway?
Tahrey: That's a damned fine bit of body-from-shapes construction, then. One thing that never seems to get covered with those is the subject of how to do the knees, for example. And the face feels like one of the more realistic (if it's even appropriate to use such a word in this setting) takes on how KM would actually look.
Dramatic Descriptions
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Urotsukidoji da-Shi, hai?
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Just noticed the lander is very vaguely pineapple shaped btw
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(...I don't know what any of that means)
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This planet must be cleansed. Commence exterminatus.
BTW, ASW, if you import the picture into a sufficiently advanced image editor - specifically, one that allows you to separate the picture out into its component RGB, CMYK or HSL fields, or even just do a circular hue shift, you can either perform the latter, or recombine the components in different ways so that grey stays grey, but blue exchanges places with yellow and so-on. Might have unpredictable effects on the fire colour, but, hey, it's there to be played with.
In this case I'd start by switching Y with C, which should turn Kati amber-yellow (and the fire somewhat purple, and the garment trim a little more towards the orange), as well as adjusting the colours o the book and text.
If that's no good, well, er... blue, in the rgb scheme, is essentially a dropping-out of red and green (to varying extents depending on whether you want more cyan or more indigo), so the possibilities might be a little more limited, but you could turn her a sort of orangey or greenish colour maybe and then blame it on the lighting. Or maybe pinkish and say it was another razor incident. Erm.
Hue rotation might be safest, though that could result in blue or even green fire.
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And indeed if you go old skool enough you'll either have a limited range of colours to pick from for your palette (EGA-high, Atari ST, Amiga especially in extra-high-rez) or a near-/completely-fixed one (EGA low, pretty much every non-Atari 8-bit machine ever...), which would be an interesting exercise in picking sets of colours that work well together, blending them in various ways to create (a still-limited-range-of) intermediates and that, in extreme cases (and as shown off in some of Kazerad's own deliberately retro styled sprite arts), can even be used to substitute for the shadow / highlight tones of other midtone hues.
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Maybe neither you nor I will see that day, but it will come.
SJ: Just play around, don't try to make a masterwork immediately, just make some abstract shit and work out how the new tools work :)
A race driver doesn't take a new car out for the first time to compete for a critical championship point after all...
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So we have Barman, Luckman, Trickman, Guardsman, Megakatia, Snarkman, Lesbiman, Snideman and Nahman.
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Also, Katia Space Program...?
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I don't think we can make fair judgement until you show us your own "shit" (figurative, not literal)
Also, Toriel (who I think is meant to be some kind of goat-creature?) has featured in, like, three pictures on the entire booru so far. Maybe quite a few more outside of here, but Undertale is the New Hotness right now so there'll be a flurry of art to do with it, much like there was with Cave Story, and various other such games down the last few years. Sit it out, you'll be OK.
I mean, you're bothered by that, whilst I'm over here in a foetal position, clutching my knees and rocking gently, still desperately waiting for the day when the unrelenting Pony onslaught will end.
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- Reply does wonder if Kat's arms are strong enough to do that.
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Also all the little icons have disappeared for me :(
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Your miniature friend!
Pocket Khajiit!
Your friendship never ends!
Pocket Khajiit!
Avoiding disasters like wow!
Pocket Khajiit!
Available in toystores now.
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(Honestly, a lot of people have made amazing stuff with simple tools like that, and it could be a good intro to the "feel" of digital media before getting overwhelmed by all the different tools and features of Photoshop and the like)
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fanarts of something you like, either in your own style or trying to ape the original, are all well and good, but trying to force it one way or the other is a road to ruin and needless self loathing because it's not coming out perfectly like the way some other person did it. Everyone has their own style which develops fairly organically, outside of some basic practice and theory acquisition.
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I'm meaning actually more feminine (without being a sissy/damsel/whatever - more yer noire femme fatale or whatever) and giving more an impression of having been written for an actress rather than having a script turn up for a burly action dude and someone going "hey what if we make it a woman to make it a bit different on the cheap" > Ctrl-F, replace, repeat repeat.
Though Salt did come quite close without quite making it 100%, and it looks like the newer Tomb Raider games might do.
...maybe I was just having a bit of a hormonal moment, IDK. Especially as I was about to add that a section similar to that Khajiit Thief animation, complete with rainbow 6 style stealth outfit, would be a cute touch.
tl;dr --- a movie about the Bond Girl / Bourne's Unwitting Accomplice / etc (maybe or maybe not featuring an actual Bond/Bourne/etc expy as a side character), instead of that guy himself. Particularly where said BG is one of those who was herself a secret agent from a different team or the like.
Weirdly enough Goldeneye had a little of that I think. I'm now wondering how much footage you could get from a supercut of Natalya being quietly badass/pretend-secret-agenty, maybe enough to put a fake movie trailer voice and "coming soon" titles over the top?
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POMA: That was not a waste. Except that you stopped short and didn't colour in the lightning ;)
(The grey background really makes those just-off-primary 8-bit colours pop out though, so that can stay...)
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j/k this is once again amazeballs even with those outfits and in monochrome.
Enjoy the fuckton of supplies and don't feel you have to waste them here. Make some shit you can sell and get rich off :D
(wait ... watercolour pencils? even though I don't art worth a damn, I may have to stop in a stationers on the way home and look for some of those, if they work the way I think (lightly colour in an area then play a wet brush over it?), just for the dopey adult colouring books I got bought, which have a mix of small features that are suitable for fineliner pens, and huge ones that look rubbish if left blank but would ruin the pens...)
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SCENE: A nearby discount store
"Can I help you sir?"
"No, no, just browsing for ... supplies..."
"It's just that chair you're dragging behind you is making a bit of noise ... and damaging the floor ... and scaring the children ... and knocking lots of stuff off the shelves..."
"No, honestly, I'm fine, but thank you for asking. I've got some science to do."
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Bang Bang, Feuer Frei.
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ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ
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Could be we were using an inferior brand, though.
Might work to spray it with lacquer or something to seal it? And what even happens if you bake Plasticine anyway?
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(don't feel you have to answer that)
Also Siggy is giving me massive "murderous possessed ventriloquist dummy" vibes here :D
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