All beings within Mundus are but characters on the stage of fate and should be tagged as such with "character:" before their names.
3577: 3D character:Katia_Managan mod portrait
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Quites: Hi! I have discovered webcomic 2 weeks ago and decided to make mod about katia to skyrim with custom mesh. I want to check if you like my model
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: The model seems more to the comic, but I think it could use some edits so it doesn't end up like that other model of Katia that's kinda, eh. It contracts too much from the game.
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: But keep up the work!
Quites: Thanks! About edits, https://s30.postimg.org/wc7fz7ngx/image.jpg this is how she looks now in game. The only edit that i came up with was to add her a detailed fur but it would take me a while to do it and i'm not even sure if its going to look good.
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Oh that's cute, also props that there is no 'shiny' fur like the other model had!
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Maybe make the eyes a TINY bit smaller, not much, but maybe like 10% smaller~?
Zerorganic: funny to see how it started.
7097: artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave hist_glands laughter monochrome text
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KuroNeko: Inspired by drawings made by Waga in which kobolds wear shirts mocking their (lack of) chest.
ADudeCalledLeo: don't be racist, katia
7099: animation character:Katia_Managan portrait sketch
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Zerorganic: so this time its the correct gif. Its some old work in progress stuff from like 3 Months ago.. i guess. It was the first time i used the head models of katia i had to this point. Wanted to try if those even fit togheter. So yea... before throwing this file away or losing it... why not upload it ?
Zerorganic: I dont even have the original head files anymore because they were outdated
Zerorganic: Here is the original file i made back then https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/6951
7095: Imperial artist:KuroNeko bed character:Casta_Scribonia character:Quill-Weave questionable romance very_casually_underdressed
Zerorganic: Unprotected Boob-Holding
ADudeCalledLeo: C'mon Kuro, Katia explicitly told you to not upload porn and then you go ahead and post hand-holding??
Jokes aside, this is cute AF and also good art.
Rick2tails: this is quite sweet and adorable
KuroNeko: @Zerorganic: Shhh, don't say it or the mods will notice :p
@ADudeCalledLeo: Hehe, Thanks :) Also I remember that first Katia pic being posted somewhere else and people getting super butthurt about it XD @Rick2tails: Thank you :D
PermanentFace: OTP
KuroNeko: @PermanentFace: Yes! Let's hope we see more of them and their relationship don't get forgoten.
491: amulet_of_silence artist:Blindy blood_from_the_eyes character:Katia_Managan magic_fire magic_staff questionable
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Bettervvizer: Those nips can cut diamonds!
7094: artist:Zerorganic character:Katia_Managan happy portrait text
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showing 10 of 19 comments
Zerorganic: Do not shame her. Her parents already did
Zerorganic: Im sure she is happy to hear this. Maybe it will encourage her to smile more ^^
Rick2tails: she should! shes pretty when she smiles
Zerorganic: she is always cute. No matter what. It's a mathematical rule. Look at how big her eyes are in comparison to her head
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l0rDn0o8sKiLlZ: General Kenobi!
Zerorganic: @l0rDn0o8sKiLlZ Finally! I was waiting for this reference
damrok4321: It pleases me to see that face and smile every morning when I check in booru. She looks cute here.
Zerorganic: I hope so. I was bit worried in terms of this art style. This katia head is literally just a frame from the animation im working on. And since this art style if for animation... i did try to keep it as simple as possible. This gives me a bot of a headdache because it may be too simplistic
Zerorganic: *since this artstyle if for animation. This gives me a headache. Holy i need to start to correction read the stuff im writing.
7092: artist:KuroNeko casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave classic_art dragon nipple pineapple questionable snakes stranger_danger
KuroNeko: A painting of the original sin found in an old monastery.
The monk who last possessed it had gone insane and was rambling about god having forsaken us and that there will be no more updates. Also that snake seems awfully familiar.
Zargothrax: So strange, how we label anyone insane, when they have seen the truth that we are not ready to accept.
Rick2tails: good snake.. er draggy !
bluedraggy: Hey, that draggy is just trying to return her to her original state of innocence as nature intended! He should be applauded for his attempt. It's that terrible lizard on the right that's handing her a MOST unnatural fruit for purposes having nothing whatsoever to do with nutrition! Draggy is innocent of this crime!
bluedraggy: Exactly! And such necks have a long and storied past around here.
KuroNeko: @bluedraggy: It's things like that that makes me wish I was around during Prequel early years. So many crazy things I missed XD
DarthVader: It’s Satan!
7093: Katia's_wizard_robe adorable artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC monochrome photo pig
7090: adorable artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC monochrome photo pig sleepy text
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damrok4321: this is nice, I like how she covers her snout with hooves
ADudeCalledLeo: "adorable" tag is an understatement
KuroNeko: You really outdid ourself with the cuteness on that one.
It feels do nice and comfy. |
7106: argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave
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I know it's easier that way but I'd like to try and achieve that result by myself instead of having to rely on a program.
But thanks, it does looks super good as a vector :)
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