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Dramatic Descriptions

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bluedraggy: This was not the response I was expecting, but it's the response I deserved.

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bluedraggy: @notgodokay - not sure. nothing exposed. but anyone can add the tag.

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bluedraggy: It has been far, far too long since I made anything booru-acceptable. QW doesn't understand the ruckus.

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bluedraggy: The one on the far left is into it.

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bluedraggy: No Katia! You don't eat the roses! (just kidding. adorbs.)

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bluedraggy: Missletoad. I see what you did there! ;)

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bluedraggy: Suggestion #1 for both Katia and Clark Grizwold - put up christmas lights during the day only. And don't use staples. (Nice topical idea btw!)

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bluedraggy: There are so many fantastic things about this! Translucent ears. Metallic shine, shadow angles, the moon in the sky, background haze. God Grizzly, this is really, really awesome!

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bluedraggy: PREQUEL is still by Kazerad & co. The 'originally' seems kind of out of place at the bottom. But nice to see little series thing from you!

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bluedraggy: I dunno, i feel like if she was in the Bible she'd be depicted as a pillar of salt.

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bluedraggy: Oh that's good! That's really good.

Where's our 3D astral plane not-spider?

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bluedraggy: His use of color and shading is really good. But... there's no way that ice cream isn't ending up on her lap.

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bluedraggy: Um... before I say this know I love this work too! But I really can't help but notice... she's happy but... she's still homeless.

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bluedraggy: Can I just mention how much I love Zargo's take on Katia? She just looks so naively dweebish here if that makes sense. She's trying (and failing) so hard.

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bluedraggy: I'm going to explain as it was explained to me without looking up the details. Breakdancing added as an Olympic sport. Instead of doing a classic breakdance style, one of the athletes instead did what was described to me as an 'interpretive dance'. She scored all 0s. Maybe the first time in history someone scored all 0s. This is the story as told to me anyway, since I've not watched anything about it.

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bluedraggy: Oh! Also I think he's given far too much shit for his grumpiness, given the bs he has to put up with. I mean, Katia was about as blithely racist to him as it's possible to be, and he ends up letting her back in anyway - just to get his table dragged outside and flipped. I mean really, he's supposed to put up with all that without being a little grumpy?

Just sayin'. It's pretty hard to defend Rajirra, but S'thengir's like the best khajiit of all. Hardworking business owner and all.

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bluedraggy: Took a while to edit this down to "Winnie the Pooh" levels of SFWness. At first I wasn't going to post it at all, but then I realized that, though Kaz' butt proficiency has increased markedly of late, a few more examples wouldn't hurt.

Also I'm standing by to begin listing all the famous cartoon characters in history who didn't wear pants and yet weren't considered too racy for TV so long as there was a void where certain parts should be! :)

Winnie the Pooh
Donald Duck
Chip and Dale
Fritz the Cat (oh, maybe not a good example there.)
Porky Pig
Fred Flintstone (possibly. Not really conclusive.)

See! I'm really just following the style in a long line of The Greats! Nothing lewd here at all really!

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bluedraggy: No cats necessary when you are just expressing the thoughts of all the fandom.

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bluedraggy: Censored rather than painted because paint would kinda ruin the joke - if joke it even is. Turns out public showers to wash sand off at major public beaches isn't as widely experienced as I assumed! In which case consider this a public service posting. If you go to a beach in the USA and you see an open-air shower, don't take your suit off (unless it's a nude beach, in which case why do you have one on to begin with?)

Considering the public toilet stalls usually don't have doors on them anymore either, I can easily see why Katia might make this mistake.

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bluedraggy: Looks good to me! Love the concept - leyline dancing!

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bluedraggy: It may seem weird considering my own reputation, but I have to admit I really appreciate FP's new SFW artwork. He's really good at it!

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bluedraggy: Sincerely hoping I toned her down enough to be acceptable. The Lady Godiva/Rajirra concept has been rattling around in my brain for a long time.

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bluedraggy: Experienced this very recently. I wonder what the scientific literature has to say about brain freeze.

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bluedraggy: Schrödinger's Slutcat

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bluedraggy: Well, that does explain that odd 'thing' on the original's hat! Nice work GrizzlyBear!

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bluedraggy: Tail magic should really be a thing.

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bluedraggy: It's not the size that matters, it's the PERSPECTIVE! I saw this in progress and loved the concept immediately.

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bluedraggy: Can I reasonably be expected not to express thanks to the "AI" artist that sparked this protest? Thanks Kuro! Distinctly Kuro and distinctly happycutesexy.

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bluedraggy: Awesome! Thanks for the work Robbyn.

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bluedraggy: And more to come I happen to know! (not from me) Also, can I just say this is kinda awesome. Lineless is my dream. Someday.

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bluedraggy: Yes! We've started a new theme! Very nice.

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bluedraggy: We'll have to await a decision from Kaz and/or the monitors. I know they're aware of it. But it's a decision with long range implications and I'm actually glad they're not just hip-shotting a decision. Also, as I've said before, let's not crucify the poster. He could well have not been aware of its origin - plus afaik there's been no official 'No AI' policy here that I'm aware of.

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bluedraggy: I think this'll work...

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bluedraggy: She'd probably appreciate a nice PLATONIC hug! :)

I looked all through the comic to see if I could find an example of her smiling. The closest I found was her little smirk from her demonstration when she revealed she didn't have an assistant - that it was actually telekenesis. Frankly Katia just doesn't smile much. (Granted she doesn't have much to smile about often!) So I did my best to give her one but not make it look too weird. I think a happy Katia is something we need more of. But then... Sadcat is kinda the subtitle so I doubt we'll get much from Kaz.

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bluedraggy: Well now THATS something I didn't expect to see! :)

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bluedraggy: Dammit Makkon, you beat me to it! :) But I'll get one up prob tomorrow.

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bluedraggy: I'm doin' it;

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bluedraggy: Hehe. If I made a version of this, I at LEAST guarantee it would look nothing like Filthypaladin's work. (I really like his style as similar to Kaz' but yet independent of that.) When I first saw it I thought sure it was FP but there was no artist tag. But now that I look at it with AI-suspicious eyes... what IS that thing by her lower hand? A strap to hold her tail in place? No, because it overlaps her thigh. Also seems odd that whatever that thing curled around her hat is, is the same color as her. Odd choice for an artist to make.

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bluedraggy: Yup. Exactly what I did. Basically the OH SO KIND AND REASONABLE MODS will do it for you.

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bluedraggy: Thanks Makkon. Revised to tone that down significantly.

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bluedraggy: I have to admit I like his revised style. Cute.

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bluedraggy: Oh, they MIGHT let this one stand. TBH if I really knew for sure they wouldn't, I wouldn't post it.

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bluedraggy: It is time once again to test the edge-cases of decency and make the mods get back to work.
Also if you want to debate sweat on furry characters, I'm sure there's somewhere for you to have a great time doing so. Me, I don't care even a little. But speaking of little, give me a little credit for the boob size! I'm going to try and reign those in a bit, at least for Katia. Hip size though... well, I can only do SO much before my natural tendencies reassert themselves.

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bluedraggy: She would enjoy her job more if she disabused herself of the notion she's there to sell beer. She's the entertainment

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bluedraggy: Mostly because I want THIS ship so something's gotta be wrong with Casta.

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bluedraggy: Oh that's DARLING! (got milk?)

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bluedraggy: Casta only likes Quill for her body.

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bluedraggy: I bond with that spider!

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bluedraggy: Okay. I'm done with these now. It's time for Quill-Weave to finish her breakfast and go put some clothes on. Good news though, she gets to start all over tomorrow! :) Hope I didn't spam the place up with too many lewd giant lizards. Off to find something else to draw that the mods will give disapproving scowls at.

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bluedraggy: Appreciate it PuChiPi. Someone else pointed that out too. Makes sense too. Working on another now and I'll keep that in mind.
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