Obey all rules or suffer unimaginable consequences.

7128: Quill-Weave's_evil_armor argonian artist:KuroNeko cake casually_underdressed character:Quill-Weave games group_photo not_sure_if_racist very_casually_underdressed

Quill-Weave's_evil_armor argonian artist:KuroNeko cake casually_underdressed character:Quill-Weave games group_photo not_sure_if_racist very_casually_underdressed
showing 10 of 13 comments

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Johnny_FiveAces: Twister on a whole new(tm) level! Also yeah I gotta agree with bluedraggy, these Quills aren’t exactly the best at the game.

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Zargothrax: That's a lotta lizards! This is the kind of crazy stuff that is the epitome of this place.

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KuroNeko: @Rick2tails: Still not enough, we need more!

@bluedraggy: Lol, their facs and pose fit so well with that scenario XD I guess fate guided my hand when coloring that part.

@Johnny_FiveAces: You'd think someone as good at acrobatics as her would be better at that game.

@Zargothrax: Crazy stuff is what I live for, gotta confuse those newcommers :p

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AMKitsune: I just had the thought "even the smallest QW's there. It's just a shame the largest one isn't". Then it occurred to me, they must be playing twister on Kaiju-Weave's stomach! (let's say that she's too big to play, so she's just chilling)

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bluedraggy: The world is Kaiju-Weave's stomach! Always has been.

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Same energy as that one pic furnut drew of Katia being an actual cat.
Also best Quill-Weave don't @ me

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bluedraggy: Okay, I had to add not_sure_if_racist. :)

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bluedraggy: ...it's racist to assume Quill-Weave gorges on chocolate cake.

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damrok4321: When all of your family decides to pay you a visit

6997: Quill-Weave's_house adorable artist:lapma black_eyes character:Katia_Managan food happy magnus pig pineapple text

Quill-Weave's_house adorable artist:lapma black_eyes character:Katia_Managan food happy magnus pig pineapple text
showing 10 of 11 comments

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APayne1776_2: I'm so glad that the pineapple is being used for something more useful than a prop for a trick

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lapma: @APayne1776_2: Looking at how happy both of them look i would say it is being tup to great use.

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Zargothrax: This is pretty cute, though Katia's fingers on her left hand seem to have lost their volume. Also did you just put lighting on the clouds? That's some next level ambience. I always liked how you make backgrounds and environment.

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lapma: @Zargothrax: Hands are the worst think to draw, i would rather draw 10 piggies than one proper hand XD. Thanks for good word on background, i actually never can tell if they are looking good, except for those elsweyr pics of mine, i just love that warm color palette on them.

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Caps: They are really cute. ; )
It looks like Kattia is gonna show princess a little trick. ; P

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lapma: @Caps: Thanks, but in this case pineapple will be a treat for Princess, so piggy will be one showing trick.

If you can call making a pig out of herself a trick.

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Caps: Well, glad that she enjoyed it.
It seems she will need a shower after it. ; P

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lapma: @Caps: Looks like idea for next part of princess adventures.

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RabbitHostile: cool .
this, would be a fine piece of- *cries ... i love it

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lapma: @RabbitHostile: ice to see you love it but, fine piece of what? :P

6794: Imperial Khajiit animation character:Rajirra inconsistent_rendering night questionable text

showing 10 of 16 comments

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Tabby_Catface: @KuroNeko: you just forced my imagination to make it even lewder than it was before >~>

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KuroNeko: @Tabby_Catface: As if you needed my help to imagine lewd things :p

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Gren: The gluteus maximus of the imperial legion.

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Whistle: she clearly saw some kind of miracle
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TempIntel: I like where this is going, plz continue...

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damrok4321: By the nine

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Caps: Something tells me that her scothc has not been touched in a long time... maybe that explains why she is always grumpy.

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Rick2tails: hmm well um Rajira seems happy thats not too common a thing

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RabbitHostile: ._ .

7131: Cosplay Dead_Space Space artist:DudeRabbit blood character:Katia_Managan crossover dwemer_technology firearms

Cosplay Dead_Space Space artist:DudeRabbit blood character:Katia_Managan crossover dwemer_technology firearms
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DudeRabbit: "Yeah what could possibly go wrong, it's just a simple mechanic job..."

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Whistle: This is very good art man !

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Vidiotdragon: Make us whole, Katia.

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Rick2tails: Katia looking hot here!

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ADudeCalledLeo: Just watch were you aim that thing, you'll chop someone's head in half.

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Johnny_FiveAces: It’s just a simple response mission they said, it’ll be easy they said...

Seriously though, this looks great, keep it up!

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KuroNeko: @DudeRabbit: Famous last words XD
Great art !

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Zargothrax: Really great art!

7129: Katia's_Thief_Tunic artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan kvatch_arena_trousers pig smiling

Katia's_Thief_Tunic artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan kvatch_arena_trousers pig smiling

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lapma: Princess grew a bit.

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KuroNeko: Princess grew up but Katia still looks 19. Katia confirmed being immortal.

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lapma: @KuroNeko: Well, pigs do grow fast, they can love for 14-20 years but usually reach their max size in about year or 2, so princess is about 9months old here. big happy girl, but Katia wouldn't age that much in about year I think.

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ADudeCalledLeo: pigs are big because they're full of love

7127: Khajiit artist:Zargothrax character:Textile_merchant

Khajiit artist:Zargothrax character:Textile_merchant
showing 10 of 11 comments

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KuroNeko: Well that what I get for being lazy and waiting too long before posting my drawing, I miss the first pic for the textile merchant.
But seriously this looks great, I love the dramatic angle.
Also is that me or did we made all the male prequel characters completly batshit crazy XD

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Rick2tails: @kuroneko well to be fair most people in this comic are a bit crazy.also textile merchant Khajiit is kind of cute

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bluedraggy: Though we know next to nothing about the Textile Merchant Cat, he was willing to do the weirdest thing to sell a scarf. So it's not improbable that he's either a little nuts or he's really desperate to sell scarves.

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Rick2tails: hmm if hes willing to do anything to sell some scarves I have a business proposition for him

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damrok4321: footy!

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ADudeCalledLeo: The more khajiits, the merrier, I guess

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: Thank you. I was a bit surprised, no one went ahead to draw him yet.
It's not like the female characters were sane. We have an alcoholic lizard with a villain complex, jelly-neck-licking girl who's supposed to be normal but isn't, a cat who's hearing voices in her head, a cat who shows multiple signs of psychopathy, a wizard who mind controlled herself and became insane... I think all are crazy in Prequel, it's just that the female characters are given more depth, which distracts a bit from that.

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Tabby_Catface: This pose could beat all Jojo references xD Now I want to buy all his clothes to make him happy and hug him. 0ะท0 help me I think I'm under magic spell or something.

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Rick2tails: its no magic spell to want to hug a cute khajiit

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lapma: That's rly cool, good to see more wierd cat ppl in canon XD

7126: Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave monochrome portrait sketch text

Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave monochrome portrait sketch text

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damrok4321: Moar Kat n Quill This looks very nice, welcome to the fan art page! Looking forward to seeing more

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Johnny_FiveAces: @damrok4321 Thank you for the welcome my dude and I’m glad you like it! I’ve got plenty of ideas in mind so I’ll hopefully have some art out soon(tm).

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Zargothrax: Quill's expression at Katia's hand looks really familiar.

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Johnny_FiveAces: @Zargothrax If you’re referring to the goofy little face, I just absentmindedly doodled it because I was bored so if it did end up looking like something else then it was either my mind channeling something deep within its recesses or an accidenté.

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KuroNeko: Nice! I love those little doodles on the side.

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Johnny_FiveAces: @KuroNeko I'm happy to hear that you like them! I have a habit of doodling random stuff on the borders of my sketches, was something I picked up when I was younger and have just never really grown out of it.

7125: Katia's_Thief_Tunic Safety_hat artist:SaintDumos books character:Katia_Managan character:Kvatch_Rock character:guard kvatch_arena_trousers outskirts_of_Kvatch sweet_roll

Katia's_Thief_Tunic Safety_hat artist:SaintDumos books character:Katia_Managan character:Kvatch_Rock character:guard kvatch_arena_trousers outskirts_of_Kvatch sweet_roll

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SaintDumos: Alternate timeline where Katia is actually good at changing super slow and seductively. Bonus: Town guard disapproving the public indecency.

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KuroNeko: Has Katia been workingout? she has a pretty nice body here.

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Rick2tails: Katia is looking shredded

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Tabby_Catface: that's a healthy body! nice one. I'd like to stay in this timeline for a while :p

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ADudeCalledLeo: oh my

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Zargothrax: Quite the sight!

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Psych0tikk: Crazy thought: Did the pole dancing do that to her bod?

3528: character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave food questionable romance

showing 10 of 30 comments

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8Aerondight8: Oh God I see it now!

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DavidTheZettaNerd: "What the Hell am I looking at?" - Dark Helmet. Space Balls. 1987.

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scoopski: After all those months, I still wonder what was going through the heads of Kaz's fellow patrons.
Then again, they've probably seen all sorts of weird things going on at his table.

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Sashimi: Well I hope you at least ate this afterward. Don't want to waste a perfectly good burrito.

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WassapDude94: @Sashimi: The thing is, this isnt a perfectly good burrito

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Sashimi: @WassapDude94: Well okay,I'll give you that, but I still wouldn't want to waste a burrito with all it's burrito'y delight!

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CandyDragon: You know, this is kind of gross. Interesting, and definitely an unorthodox art medium, but also gross. I hope he ate it.

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Rick2tails: more gross then anything I think but as a wacky one shot thing to do for the stream I get it

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KuroNeko: I love how this is tagged as questionable XD

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KuroNeko: Literal food porn

7124: animation annoyed artist:Zerorganic character:Katia_Managan confusion happy sad

animation annoyed artist:Zerorganic character:Katia_Managan confusion happy sad
showing 10 of 15 comments

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Zerorganic: its just sad that i wasted much time on this

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ADudeCalledLeo: Learn from Katia, @Zerorganic: the best way to succeed is to fail until you can extrapolate success out of the failure.
...wait, what?

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bluedraggy: This is great - and the best thing is you learned a lot I bet. Animation is hard - anything you can learn will make it easier.

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Zerorganic: Okay. I took some time to think about this pice. its not as bad as i thought, but it has problems. would e nice if you could tell me what you think. So i can imrove with your feedback.

I would say the facial animation are good. i mean... this was the main point of this animation. But i should draw more head angles for transitions. Using this werid motion blur effect isnt good.

Maybe i should have made something with her body ? i mean. the focus is supposed to be on her face. But d u think its lame that er body doesent move at all ?

And the pain problem is... her arm. Im not sure how you see this. But i hate how his movement did turn out. The main problem i had was his lenght. Like... using a normal arm lenght was too short because of the size of katias head. So i had to play a bit around. Maybe it would look better if her shoulders or her tunic would move a bit more togheter with her arm. What do u think about the arm ?

An the last point...its not so important but i think its meh: some outlines are mote thiccer than others. Some parts dont even have lines. I made this beause this givs me the possibilty to hide stuff nd little mistakes that come with the animation model. But i should have ad sme lines. Problem was... i did think too late about that. Also my plan of postediting in photoshop did die hard.

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Zerorganic: (i should correction read before posting stuff... god damn)

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KuroNeko: That's a pretty creative way to make an expression challenge.
The movement of her arm is a bit robotic but otherwise it looks pretty cool.

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damrok4321: I see this as your success zergo, this is a big step in the direction of making bigger things, my facial challenge didn't have top quality drawn expressions either, but that wasn't important. You learned stuff from this and this is what matters, the best thing which you can do right now is to keep going this way. I'm looking forward to see more stuff from you because you have the potential. I'm really moved by the fact that I inspired you.
Now speaking of what do I think about how does it look like: her facial expressions are cute and well made, the lines also aren't bad I like the way how does it look, that style has its charm. I'm kinda wondering if it wouldn't look a bit better if her fur fluffs on the cheeks had a bit thicker outline but it looks fine anyway. Of what could you do to make it look a bit better? I think maybe add variety to the way of how her hand moves? Like, when we do move, we don't actually make it exactly the same way every time, her hand kinda looks like it would be robotic, making slight changes in its position every time it goes back and forth maybe could help a little bit. Anyway, again, keep up the good work.

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damrok4321: I meant to type *Zeror sorry I keep mistaking your and Zargothrax names

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Tabby_Catface: The cutest and the most attractive animation of cat I've seen in a while Zero! I'd like to say keep it up. With this amount of effort you'll be able to steal hearts of viewers easily :D

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Whistle: damn, she's very funny (I'm so happy for her)
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