Challenge the rules at your own peril.

7080: artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan character:Scleepy_the_Healing_Snake painted_underwear restoration smiling snakes

artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan character:Scleepy_the_Healing_Snake painted_underwear restoration smiling snakes
showing 10 of 14 comments

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KuroNeko: It's nice to see your art again, great work

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lapma: Long time no see, it is rly nice, love what you did with that snake

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damrok4321: Thanks guys im really happy to hear these nice words from ya

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Evilpopcorn: @ADudeCalledLeo: You say that as a joke, but what if restoration COULD be used as a weapon? Don't heal the person, heal the virus that got attacked by their immune system.

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Zargothrax: @Evilpopcorn: As far as I understand, according to the Prequel lore, healing works in a declarative way. Meaning, instead of having to methodically control magicka in a systematic way to mend tissue and bones step-by-step, you declare the desired state of the wounded body part by envisioning it intact. If the desired state is well defined and accurate enough (in your head), restoration magic will "update" the body part to that state, without you having to know HOW exactly that's supposed to be done.

But what if the desired state that you envision is not intact? For example, study a smashed face and memorize it's exact bone and tissue configuration. Now, the next time you meet someone you hate, envision their face faithfully in the smashed state. With restoration magic, you could, in theory, "mend" their face into the desired, smashed state.

Or, you know, just use a hammer.

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Dominik: Wow, it looks just amazing!

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Evilpopcorn: @Zargothrax: I'm surprised Zargothrax of all people would recommend a hammer

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Zargothrax: @Evilpopcorn: For normies. Definitely won't earn style points though.

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Caniption: @Evilpopcorn: I distinctly recall, in a book about the birth of Mankar Cameron, restoration being used to "unheal" someone, reversing the process and causing wounds to fester and get worse

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Caniption: https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/The_Refugees

7091: Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan magic_fire

Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan magic_fire
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spikesito: mmm well I made a kana fanart, sorry for the extra large logo but for security
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TempIntel: Large artist logo = +10 security
Nice job

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damrok4321: i love this one pixel sized line art style

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ADudeCalledLeo: @spikesito: ah yes, my favorite character, Kana Megan
jokes aside this is pretty cool art

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Rick2tails: gotta love a hot gal! XD

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KuroNeko: A first I thought you were saying you wanted to put a spike in Katia then I saw your username XD
Pretty nice art :)

6280: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan featured_masterpiece monochrome portrait text training

Kvatch_arena_armor artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan featured_masterpiece monochrome portrait text training
showing 10 of 11 comments

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AMKitsune: Congratulations on seeing this through to the end. The fact that you even changed medium near the end there really goes to show that you meant business.
Out of all of them, I'd have to say that my favourites are pleased, shocked/surprised, confident and disgusted.

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OgTariq: You Did a great and amazing job honestly, doing this for a whole month is true dedication, and we/i hope to see your other art work since i love the art style so much

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KuroNeko: Well all good things come to an end, this was a very nice lttle serie. I can't wait to see what you'll do next.

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Dominik: You did something awesome by making them and you deserve every praise for it. Hope you will be able to make something even better!

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PermanentFace: You did a pretty good job on this.

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damrok4321: :O How did it happen. I don't know what to say! I never honestly expected any of my art ever to become featured. Thank you! And Thanks to all on the booru, for being here, for sharing your art and creating this wonderful community.

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ADudeCalledLeo: Congrats on the feature, my guy!
(I swear there was an edit of this pic but with the "Triumph" drawing blanked out in this comment section...)

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Zerorganic: Oh i love this ! Those are some really good expressions. I also love the idea of this little challenge. I think im going to do something in terms of that too. u did a good job with yours!

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SlashSeven: Oh man this is incredible work. Cheers on such an achievement! I remember the month you started all of it and some of us were making coloring of your shots. I can bet it was a lot of fun to draw it and I'm glad to see you in the featured section now. This was all worth it :³

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Tabby_Catface: Aw, wrong name, sorry :P This is great!

7089: argonian artist:Bluedraggy artist:KuroNeko candle casually_underdressed character:Traveling_Enchanter fire_safety knock_off text

argonian artist:Bluedraggy artist:KuroNeko candle casually_underdressed character:Traveling_Enchanter fire_safety knock_off text

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bluedraggy: Had to color it! As for the text, in typical insane enchanter fashion, it leaves your head spinning. Wait, what?

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ADudeCalledLeo: Headcanon: Argonians have detachable tails.
Now imagine the scene where Katia tries her "morse-code tail" trick on Quill but accidentally pulls her tail off.

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damrok4321: @ADudeCalledLeo: I trying hard, not to.
@bluedraggy: Nicely done, quality of your coloring works always amaze me

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Rick2tails: I`m confused and excited at the same time XD

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KuroNeko: Hehe, another great coloring work :)

6904: Katia's_wizard_robe Luck MS_Paint artist:Zargothrax character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan comic meme text

Katia's_wizard_robe Luck MS_Paint artist:Zargothrax character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan comic meme text

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Zargothrax: There was no way I'd back out of this. So here is my mouse-only drawing, made in the one-and-only ms paint. (I put way too much effort into this...)

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lapma: Wow it is kinda lot of effort for a little joke

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KuroNeko: Dear god you even drew full body characters and used differents brushes
You set the bar very high.

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Zargothrax: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPNdWnwuBDI no one really understands what this means, probably not even the original creator.

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Zargothrax: @lapma: @KuroNeko: I regret everything nothing

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Caps: It looks very nice. ; )
I don't know that much about TES but it is still funny.

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Tabby_Catface: I can't believe you've really done it my man. You've made this very popular meme look better then ever.

7088: Kvatch_arena_armor action_pose artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan fireball magic_fire magnus smiling sunset

Kvatch_arena_armor action_pose artist:damrok4321 character:Katia_Managan fireball magic_fire magnus smiling sunset

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damrok4321: Tried a bit more difficult pose this time. And there she is! practicing fire magic.
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GrizzlyBear: Well you nailed it, man. And that radial effect on the clouds looks awesome

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KuroNeko: It looks really cool. The pose is very dynamic and the lighting is pretty good too.
I think her right foot is a tiny bit too long but it's barelly noticeable.
Great work. And gongrats for the feature too :)

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Zargothrax: Dutch angle!

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ADudeCalledLeo: she's gonna ruin her gloves again oh god oh fuck
But no seriously this is like a 12/10 on the "good art" scale

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damrok4321: @GrizzlyBear: thanks i had fun making those, will probably use more of that effect int the future.
@KuroNeko: Im glad it turned out ok, i wasn't sure if was going in right direction with that light.
@ADudeCalledLeo: Im glad you like it

7085: argonian artist:KuroNeko candle casually_underdressed character:Traveling_Enchanter fire_safety happy monochrome

argonian artist:KuroNeko candle casually_underdressed character:Traveling_Enchanter fire_safety happy monochrome

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KuroNeko: So I found a nice reference for a pose and I wanted to draw either Quill-Weave, Weedum-Ja or the traveling enchanter using it.
Bluedraggy voted for the enchanter, so here, have a sexy crazy lizard.

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damrok4321: haha it looks so wholesome, nice work

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Zargothrax: He's the best enchanter. And yes, out of the 3 lizards, I agree, that he was the best candidate for this drawing.

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ADudeCalledLeo: I guess hot wax on scales wouldn't be much of an issue?

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KuroNeko: @ADudeCalledLeo: Can't be worse than hot wax on his hist tree :p

7087: Hand_to_Hand Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Zargothrax character:Katia_Managan character:greater_impmaster_murderboss grievous_bodily_harm knock_off meme

Hand_to_Hand Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Zargothrax character:Katia_Managan character:greater_impmaster_murderboss grievous_bodily_harm knock_off meme

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Zargothrax: Someone had to do it.

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KuroNeko: Revenge!
Welp, looks like we have a new meme.
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GrizzlyBear: MORE!!

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Rick2tails: ok this is win

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ADudeCalledLeo: big kat

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damrok4321: this deserves a brand new tag
character: Chadia_Managan

7086: angry argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan character:nerevarine character:your_weird_OC dunmer ghost monochrome not_sure_if_racist text

angry argonian artist:KuroNeko character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan character:nerevarine character:your_weird_OC dunmer ghost monochrome not_sure_if_racist text

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KuroNeko: She's usually pretty nice, but if you manage to piss her off she won't hesitate to throw insults around. And having lived with Dunmer for a very long time, she know LOTS of insults.
Inspired by Lapma last pic.

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damrok4321: her look, reminds me of Saitama from one punch man when he gets serious

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damrok4321: I love how you draw

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KuroNeko: @damrok4321: At the end of the game, the nerevarine can pretty much obliterate anything in one hit so it's a fair comparaison.
@damrok4321: Aw, Very glad to hear it

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: I think that had less to do with the nerevarine, and more with how incredibly broken Morrowind was. I mean, some complain that in Skyrim alchemy is broken, sneak is broken, yadda-yadda, but with Morrowind, it's as if they didn't even attempt to balance game mechanics. The surprising thing would have been if she had not risen to godhood.

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Zargothrax: Also, nice drawing. You managed to only draw what's necessary, while leaving out everything that contributes little to none in conveying the message (like the entire body of all the characters), and yet the drawing doesn't look broken at all.

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: Nothing like becoming a god by drinking 50 bottle of booze XD
But yeah alchemy is kind of rifdiculous in Morrowind, which is why I never use it. By exploiting the intelligence loop, you can even make potions that will last a whole (real life)day

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: Thanks :)

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lapma: Oh I'm glad that I inspired you XD, rly nice drawing, only wish she did that to Aggy maybe that would teach him a lesson about making fun out of piggy.

7081: artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave magnus swimsuit

artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave magnus swimsuit
showing 10 of 15 comments

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bluedraggy: Also I bet between the vinyl of the inflatable shark and Quill's slick reptile scales rubbing together, there's so much squeaking going on it keeps the slaughterfish away.

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Tabby_Catface: You gone really Thick on this one :D Hey, nice work!

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Caps: She does look very lovely with that swinsuit.

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ADudeCalledLeo: how is this girl single again?
looks at rampant alcoholism ...ah, that explains it

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Zargothrax: Clever girl knows how to make up for her inability to control her own body temperature.
Nice drawing, as always.

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KuroNeko: @Rick2tails: @Caps: Yes she sure is

@Tabby_Catface: Lizards have thick hips, it's a rule :p And thanks

@bluedraggy: This just gave me another idea.

@ADudeCalledLeo: Well, she's technically in a relationship but things got complicated.
Also one of the cause of alcoholism is that she's lonely so it's a self sustaining problem.

@Zargothrax: Thank you :D

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AMKitsune: The shading and tones used here are just *Mwah* beautiful. And that translucency effect on the shark! I know you've demonstrated translucency before, but every time I see it done this well, especially in a traditional medium, I'm left at a loss for words.

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KuroNeko: Thank you very much
Verry glad you like it.

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Dominik: Looks just great, that coloring is sooo good

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KuroNeko: @Dominik: Thank you
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