We are watching you.
7121: Khajiit artist:Artist-GJ books character:Katia_Managan character:Kvatch_Rock food outskirts_of_Kvatch sweet_roll
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Rick2tails: Katia has been eating too many of those rolls maybe? XD
ADudeCalledLeo: well when your watermark thing says "butts & chubs" drawing noodle characters is not allowed
Rick2tails: the character there isnt super fat but as thin as Katia is in the comic.shes awfully chonky here
7120: argonian artist:KuroNeko casually_underdressed character:Weedum-Ja modern_clothing questionable
KuroNeko: Riding a motorbike in a skintight leather suit must be getting very hot and she has to find a way to regulate her temperature.
Also thanks again to bluedraggy for fixing the color on her chest :)
KuroNeko: @ADudeCalledLeo: Nope, for once he's innocent of this lewd.
When I went on deviantart to post a drawing I saw a character with a racer suit opened like this one and it inspired me to make those two drawings.
Rick2tails: shes looking really good in that outfit
bluedraggy: @ADudeCalledLeo: It's a rare thing, but every once in a while I don't cause these things... directly anyway. I did mention that it almost looks like that zipper goes all the way down and back up again on the back side. When fully unzipped it would be two separate pieces. Though how you'd manage to zip it yourself is beyond me, and that's not even imagining the danger of parts getting snagged.
Regardless of that lewd imagining, it doesn't really look like she's quite done on her downward-unzipping. Just sayin'
bluedraggy: (also if I suggested it, it would be a bit more mammalian.)
Zargothrax: @bluedraggy: The orientation of the zip handle, and her hand suggests that she is zipping upwards, not down. I'm fun at parties.
bluedraggy: We'll have to take your word for that - but dammit, you're right.
KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: Yeah, I kind of messed that up. My idea was thatshe was pulling up (as in perpendicularly to her body) the handle while pulling the ziiper down. Butit doesn't looks like that.
Tabby_Catface: I'd like to think there's no bulge here :D But even if it is, doesn't make it any less hot! Nice anatomy btw!
7112: artist:GamGyuls character:Rajirra monochrome portrait
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Rick2tails: angry kitty lady looks good here (still have major issues with her though)
Zerorganic: @Damrok https://s12.directupload.net/images/200722/tzoe2gjh.png
Zerorganic: i like this drawing. It looks really amazing. Great Shading, great concept and everything. Really looks like an old painting. (im also sorry for my awful edit. Its kinda like a Tradition)
Rick2tails: she was an adventurer like you till she took an arrow to the forehead
Zargothrax: Great, traditional looking art! All painted on a single layer, I presume. Something I should practice more.
Tabby_Catface: Loving it! I'm personally a big fan of B/W drawings since I've been drawing in this style for a while before. This has the coolest lighting!
6755: armor artist:SaintDumos character:Pelinal_Whitestrake decapitation monochrome red_diamond
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DirtyBlue929: I mean, he slaughtered a few thousand Khajiit just for looking vaguely similar to elves, so who knows what would go down
PermanentFace: This is very very good, even if it's not directly related to the story of Prequel. I like his laser cannon.
6702: Katia's_wizard_robe Kvatch adorable artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan character:Kvatch_Rock lick milk outskirts_of_Kvatch redraw sweet_roll telekinesis
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Zargothrax: Yes, this is really adorable, nice clothing folds too!
PermanentFace: Jesus, was there already art of this scene seven months ago? How time crawls, huh?
6691: argonian artist:KuroNeko booze character:Quill-Weave drunk questionable text very_casually_underdressed
damrok4321: YES! all hail the lizard queen!
Zargothrax: Damn Quill, the stuff your neighbors have to put up with...
7107: artist:Bluedraggy artist:Smoldraggy artistry black_eyes character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear questionable sketch very_casually_underdressed
bluedraggy: A thing my daughter drew for me. I'm calling her Smoldragon. I ran with it, inked, colored etc. Technically it was a misunderstanding but it is a very nice misunderstanding. And I think it's the first Katia she's ever drawn. I really must atone for that.
Zerorganic: wait did she draw the whole piece or that was katia is drawning on the paper ?
Rick2tails: "this..this is beautiful! "(quoting Stan Pines)
ADudeCalledLeo: The self-proclaimed "best pen in Cyrodill" (or however you spell the place's name), everybody.
Zargothrax: "Smoldraggy" XD nice!
7122: Conjuration Mysticism artist:KuroNeko character:Scleepy_the_Healing_Snake destruction magic monochrome restoration snakes
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KuroNeko: Someone in the comments of the last update wanted to see a juggling snake, so I drew it.
ADudeCalledLeo: You probably shouldn't be playing with those Witch-Hunter Control Panel handles, Scleepy...
7118: angry_giant_hands annoyed artist:Zargothrax character:Katia_Managan hugs khajiit_racism knock_off meme painted_underwear stranger_danger text
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KuroNeko: I was just thinking the other day that it's been a while since we had seen a cat edit from you.
Nice XD
bluedraggy: It's been way too long since we had one of these. A1 quality.
damrok4321: Ahh.. this.. this is what I come for when I enter this site. Well done
ADudeCalledLeo: Katia stop being a tsundere and enjoy the smothering
Zargothrax: @KuroNeko, @bluedraggy, @damrok4321: You're welcome, providing such entertainment is a noble cause worth following.
7124: animation annoyed artist:Zerorganic character:Katia_Managan confusion happy sad
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...wait, what?
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I would say the facial animation are good. i mean... this was the main point of this animation. But i should draw more head angles for transitions. Using this werid motion blur effect isnt good.
Maybe i should have made something with her body ? i mean. the focus is supposed to be on her face. But d u think its lame that er body doesent move at all ?
And the pain problem is... her arm. Im not sure how you see this. But i hate how his movement did turn out. The main problem i had was his lenght. Like... using a normal arm lenght was too short because of the size of katias head. So i had to play a bit around. Maybe it would look better if her shoulders or her tunic would move a bit more togheter with her arm. What do u think about the arm ?
An the last point...its not so important but i think its meh: some outlines are mote thiccer than others. Some parts dont even have lines. I made this beause this givs me the possibilty to hide stuff nd little mistakes that come with the animation model. But i should have ad sme lines. Problem was... i did think too late about that. Also my plan of postediting in photoshop did die hard.
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The movement of her arm is a bit robotic but otherwise it looks pretty cool.
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Now speaking of what do I think about how does it look like: her facial expressions are cute and well made, the lines also aren't bad I like the way how does it look, that style has its charm. I'm kinda wondering if it wouldn't look a bit better if her fur fluffs on the cheeks had a bit thicker outline but it looks fine anyway. Of what could you do to make it look a bit better? I think maybe add variety to the way of how her hand moves? Like, when we do move, we don't actually make it exactly the same way every time, her hand kinda looks like it would be robotic, making slight changes in its position every time it goes back and forth maybe could help a little bit. Anyway, again, keep up the good work.
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