
Dramatic Descriptions

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bluedraggy: This makes me sad and disturbed. But hey, I suspect that's the point so good job?

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bluedraggy: But for safety, user your hands to honk.

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bluedraggy: Also I see I got Katia circumventing the Kinda Questionable pineapple. That honestly wasn't intentional.

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bluedraggy: I was just going to do another standard lewd pose, but as soon as I took a look at my reference Miata, the topic became suddenly clear and awfully easy to do! Gen 1 Miatas are super horndog looking with a minimum of effort! Okay, its easy to explain the dripping radiator, and the headlights might just be a trick of the lighting... but the blush gives it away. :)

I really wasn't going to have to do anything silly and overt like that though. The real thing still just looks like that normally! But Sashimi suggested I add googly eyes, and once I did that... well, it's not a great work of art so wth, let's just go over-the-top with it.

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bluedraggy: I just found out Cider has decreed that Jesse's canon car is a Miata. I am therefore bound by law to create another with her doing something lewd to a Miata. :)

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bluedraggy: Req by anon for QW naked meditating. But it struck me we never saw Quill's reaction on actually seeing her bedroom trashed before. This seemed like a good time she might meditate for a bit. Naked. Because Bluedraggy drew her. Obvious stolen edited background is stolen and edited, but I did the rest. Because lazy mods need something to talk about again.

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bluedraggy: Just a silly QW and her inflatable shork. Even serious authors get a little fun time. Just a little something Kuro drew I really wanted to color. I feel like it's been way too long since Kuro and I did anything together.

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bluedraggy: Making me hungry for cake. (Yup, you did good!)

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bluedraggy: I knew exactly what this was before I read it. And I feel so bad for her. I think that's a compliment though.

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bluedraggy: The most amazing thing about this is how I can immediately see Makkon's influence, but I can still see your aesthetic clearly. Best of both worlds. Congrats - you have definitely learned well and taken your talent to another level. Now I gotta find that shading guide too! If I had ANYTHING SLIGHTLY negative to say, it seems like the eye highlights should be skewed to the right instead of left. But that's really such a nitpick compared to everything else.

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bluedraggy: "in a world... where cats have guns... only cats will have guns." (sorry, mind rambling.)

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bluedraggy: I need a necro
I'm holding out for a necro 'til the end of the night...

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bluedraggy: Aliexpress swimsuit.

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bluedraggy: Time to slap them moderators around and wake them up from their lethargy. TECHNICALLY she's more dressed than the last one! :)

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bluedraggy: Jesu Christo this is good! Are you doing anything professionally with this talent because it's gone critical!

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bluedraggy: Fwoosh indeed!

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bluedraggy: How I missed this I do not know. Yes, this is precisely what ASOTIL sees whenever he looks down at Katia. :)

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bluedraggy: I really, really like this ADCL! Great job depicting our favorite magicat in her own imagination.

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bluedraggy: Holy cow. Just awesome.

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bluedraggy: If asked, I could reveal what the hell this is all about. But it may be you are better off without that knowledge. Mistakes were made.

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bluedraggy: Oh. Huh. The reasoning is sound and legit. I accept the banishment of that image, but I will not rest until I can conceive of a mutually-consensual way to stuff Katia's mouth full of argonian tongue.

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bluedraggy: Good draw! This scene, imho, is the point where Katia Managan became Katia Fucking Managan. Went up against her nemesis and not only won, but turned her nemesis into an... well, an acquaintance - but she did show Sig the error of her ways and that's really better than just defeat. I kinda understand why the long hiatus after that. Gotta re-establish a new plot essentially and that's not easy to do.

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bluedraggy: Lifeguard training - 2 of 3.
To give her some credit, since we don't really know what Argonian breasts are for, maybe this is proper CPR technique for Argonians? Also, I want some credit - I did NOT put QW's fingers underneath Katia's swimsuit. I thought about it...

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bluedraggy: 1 of 3. I think I can get away without questionable on these. But I've been wrong before. I have a very slight backstory for these. QW has been taking a lifeguarding course (because who better than an Argonian?) Katia has agreed to assist her with her homework - so this is Lifeguard Training. I'd tried to put all 3 images together, but as bad as it looks now, it looked worse when compressed. Other two look better than this one. Also I find I enjoy designing swimsuits! Woe be to anyone who would ever have to wear one of my designs, but I do like finding new and interesting ways to NOT reveal naughty bits.

Sorry if I go on too long, but I've always found lifeguards inherently funny. You hire a 16 or 17 year old at minimum wage or less, and then give them authority over an entire pool including adults. There's going to be issues.

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bluedraggy: And no, this isn't a case of "asscoins". She's just broke.

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bluedraggy: Gonna be real honest here, the majority is a Katia head from Kaz but modified.

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bluedraggy: Pt. 2 of 3.

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bluedraggy: Nope! Wasn't Rick! Sorry but this time we can't thank you for it.

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bluedraggy: This is part 1 of 3 actually. But I'm too slow to wait and put them all together. I was asked to do a porn of S'Thengir but I don't really do actual porn, and besides penises are hard to draw. Instead I came up with this little scenario.

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bluedraggy: I'd heard about pillowfort but I thought it was some sort of social network site.

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bluedraggy: Dang! Law enforcement is pretty serious in Kvatch!

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bluedraggy: I will never not love that.

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bluedraggy: An exercise in 2-point perspective. Oddly that ceiling line is following the guidelines but it looks pretty wonky tbh. Also I noticed the tails are much larger in the 2nd frame, but I'm just gonna say tails get bigger when in excited states. And finally, this is also a test to see if this is Questionable or not. There are two borders I have to test mods on you know... 1- how far is too far for the Booru, and 2- How far is still ok without Questionable?

Implied of course, but they could just be practicing their tailspeak!

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bluedraggy: It's actually a Corbin Sparrow - and we have none other than Kaz himself to thank for bringing it to our collective attentions. Someone else thought it was a Solo - but the Solo is slightly less hideous.

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bluedraggy: Those who get the reference... do. Those that don't... enjoy more lizard boobs. I was thinking about animating it - making her grow with the purple light things spiraling into her mouth. But I'm too lazy.

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bluedraggy: And yeah. I forgot QW's tail. She'll just have to borrow Quentin's.

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bluedraggy: Just QW being overly dramatic and having read too many romance novels.

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bluedraggy: I really should have said something, esp. since I see it every day on my wall! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/751797080586190878/974155022843670548/image1.jpeg Alas this is the last month of the calendar, but it's definitely ending on a high note! I do love this one - one of my favorites as its simply well done and evokes the beginning of summer perfectly. Good job Nicros! Good job.

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bluedraggy: I tried adding hair. It did not go well. :) And of course I have an alternate version out there somewhere.

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bluedraggy: You know, I've made fun of people who draw on blue-lined paper. I now take that back. Blue lined paper is a fine medium for artwork! (In other words, I like this cat! Good job!)

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bluedraggy: I was expecting something LESS appropriate!

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bluedraggy: Hey, if it works, it works I suppose! Lord knows she needs some sort of emotional support. Awfully cute.

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bluedraggy: Apparently there's a thing in AF where you can take books from the library and sell them. (a little). Well, SOMEONE has to put a stop to that larceny! Fortunately QW lends her not-insignificant disciplinary skills to the task. And yeah, a little transparency going on because... me. But there's nothing of note behind there anyway. TBH I spent most of the time creating an on-model nude QW. Not as easy as you might think! She's a shorty! But, with enough time and willpower amazing things can be achieved! I was originally going to give her actual heavy weaponry, but instead I just left her with her natural bazookas.

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bluedraggy: Takes a lot of Aggies to defeat a hoarde of Gro-Upps!

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bluedraggy: I dunno - IS this questionable? I've lost the ability to tell. But rather proud of it tbh. OK, Kaz did help with her head because I just couldn't seem to figure out what a front view would look like. And I stole some Aggies with some modifications. But still, it was my idea and I got it done! Yay me! Off to lewd another LotR classic scene! :)

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bluedraggy: It's a Lord of the Rings thing. Done poorly. I shouldn't have blurred the background so much. But owell. I'll move on.

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bluedraggy: Low effort Rajjiramir.

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bluedraggy: Kaz-assets plagiarized abundantly and without shame. The only reason I'm not putting him down as an artist here is it does imply consent. And no, QW doesn't have a beard. Male mages have beards. Female mages have cleavage.

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bluedraggy: Fact.

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bluedraggy: Figured out how to mass-edit a 138 frame gif file in photoshop. (thanks Kaz. Wasn't that method but it led me to the right method) How Prequel SHOULD end by all that is holy, righteous and just.
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