Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...

330: PSA artist:Prophet_Lord braids character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan drugs fire painted_underwear rainbows skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug text

PSA artist:Prophet_Lord braids character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan drugs fire painted_underwear rainbows skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug text

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NotGodOkay: No. Her hand................................................................................. Is a cock.

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ADudeCalledLeo: @NotGodOkay: Ruined 7 years later.

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NotGodOkay: Sad day

7147: Khajiit adorable animation artist:Bokdan0 black_eyes character:Katia_Managan eye_of_fear missing_tail painted_underwear

Khajiit adorable animation artist:Bokdan0 black_eyes character:Katia_Managan eye_of_fear missing_tail painted_underwear

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Bokdan0: Yeah, I made a second gif. Looks like I tried to capture too many movements and so failed to give her naturalism but anyway I drop it here since I'm going forward some new gif/arts and someone can enjoy this I guess?
By the way, drawing the breast is surprisingly hard to do :x

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Rick2tails: this is cute. I enjoy it

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KuroNeko: That ear twitch is so cute

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DarthVader: It looks really good

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ADudeCalledLeo: 50% of an Eye of Fear is the whiplash between "cute kitten" and "OH GOD SHE'S GOING TO CLAW THE SHIT OUTTA ME"

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Bokdan0: @ADudeCalledLeo: That was the idea behind this gif xD. I'm glad that you see it that way.

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bluedraggy: @ADudeCalledLeo Which is, as I recall, pretty much cat ownership in a nutshell.

4500: artist:Raydio censorship character:Rajirra controversial impure_thoughts merchandise questionable text very_casually_underdressed

showing 10 of 29 comments

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AMKitsune: @Raydio: Honestly, I hate the term simply because of its generalised application and negative connotation. As you say, the term tends to be applied to people regardless of how 'into' their interests they are. In my mind, it's as useless and harmful a term as if all people who enjoyed watching sports were called 'sporties', but the term was mostly associated with the sorts of sports fans that get drunk and violent. Sure, they exist, but it's hardly fair to group all sports fans together under the same banner as them. As far as I'm concerned, the same goes for 'furries' (but less a case of being bundled with aggressive fanatics and more-so 'sexual deviants' and other such 'weirdos').

Sure, I get that people tend to generalise things they don't have much of an understanding of, and that's just a natural human way of processing information, but my god can it be inaccurate and needlessly detrimental.

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Raydio: @AMKitsune It's kind of a stereotype then: assumption that all prequel readers are furries, and a stereotype that anyone who likes personified bipedal animal characters (like, idk, katia), are perverted weirdos. But of course, stereotypes always stem from example...

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Sashimi: I know it can be a really touchy subject for many folks, and I'm certainly not calling anybody anything, I've only recently heard of what "Furries" were, or more accurately the varied definitions. From another site:There's a long-running joke among the furry community. "Ask nine furries what Furry means, and you'll get twelve answers." There doesn't seem to be a universal consensus on the meaning. It saddens me that there is such a negative connotation to the term, like as soon as the word is mentioned, visions of fursuited deviants come to peoples minds. Now if we go by the belief that just liking anthro art makes one a furry, well then I qualify cause I like anthro art and I loves them furry feministas! And if that makes me furry, so be it. Doesn't bother me.
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Why is everyone taking this so seriously.

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Raydio: @A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Rajirra day or the debate about stereotypes

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Rick2tails: this is the internet..EVERYTHING is SERIES BIZNIZ on the interbutts !

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Sashimi: @A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Because the term "Furry" tends to....ruffle some peoples feathers! Ha, hoo! (Slaps knee)
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lllxBL4ZExlll: wHAT
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Sam2: means Rajirra's birthday is September 18

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KuroNeko: Everytime I see this image, I can't help but wonder what made Raydio change his mind about lewd art.

7137: artist:KuroNeko beach character:Rajirra modern_clothing swimsuit

artist:KuroNeko beach character:Rajirra modern_clothing swimsuit
showing 10 of 11 comments

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Rick2tails: beach kitty!

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damrok4321: very nicely done, love the anatomy and how hair is made, it gives this summer vibe

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bluedraggy: Villain or no, I think everyone can agree that Rajirra is the most beautiful of the cats. Had it not been for the Barber Incident though Katia might be right up there.

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KuroNeko: @ADudeCalledLeo: You are speed xd

@Rick2tails: More like, bitch kitty :p

@damrok4321: Thank you

@bluedraggy: True, but Katia is way cuter.

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PermanentFace: @bluedraggy: This is what baffles me. Her following seems based on the fact that she's got long hair and nothing else. But people generally seem to agree that she's sexy enough to overlook being a terrible person.

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Krozbott: people like Rajirra because she's katia with long hair and people like both katia and long hair, thus for some people it's the perfect combo, that would be my guess

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bluedraggy: Though trying to avoid another Rajirra discussion, has Kaz ever drawn a canon pic of Katia pre-barber incident? That would be something nice to see. Well, pre barber but post lil-katia.

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Zerorganic: the point that katia has no long her makes her mor appealing in my opinion. But we had this discussion more than often enough xd

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Sashimi: @KuroNeko: Mucho excellent!

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Sashimi: And it's not just a matter of liking Raj simply because she looks like Katia with long hair, otherwise I would have commissioned art of Katia with long hair. But I'm not getting into this discussion again.

7146: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit adorable animation artist:Bokdan0 black_eyes character:Katia_Managan

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit adorable animation artist:Bokdan0 black_eyes character:Katia_Managan
showing 10 of 15 comments

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Bokdan0: Thanks for your comments.
Pupil movement and more frames... noted, breathing could also change things a bit but first, I need to learn how to draw efficiently xD. This gif took me way more time than it should in my opinion.
In the next gif, I will try Katia with fewer clothes so drawing should go faster.

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Zerorganic: if you want help or tips feel free to ask ^^. Im sure most of us here are wiling to help! And also... i feel you. Animation is hard. Esppecially the firt one. This was my first try and also invested way too much tme xd https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/7124

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Zerorganic: But i have to say... for your first digital art and animation piece... this turned out really good

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Bokdan0: Well, I started digital art one week ago with some random internet exercises and some drawing with guidelines but it is my first animation. I used some of Kazerad Katia pictures as exercise at drawing and coloring but since I was basically drawing on them, I didn't post them. Like one on my avatar.
Animations seem scary, especially really smooth ones. Well, will try to do one.
I'd love some suggestions at Katia anatomy since it's hardest hor me to draw.

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lapma: This is rly nice, welcome to the digital art world.

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Whistle: She cute :3

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ADudeCalledLeo: very good (and cute) animation
cool-ass robes get! (again)

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Johnny_FiveAces: It looks great, especially for you having only recently gotten into digital!

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Dominik: She is soo adorable, keep it up man :D

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DarthVader: This is damn good

7139: annoyed artist:Ta-Na character:Quill-Weave literary_endeavors maid slaughterfishnet_stockings

annoyed artist:Ta-Na character:Quill-Weave literary_endeavors maid slaughterfishnet_stockings

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KuroNeko: Found some pic while looking for references. I don't think they have been uploaded before.

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ADudeCalledLeo: I'd make the obvious joke but it already looks like she wants to murder me

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Rick2tails: she does make a sexy maid

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax:
Oh yeah, I did try to do that, but if the file name was changed before being uploaded on the booru it wouldn't have found them which is why I wasn't sure if they weren't uploaded before.
Also surprisingly there wasn't a maid tag, so I couldn't even search it on the booru directly.

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Johnny_FiveAces: This looks pretty dank, I’ll need to check out the artist sometime.

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Sashimi: HONEST! I didn't mean to spill that drink!

7145: Katia's_Thief_Tunic Kvatch_arena_armor artist:lapma black_eyes character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC cooking food pig

Katia's_Thief_Tunic Kvatch_arena_armor artist:lapma black_eyes character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC cooking food pig

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lapma: I think one of them will enjoy grilled carrots a bit more than another.

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ADudeCalledLeo: Grilled... carrots? That's a new one. Is Katia trying out a vegan diet?
...wait, aren't khajiit carnivores?

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lapma: @ADudeCalledLeo: I believe khajiits are omnivores after all they eat a lot of pies and other sweets. But still i doubt she would go vegan even with her love for piggy. She is kinda cat after all. But maybe she will stick to fishes. One way or another we wouldn't want to make princess uneasy at family BBQ plus she needs a snack too.

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Rick2tails: if you know anything about pigs. they will eat anything! even other pigs .I would hardly figure either of them as vegetarian.

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lapma: @Rick2tails: Yea piggies can eat pretty much anything just like humans we are omnivores after all, but it doesn't mean they should . For example raw eggs are not advisable. And when it comes to pigs eating pigs as in most cases canibalism is not advisable too and can end up with serious brain damage, from evolutionary stand point you should breed with felow pig after all not eat it. So Katia being good owner that I believe she is is feeding Princess nice rather plant based diet.

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Dominik: Well, who knows. Grilled carrots may be actually good with some flavouring xd

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lapma: @Dominik: Honestly I'm surprised I never had them. I think I should go for some BBQ once in a while, instead of cooking usual meals.

7017: Katia's_wizard_robe TES_Skyrim character:Katia_Managan mod screenshot

Katia's_wizard_robe TES_Skyrim character:Katia_Managan mod screenshot

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Zeroranic: Also here is the final version of her base robe. Didnt work on the upgrades yet. And trust me... this hood was such a pain to make. I hope you dont notice the problem. I see it and i hate it because i cant fix it

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damrok4321: It looks very cool, good luck with further developing of your mod, I hope it will get many downloads

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Zeroranic: i dont think it will get many. But i hope the people who will download it will like it. That is what counts

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damrok4321: @Zeroranic: Im sure they will
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Vinarto: I would love to see a Cloak of Gray Tomorrow that actually turns you invisible when you equip it.

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Zerorganic: i mean... i could do that. I just force the game to load nothing of katias character model if you equip it but is it really worth it ? :P

But tbh i thought about putting it into the mod too.If people want it, ill do so i guess.... but the main problem here is that i cant
implement invisibility on a satisfying way... and.... i dont really like the design of the robe so much, so yea.. i dunno.

Would only impliment the robe if interest is high enough. Because i have no reasion to create her for myself because i wouldnt wear it.

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damrok4321: you could implement it as an additional spell which shows up in your spell list after equipping it, it could work like those stones from solstheim, except you need to equip it instead of touch something.

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Zerorganic: @damrok4321 Yea thats a good idea. But tbh.. im not able to do something like that. This is my first skyrim mod
and im too inexperienced. Also the implementation of invisibility is way more than i wanted to do with this mod. I just wanted to bring katias armor and robe into skyrim, mainly because of the fact that i play as katia and wanted to let her get her stuff back as part of my personal skyrim story which lets her grow as a person and become the dragonborn.i dont want to implement new gameplay elements.... i just want to let you find those clothes and let you update them with materials you do gather.

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MysticKitty1o1: do you think this will ever come to xbox?

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Zerorganic: I really doubt bethesda or microsoft would make this aviable... as far as i know they decide what mods are downloadable and what not

7103: 3D artist:Zerorganic character:Katia_Managan mod screenshot text

3D artist:Zerorganic character:Katia_Managan mod screenshot text
showing 10 of 13 comments

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ADudeCalledLeo: It definitely looks better than Flat-Color "I Don't Fit Here In The Slightest" McGee over on the left (not to knock kailyf, the model itself is pretty good and making 3D models is probably a pretty complex process).

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KuroNeko: You definitely improved the original, especially with the eyes. And the new textures work way better.
Did you also change the head shape? It looks a bit different on the last one.

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Zerorganic: The base model is really good in my opinion. Thats why i did even start to get into skyrim modding. I saw so much wasted potential because. it looks much better than most of the other models we have on the nexus and it could even look better with more work put into it. But to be honest I questioned some of his design decisions. Like her eyes and the weird ass chin he gave her. Not to talk about the lack of fur. But ive' gotta admit. its hard to balance this stuff. Making her kinda fit into the world of skyrim but also making her look like katia and keeping her art style.Dont know if i did succed with that or not. But for me its not weird to see her running around in this world and my brain still goes ,,naaaaw thats katia, my manacat'' if i stop for a second and look at her idle animations

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Zerorganic: @KuroNeko thanks ^^. And yes, i changed the head but not too much. I only gave her face more cat fluff by adding her cheek fur. The original model was just kinda flat there.

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Zerorganic: But i changed mostly her face animations on the last one. Look at her eyes and eyebrows. They are more expressiv. Every Katie here has the same puzzled or more like uncomfy face

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Zerorganic: Ingame footage ( i also feel like the end of the video is katias life in a nutshell so far ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WCfFWB9ytI&feature=youtu.be

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Quites: It's nice to see that someone picked up my work recently. I'm loving the results. Still having original files somewhere! Botched 3d due to some life reasons but slowly i'm going back with my artistic side. About textures: I used flat colors because of my logic, that if you add too much depth it's not going to look like Katia from comics. No matter what, I knew that you can't do both: maintain original Katia look and blend her with skyrim graphics but adding a bit of shade and depth like that definetly helps. Now, it's not popping that much because there is less of that vibrant yellow!

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Zerorganic: Im glad you love it!. As is said... this mod was the reason why i did start modding. And holy.. im working on this for months now. Learning here and there something new and always coming back to apply it to the katia model. i just learned yesterday that i can edit the main mesh without killing the tri files. Wanted to edit those at some point... it ended with a flat head katia. i also converted this mod so it can be used in skyrim se. did ask you on the nexus if im allowed to upload it. or upload my edit in general. May i ask you something ? I assume this model had a hand with 4 fingers and cat like feet. At least that was written at some point. Do you still have those files ? I would love to use them. If im allowed to do so. In generali hopeyou approve my work since i have high respect towards you as the original creator

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BustyBraixen: is there a download available? i'd really like to use these mods

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MysticKitty1o1: omg. I hope this comes to xbox some day, this is awesome!

7143: Khajiit argonian character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave drunk monochrome text

Khajiit argonian character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave drunk monochrome text

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KuroNeko: An alternate timeline where Katia weaponised her alcoholism.

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KuroNeko: Shit I messed up.
I cropped out a part of the text.
Quill is supposed to say "What does it means when there's a skull on the bottle?"

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damrok4321: Despite this, it turned out great anyway xD

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ADudeCalledLeo: So Katia has Argonian-levels of poison resistance?

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Zerorganic: i dont know why.... but it kinda looks like she wears a hoodi. Hoodis are hot

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lapma: That's cool idea, still with noodles arms she wouldn't be much of a fighter even in drunken rage.
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