Mortal fiction is pathetic. Any mention of 'spoilers' will usher forth a cleansing flame.

7231: Sigrid's_Robes artist:Geravind character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra tears text

Sigrid's_Robes artist:Geravind character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra tears text

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NotGodOkay: I'm eight thousand!

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Whistle: и ето тоже милая работа (:

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ADudeCalledLeo: so wait did Katia pay Rajirra 8000 septims for the apology or is she referring to Sigrid's clothes

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Zerorganic: I think its like.. Rajiira wants to apologize and be friends with katia, because she knows that katia has money now. And katia is like ,,yea being friends with you was something i would have appriciated long ago, but i have THE MONEY now. Im something better than you''.

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PermanentFace: Yeah, the Rudolph effect. People that abused you before you got famous will come crawling back once you make your fortune.

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NotGodOkay: Wait isn't the clothes enchanted?

7228: argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave magnus merchandise monochrome questionable very_casually_underdressed

showing 10 of 13 comments

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semiafro007: Which art boom?

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semiafro007: @semiafro007: B

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semiafro007: @semiafro007: BOOK* (it seems that today I don't know how to write)

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AMKitsune: @Zargothrax: What are you saying, that all Argonians look the same? In fairness, removing all hue from the equation doesn't help.

But wait, QW's colour blind. How does she tell her own kind apart? Can she? Is she essentially the Argonian equivalent of Katia in that regard?

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Tabby_Catface: You both KuroNeko and AMKitsune get my appreciation and thumbs up because this back shapes are to die for and those colors are simple, but alive and pleasant to look at! I really think you two could make a lot more great things together if you keep working in pair.
(gosh. how long I haven't been here already?)

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ADudeCalledLeo: lizard butt is always welcome here

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KuroNeko: @Rick2tails: Thanks, glad you like it.

@semiafro007: It was called "Le grand livre dss activités artistiques" (the big book of artistic activities) by Ramon de Jesùs Rodriguez.
It explain simply how to draw with differnt medias. It has some nice nude models (not for men unfortunately)that I use for pose reference.

@AMKitsune: Oh my, it looks so good with colors, thanks.
And yeah, family reunion must be pretty akward for Quill XD

@Zargothrax: Yep it's totally a design choice so you can see your faorite argonian here and not because I couldn't make her looks like herself :p

@Tabby_Catface: Glad you like it and I agree, those soft, not too saturated colors looks pretty nice. It keeps the traditional art feeling of this.

@ADudeCalledLeo: Lizardbut is best butt.

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Rick2tails: Lizardbutt is nice but kitty butt is better ;)

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Dominik: I have a feeling that she should be blushing but it still looks crazy good

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Geravind: =ಠ_ಠ= "I watch your back."

7229: Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit Kvatch Tyranids Warhammer40000 animation artist:Bokdan0 blood character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra comic crossover revenge snow streets_of_Kvatch text

Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit Kvatch Tyranids Warhammer40000 animation artist:Bokdan0 blood character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra comic crossover revenge snow streets_of_Kvatch text

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Bokdan0: Part 3 of the CatVenge. In the previous part, Tyranid captured (or more pinned down her) so Katia could catch her and "change a word".

This comic is going to get one more part for sure. After this, I want to focus on developing a new custom world and future comic series.

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PermanentFace: Technically speaking, none of Katia's actions have broken the law. While usually not APPRECIATED, they are perfectly legal under Imperial Law and therefore fine to do.

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ADudeCalledLeo: i like the lil detail of katia burning her dialog
good art!

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Zargothrax: Katia had to specify who she is, implying that not even khajiits themselves are able to distinguish one from an other

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Dominik: Love Rajirra's face on second picture. Good job

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KuroNeko: And then the guard kills Rajirra for breaking the law by bleeding on the street and then go looks for who murdered her. Just like in oblivion :p
Nice touch with the burning speech bubble.

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Bokdan0: @KuroNeko @ADudeCalledLeo: I'm glad you guys like this burned dialog since this started as a little bonus to the burned banner.
@PermanentFace: Guard has a busy night with snow in the middle of the summer, castle breaking in, noises of a fight with imps, 2 guard idiots fighting on duty when they should protect the castle, and now, in the very morning, he see 2 khajits and a weird oblivion creature. Even this Imperial guard can get a little tired.
@Zargothrax: I wanted to show that Rajirra couldn't believe that Katia survives that fight. But your theory works too xD
@Dominik:I'm glad you like it. Thanks
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Sam2: I hope the author is not a maniac and will leave poor Rajirra alone in the next comic. Please spare her.

3504: artist:Geravind blushing character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC inconsistent_rendering knock_off questionable sexual_tension text training visual_humor

showing 10 of 23 comments

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Geravind: @RoninSmall: Пасяб. =^_^=
Стрёмно? А ты, смотря на мои пикчи/критики, думай, что я профффессионально притворяюсь, а реально -- рак позорный.

Это всё Каз и Катька (ну и вы, кто начал рисовать в тут) =*_*= -- я настолько ленивая жопа, что без их волшебного влияния я бы даже за кисть не взялся никогда. Но всякие тут Радианы, Помы... и Ежи с ними так вот как-то... такую зависть породили, что Кхаджит начал рисовать, превозмогая криволапство, отсутствие опыта, снега и льды. Кстати, Радику отдельная спасиба за терпение и подсказки по "граблям в кустах", без него эта пикча выглядела бы заметно кривее.
Я рисую мышью по экрану ПК, Карл! Дальше если и буду, то какие-нить скетчики, чтоб мозг не выпал, а у вас ожидометр не прокис)). Понимаешь... Кхаджит рисует по вдохновению -- вот увидел мысленно какую-то интересную сценку... загорелся... а она всё не уходит из головы... потом такой "плё, надо нарисовать". Ну, прям как режиссёр какой-нить (глядя на эм-эм Катеньки в соусе :3 , ты наверн думаешь "нафига там режиссёр? О_о "). XD
Спасибо, ребята!
А инглиш-шпикеры такие "ооо... что оно написало?..."

Sorry, guys, it's nearly impossible to translate all the shit into English with saving all the emotional features, Khajiit is innocent of this crime.

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RoninSmall: @Geravind: -прально что начал. А вот зависть вещь странная. Я как-то довольный от своего рисунка головы Диаудумена пошел сравнить ее с рисунками коллег.

От шока ушел в Уссурийскую тайгу охотится на тигров.

А я иногда нарочно очень хитровыебанно строю свою речь, дабы гугельтранслейт не смог перевести мою речь на басурманский.

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Baz1S: @Geravind: Ну ты и мазохист. Не мучай себя и купи планшет (если хочешь продолжать офк). Они не такие дорогие, я вот, к примеру, брал свой за 3700 медяков. Правда времени у меня не так много, как хотелось бы, а у тебя его, думаю, достаточно. Так что, если есть тяга к творчеству, то определенно стоит продолжать. Пока без планшета, набей руку карандашом, может даже и продолжишь им рисовать.

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Radian: @Geravind: Still advice to get rid of mouse drawing and get a pencil. Seriously. Also fundamentals won't learn itself :P

@Baz1S: Таки соглашусь, мышка - ужасный костыль. Стоит попрактиковаться с карандашом а потом уже думать про планшет (который можно и б\у взять, как я).

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Geravind: Можете в смищно, но эта морда Геры появилась как раз с карандаша/бумаги (и заняла аж 2 минуты).

Где критики, ёпта?! Убогие декорации, "фу, пошляк!" (а вообще молодец-молодец), несоразмерность персонажей отн. перспективы помещения, странный ракурс (будто из Overwatch сканера City-17 съёмка), откуда странное магическое светило дневного света в какой-то нищей Гильдии Бойцов, корни декоративного растения даже не в земле, кто пустил пару кхаджитов без присмотра тренироваться в Гильдию Бойцов (они ж там, небось, ещё и трахаться начнут) -- я за вас это писать должен?
Искатели пасхалок хде? Для буратино рисовал?...

Выучить от сих до сих, приду -- проверю!

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Radian: @Geravind: Размечтался :Р

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RoninSmall: @Geravind: понимаешь, ты тут единственный критик. Лично я себе обещал никого не критиковать кроме себя, чтобы потом не чувствовать себя говном

Да ты и сам все знаешь

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POMA: They call me retarded and damn they have a good reasoning! http://i.imgur.com/QAcDC1I.png

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Geravind: @POMA: Сделать с помощью цепа из обычного ящика (для всякой херни) стиральную машинку и назвать это скворечником? У тебя фантазия не туда загнута. (Делись скуумой. =>_<= )

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Whistle: милая работа (:

7211: Safety_hat amulet_of_silence artist:semiafro007 character:ASOTIL character:Katia_Managan criminal_scum death demon justice monochrome

Safety_hat amulet_of_silence artist:semiafro007 character:ASOTIL character:Katia_Managan criminal_scum death demon justice monochrome

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Rick2tails: this is very neat

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bluedraggy: Indeed! Also, keep going you artists! Only 3 more and a certain abomination will be safely off the front page!
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TempIntel: @bluedraggy I was rather intrigued by that pic and hope he does another XD

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KuroNeko: He got stabbed not because he's a demon(there's no laws against it) but because he broke the levitation act and such criminal behavior cannot be tolerated.

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ADudeCalledLeo: @KuroNeko: There's a law against the existence of mudcrabs, but not demons?
Anyway, Justice has been served successfully.

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Geravind: A particular style ...barkskin.

7227: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Micropipi69 character:Katia_Managan not_sure_if_racist

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Micropipi69 character:Katia_Managan not_sure_if_racist

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ADudeCalledLeo: Annoying Dog Katia?

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KuroNeko: Cute fluffy cat Kat

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CheydinhalWell: New Hollow knight Silksong boss leaked!
Beautiful potato cat indeed.

7226: character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch
showing 10 of 13 comments

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ADudeCalledLeo: fanon Katia: thicc as shit
canon Katia: thin as a a sticc

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bluedraggy: Well, her arms are still canon at least? I'll color her for a mere $100. A bargain given all the flesh that will need to be painted!

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xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: What's wrong with her fingers?

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Rick2tails: how do we even know that is Katia? maybe its her mom?

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xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: @Rick2tails: I thought that's Katia with her starting outfit?

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ADudeCalledLeo: @xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: That's how Kazerad used to draw hands, believe it or not.

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PermanentFace: Yeah, this is almost an exact trace of the first panel, except with bigger boobs and a smile.

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Zerorganic: To be honest...i think round cats boobs are already more than big enough

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KuroNeko: This is a crime against nature :p
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durandal: In this radical alternate universe, Katia becomes very successful and everyone wants to help her out for some reason

7225: argonian artist:Bokdan0 character:Quill-Weave dwemer_technology inconsistent_rendering portrait stars

argonian artist:Bokdan0 character:Quill-Weave dwemer_technology inconsistent_rendering portrait stars

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Bokdan0: Quill in space dressed in a spacesuit and some technological devices.

ALERT, unfortunately, original animation was too big, and boru couldn't let me post it here. In source, you have a link to Deviantart to actual original animation.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Quill in space dressed in a spacesuit and some technological devices.

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KuroNeko: That's a pretty cool animation.
I love what you did with her eye. And that stary background is really pretty.

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xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: Is he usin' a ray gun, a lasgun or a plasma rifle?

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damrok4321: I really like it. Very pretty nebula in the background. The eye looks cool too

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ADudeCalledLeo: Quill's a cyborg now I guess
This is really good art, and a really cool animation!
(is the constellation in the background supposed to be Katia's head or a really badly drawn heart)

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Bokdan0: @KuroNeko: @damrok4321: Aww, thanks. I'm gonna give space quill some more love in the future so it's not the last time when you see this eye.
@xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: It's she and there are no weapons in the art so I don't understand the question. If you meant universe the picture is set on, it's none I know about, I just draw quite a lot space battles in childhood so I'm going to expand ideas from the past.
@ADudeCalledLeo: Thanks for the kind words. Constellation in the background meant to be Katia head. I will make it looks more clear in future works.

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Zargothrax: "sbady"?
And yes those are beautiful eyes, with those reflections. Nice, magical looking nebula!

7224: Khajiit Kvatch Kvatch_well artist:SVK character:Rajirra spear

Khajiit Kvatch Kvatch_well artist:SVK character:Rajirra spear

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Rick2tails: so how do deadly fish end up in the well anyway? did somepne put htem in there? and wouldnt they be pooping in the water making it dirty?

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damrok4321: I shouldn't correlate a well with fishing, but every time I see one I immediately think there are fishes in there. I guess this comic really changes some aspects of how you see the world permanently.

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DarthVader: Maybe for you

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ADudeCalledLeo: so are you gonna spear some fishes or just keep staring at 'em trying to bite your ass

7221: Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit Kvatch Tyranids Warhammer40000 animation artist:Bokdan0 blood character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra comic crossover revenge snow streets_of_Kvatch

Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit Kvatch Tyranids Warhammer40000 animation artist:Bokdan0 blood character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra comic crossover revenge snow streets_of_Kvatch

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Bokdan0: Part 2 of the CatVenge. In the previous part, Katia sent Tyranid to capture so she can get her revenge on Rajirra for leaving her on almost certain death in the previous night.

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ADudeCalledLeo: that's gonna leave a mark

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KuroNeko: I hope you're happy, youu made me feel sorry for Rajirra

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PermanentFace: Just a flesh wound. That'll teach her some manners for next time she locks someone in a room with a vicious beast.

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Bokdan0: @ADudeCalledLeo: No doubt on that
@KuroNeko: I'm happy since this sounds like her face looks believable @PermanentFace: sometimes justice awakes even in tyranids

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Zerorganic: Flesh wound? It goes straight through her arm! Good job c:

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xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: Dat ain't good

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damrok4321: She may be a bitch, but I wouldn't wish her death. I hope he didn't pierce the artery.
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