Challenge the rules at your own peril.

7066: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Whistle character:Katia_Managan magic_fire tears

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Whistle character:Katia_Managan magic_fire tears

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Whistle: Better than never to be? maybe

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KuroNeko: Run little cat, run.
Nice to see you've kept drawing :)

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Whistle: @KuroNeko:I will never stop drawing Katia (:

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Whistle: new version https://twitter.com/Whistle30450521/status/1275359268083044352/photo/1

1567: CHIM Katia's_wizard_robe amulet_of_silence character:Katia_Managan character:Vivec knock_off razor_incident

CHIM Katia's_wizard_robe amulet_of_silence character:Katia_Managan character:Vivec knock_off razor_incident

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Man_Of_Mer: I posted this from my phone because it no longer existed on imgur.

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CaptainLackwit: I felt pride when mine was the first one posted. Also sorry that it was not on imgur- I don't pay so I have to clean it up sometimes, and totally forgot you were going to post these.

My bad. D:

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Man_Of_Mer: You're welcome, it's cool.

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KuroNeko: So that where Vivec disapeared to during the oblivion crisis.

7063: Quill-Weave's_evil_armor adorable artist:lapma character:Quill-Weave flowers pig text

Quill-Weave's_evil_armor adorable artist:lapma character:Quill-Weave flowers pig text

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lapma: Quill has sended her minion on mission to root in her nemesis Arvena Thelas backyard. Piggy seems content with that arrangement since she got place to root around.

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KuroNeko: Th empress of Evil and her minion strike again. When will the guards stop them?
Nice work with redesigning princess, she looks super cute.

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APayne1776_2: Quill hiding behind that wall and laughing reminds me of this

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lapma: @KuroNeko: Thanks, im happy how it looks, and it is all thanks to old disney movie Black Cauldron, when i saw Hen Wen i had to do something that looks a bit like her, she was soo adorable.

7056: artist:lapma bath casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan food painted_underwear pig

artist:lapma bath casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan food painted_underwear pig

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lapma: Looks like girls enjoy this mud bath, i wonder is mud as good for the fur as it is for the skin, guess Katia will find out.

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ADudeCalledLeo: It's a spa day.
Katia's painted underwear is about to become a full-body suit.

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Looks like Katia will have to shave her legs.
Razor incident, take two

7060: Quill-Weave's_evil_armor artist:lapma character:Faceless_Mook character:Quill-Weave food pig text

Quill-Weave's_evil_armor artist:lapma character:Faceless_Mook character:Quill-Weave food pig text

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Rick2tails: greased pig..ready for the oven? ;)

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ADudeCalledLeo: ffs quill stop trying to eat princess

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DarthVader: Bacon anyone?

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lapma: @ADudeCalledLeo: Hopefully one day she will see qualities of piggy, other than juicyness.

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KuroNeko: @DarthVader: Here you go. Extra crispy :p

7057: Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan lined_paper_club monochrome sketch

Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan lined_paper_club monochrome sketch

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Asder: i was bored and so i did this :l

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damrok4321: hey it looks really good and cute!

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ADudeCalledLeo: that's an A+ face
rest of the art's pretty gud too

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But seriously this is pretty adorable. Nice work.

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lapma: This is rly cute.

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Dominik: Indeed, it is cute and adorable

7049: Booze_O'Clock artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave drunk monochrome text

Booze_O'Clock artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave drunk monochrome text

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Zargothrax: Can you tell the time?

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lapma: I'm not drunk, you are.

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Rick2tails: I`m not going drunk..I`m home! *hiccups*

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Dominik: You are right, you are not drunk, WE are drunk

7050: artist:KuroNeko character:Rajirra monochrome questionable very_casually_underdressed

showing 10 of 14 comments

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Sashimi: @KuroNeko: SWEEEET KET!

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Zerorganic: i really like the shape of the boobs

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lapma: Oh no mean cat is slutty too now? But drawing looks nice.

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Rick2tails: If only Rajirra was as nice as she was pretty

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Zerorganic: tbh i think katia is more attractive.In in personality and appearence I dont understand why so many to prefer Rajirra over katia.

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KuroNeko: @Zerorganic: Nice, any chances we'll get to see it in the future?
@Zerorganic: You, sir have good tastes. Also two words: big tits.

@Rick2tails: She would be a saint then.

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Zerorganic: @KuroNeko Dunno if i can even show it here. I mean you have Rajiiras hair to cover specific body parts. I dont have that so you would see katias full body. I mean i could use her arms to cover her stuff. But in general i would like to know what exactly is allowed to post and what not. And tbh

And about the part with the good taste... hum. I prefer small boobs. Thats also one of the reasons why i draw katia with rather small ones. That and because i think its more fitting. The comic says many times that katia is thin, a twick and waifish.There is even a joke about her because she is thin. So yea.

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KuroNeko: @Zerorganic: The mods said that if it's artistic nudity, and it's not sexualised then it's ok to post it with the questionable tag.
[url=this]https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/6837#search=artist%3AKuroNeko[/url] or [url=this]https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/6826#search=posted%3C%3D2020-2-26[/url] is ok.

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Zerorganic: Wow i thought the no boobs police would be more strict xd. But for me personally it doesent change so much. Im more of a SFW guy.

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Dominik: I knew, that besides looking great it also looks familiar

7046: artist:Zerorganic character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear quest_book redraw

artist:Zerorganic character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear quest_book redraw
showing 10 of 11 comments

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Zerorganic: shit i used the wrong head. Katias eyes are moreapart on this one. If her eyes are too close she stops looking like her https://s12.directupload.net/images/200612/l8t9hbmb.png

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Rick2tails: this looks pretty good!

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APayne1776_2: That's pretty cool my dude

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lapma: Skinny cat, looking nice.

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KuroNeko: It's a nice style you have. The fluff between her breasts looks a bit weird imo but otherwise it's pretty good.
Also I see you too work best when dying from sleep deprivation XD
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GrizzlyBear: Looks great so far. I can’t wait to see how this animation turns out. My only complaints are very minor, biggest one is that her left leg looks a little too close to the other, like she might fall backwards. Other than that everything besides the unfinished parts are looking fine to me. I just wish I was as dedicated to my work as you are lol

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Zerorganic: I just woke up god damn. Tbh I didn’t even know why I finished this in one run. I wanted to sleep, couldn’t so I booted my pc up once again and started. About the animation model.... u can’t see it but the body parts are split up in 40 layers. I can move every layer individually to bring her body in any pose I want without looking off. It was such a struggle to draw every piece so that I can move and rotate it without creating empty spots, holes etc. that’s why her legs have those black blotches and why some lines are thicker than others. This allows me to trick a bit so I can move it better

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Zerorganic: I really shouldn’t work like that. I feel bad right now but I dunno. It feels good to be that productive. There are only two possibilities for me : being so lazy that I don’t even want to play a video game or starting something and being so deep into my workflow that I can’t stop. Sometime the hardest thing is just to start. Thanks for your kind words btw c:. I hope you like my artstyle. It has to be that simplistic otherwise the animation wouldn’t work. This is also the first time I’m doing this since I’m learning to animate and I’m a noob xD
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GrizzlyBear: @Zerorganic: You’re doing a great job. Just don’t work yourself to death over it, okay

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Dominik: @Zerorganic: "Sometimes the hardest thing is just to start". You are right about this. But its always worth a try, as we can see on your art. It definietly was worth it
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