Lesser beings should be ashamed of their uncovered body. Tag such images with "questionable".

5795: books character:Katia_Managan featured_masterpiece green_eyes long_hair looking_badass magic_staff magicka pineapple telekinesis witch-hunter_control_panel wizardry yo-yo

books character:Katia_Managan featured_masterpiece green_eyes long_hair looking_badass magic_staff magicka pineapple telekinesis witch-hunter_control_panel wizardry yo-yo
showing 10 of 23 comments
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DepecheMode: @Gren: But Rajirra's not a mage.
- Reply
SilentOrbweaver: And I thought her head was on fire, but it's actually just the long hair. <_<

Anyway, great job.
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twistNtwirl: @Gren: Oh ye of little faith! People get better at what they do if they work hard.
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twistNtwirl: @XenoYparxi: Oh it does! Thanks for pointing it out! I'll keep that in mind next time.
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twistNtwirl: @Kavro: Nah, not really. If I spent more time on this piece it'll be for correcting colors, adding minor details and painting in the background.
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twistNtwirl: @DepecheMode: I am soooo glad Rajirra is not a mage, can you imagine how hard Katia's life would be if she was a mage? (I really don't like Rajirra haha!)

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Zargothrax: twistNtwirl's art are probably the most badass ones that have ever been posted here.
Does anyone know where else he may have been (or is) present other than this booru?

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damrok4321: Would make a great wall poster

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ADudeCalledLeo: Now THIS is a witch-hunter.

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Whistle: this amazing !!!!!!

7140: annoyed artist:LeeSin209 braids cake character:Little_Katia character:Little_Quill-Weave food kittens maid modern_clothing

annoyed artist:LeeSin209 braids cake character:Little_Katia character:Little_Quill-Weave food kittens maid modern_clothing

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ADudeCalledLeo: More Little Quill content is always welcome.

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Zargothrax: Aww... Little Quill is so adorable.
I guess Katia decided to start with the dessert. Typical child.

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KuroNeko: Are they really supposed to be little Quill and little Kat here?
I just assumed it was only the style (and they have a big chest for kids)

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ADudeCalledLeo: @KuroNeko: Well, braids are kind of exclusive to Little Katia and Quill here looks about the same age as her, so yeah.

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xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: the noble of the house came back and starts calling katia the n word

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bluedraggy: Neko? How rude!

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KuroNeko: @bluedraggy: Hey!

7155: Cosplay Khajiit artist:ChainChomped character:Katia_Managan looking_badass magic magic_fire magic_staff robes

Cosplay Khajiit artist:ChainChomped character:Katia_Managan looking_badass magic magic_fire magic_staff robes

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ADudeCalledLeo: Apparently, this cool piece of art that was made 2 years ago was never posted here...

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Rick2tails: this is very cool! thanks for sharing

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KuroNeko: I surprised there's not more black mage Katia images honestly.

7152: character:Katia_Managan firearms modern_clothing monochrome sketch

character:Katia_Managan firearms modern_clothing monochrome sketch

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Johnny_FiveAces: This is what listening to Hell March on repeat for several hours can make you do. Send help.

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ADudeCalledLeo: I thought this was some 40k shit. I blame Rimmy for sticking it in my head
Good art, regardless

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Johnny_FiveAces: @ADudeCalledLeo I can see why you’d think that it was Warhammer at first honestly. Might actually try something with that in mind eventually, might be interesting. Anyways, I’m glad you like it my dude.

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KuroNeko: Cool uniform, it looks pretty nice.

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xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: @Johnny_FiveAces: Is she going to be a guardsman or something else?

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Johnny_FiveAces: @KuroNeko Thank you, I largely based the jacket and beret off of Volkova’s from Red Alert 3.

@xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx She’ll more then likely be a Guardsman, yeah. They’re my favorite army as a whole anyway so it’ll be fun do. I might try to draw her as a Vostroyan Firstborn, though that may be a bit difficult due to their bearskin hats.

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Rick2tails: Katia looks good in a uniform

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Johnny_FiveAces: @Rick2tails She really do be rocking it though.

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xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: @Johnny_FiveAces: I think the Tallran Desert Raiders would fit Katia better.

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Johnny_FiveAces: @xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx True, they would fit her better.

6792: Booze_O'Clock artist:lapma booze character:Quill-Weave character:Wilbur drunk obscurity

Booze_O'Clock artist:lapma booze character:Quill-Weave character:Wilbur drunk obscurity

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KuroNeko: You stupid drunk lizard, you're lucky to have a good friend.
Really nice as always.

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Caps: The pain of been a writer I guess.
Nice drawing. ; )

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Dominik: Looks very cool. At least she is not alone

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PermanentFace: Oy mods, we need the bugged tags "Character:Wilbur" and/or "Character:_Wilbur" deleted from the table so that we can add Wilbur as a legitimate lower-case character tag.

Or better yet, stop treating the "character:" flag as case sensitive.

- Reply
ADudeCalledLeo: well it's... kind of working now?
"character:__Wilbur" because apparently it's his online username now

- Reply
AMKitsune: @PermanentFace and ADudeCalledLeo: Incorrect case: Fixed.

7153: Blade Halo accidents_waiting_to_happen artist:FernPlant character:Katia_Managan crossover dwemer_technology firearms heavy_armor monochrome text

Blade Halo accidents_waiting_to_happen artist:FernPlant character:Katia_Managan crossover dwemer_technology firearms heavy_armor monochrome text

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Nazo: Friend of mine drew this in an hour, and probably wont finish it because he is a coward
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GrizzlyBear: Very good for something made in only an hour
Not enough halo in this booru imo. I’m still sitting on this halo crossover project but it’s a total train wreck now.

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KuroNeko: Pretty cool even if it's not finished.
Also I like how her helmet is too small to fit her big head inside XD

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ADudeCalledLeo: I don't know jack shit about Halo. Isn't the enemy some eldritch thing that brainwashes its victims or something?
Because if so, good luck, Katia.

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xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: @ADudeCalledLeo: That would be the flood but it doesn't do brainwashing rather it would turn your body into a grotesque abomination instead.

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ADudeCalledLeo: @xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: Even better.
I think Katia's better off getting drunk and charging in at this point.

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xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: @ADudeCalledLeo: Charging at whom? Advanced religious fanatics?

7154: Khajiit Quill-Weave's_house argonian artist:KuroNeko booze braids character:Quill-Weave character:your_weird_OC impure_thoughts literary_endeavors maid red_eyes

Khajiit Quill-Weave's_house argonian artist:KuroNeko booze braids character:Quill-Weave character:your_weird_OC impure_thoughts literary_endeavors maid red_eyes

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KuroNeko: More adorable albino khajiit maid.

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bluedraggy: And there she is. :) I'm definitely going to have to write another QW/Albino Maid story. Beautiful and clearly NOT a Katia clone. Maybe someday Kaz will be able to draw a khajiit that doesn't look the same. (Wait, does that make ME racist or HIM?)

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damrok4321: haha, great idea for the drawing, really cheered me up. I love the design of this character.

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KuroNeko: @bluedraggy: What do you mean the same, can't you see the subtle difference of shade of yellow in their fur? :p

@damrok4321: Glad you like it,I didn't came up with her but I'm pretty happy with how I gave her flesh.

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ADudeCalledLeo: Quill is too gay for her own good

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Rick2tails: I think many of us can feel you there Quill. tempting hard there with that raised khajiit tail!
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Streetwind: Considering how eager to "entertain" miss kitty here was in the story, I bet she knows exactly what she's doing here =P

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Zerorganic: I do just wonder.... this situation should put quill in an inner conflict , shouldnt it ? considering she probably has feelings for katia

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KuroNeko: @Zerorganic: On the contrary. She know Katia is not into girls and won't return her feelings. While she might have a chance with the maid.

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ADudeCalledLeo: @Zerorganic: I think the conflict here is that Quill is "a little racist" towards Khajiit (her words, not mine).
Either that or it's that blasted thing called monogamy (Casta).

1212: artist:Plague_of_Gripes beautiful character:Katia_Managan dress

artist:Plague_of_Gripes beautiful character:Katia_Managan dress

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Katia in a classy dress? Smiling? How soon before everything burns down?

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KillerfishSG: I love this drawing <3

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DestinedFateX: This would look terrible in ESIV.

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KuroNeko: So pretty

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ADudeCalledLeo: What a royal dress

7142: Khajiit adorable artist:KuroNeko braids character:Little_Katia kittens

Khajiit adorable artist:KuroNeko braids character:Little_Katia kittens

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Rick2tails: it almost looks like shes blowing bubbles with her nose

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KuroNeko: @Rick2tails: I misplaced her head, but left it like that because it was cuter if she just sneazed those bubbles.

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damrok4321: it looks very cute indeed

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ADudeCalledLeo: welp, "bubbly sneezes" is never a thing i expected to see. or to be not gross, now that i think about it

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lapma: Simply cute

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xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: What kind of person blows out bubbles with their nose?

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Zerorganic: ido

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xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: @Zerorganic: don't touch me please

7149: Khajiit argonian artist:KuroNeko braids character:Quill-Weave character:your_weird_OC maid monochrome shame text

Khajiit argonian artist:KuroNeko braids character:Quill-Weave character:your_weird_OC maid monochrome shame text

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KuroNeko: After posting some images of Maid-weave I wanted to draw one myself.
Here she borrows her maid's outfit from//www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/7105

I also drew a portrait of her //www.deviantart.com/kuronneko/art/Albino-Khajiit-maid-851093679?ga_submit_new=10%3A1596664898

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Rick2tails: this is cute

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ADudeCalledLeo: I see Quill's trying out new job prospects.

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Zargothrax: Awww, that other art you linked of her is possibly the most adorable khajiit I've ever seen!

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: Thanks I'm really pround of that one, I did my best to make her as cute as possible and I think it might be one of my best work so far.
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