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7015: Katia's_adventurer_outfit Skyrim TES_Skyrim armor character:Katia_Managan mod screenshot
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Zeroranic: im creating a skyrim mod that brings katias armor and clothes into the game. You can also upgrade those armor and clothe sets to increase their stats and looks so you can use them even at later points in the game. This would be the first updated version.
Zeroranic: the first update of her armor adds, as you can see, a few more plates for protection to her arms and legs. It also gives her a little pocket which increases the weight you can carry by 10 or 20... dunno
Rick2tails: very cute!
Zargothrax: Nice! Very nice! I'm always happy to see mods being made of Prequel.
Zeroranic: Thanks for all your kind words! I really hope you will like the end result. Its my first skyrim mod so i had to learn everything first. And lets just say..... there were many problems i did encounter which took a lot time to fix. But i still hope you can look at that what i have finished so far and see the love and care i put into this things
7014: artist:lapma character:Quill-Weave comic food pig sleepy text visual_humor
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ADudeCalledLeo: Vegan-friendly pig in a blanket
or as we call it over here in Israel, "Moses in a box" (like the biblical story, I'm pretty sure this is incorrectly translated) |
7013: Eyetia character:Katia_Managan portrait
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ADudeCalledLeo: no uwus allowed
Zeroranic: Tbh i think most of us are furrys. Or at least think anthro animals are cool and look ,,cute''
xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: looking cute does not save you from being gameend'd
7012: Eyetia character:Katia_Managan portrait sad
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Zargothrax: She's transforming into Eyetia.
KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: There's a cruel lack of Eyetia on the booru.
People don't do weird art anymore ![]() |
7011: Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit artist:KuroNeko character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC monochrome pig
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Tabby_Catface: Blessed masterpiece.
APayne1776_2: This is probably the best and worst thing I have seen
Rick2tails: more worst then anything XD
7008: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:semiafro007 character:Katia_Managan group_photo
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showing 10 of 16 comments
KuroNeko: Barely enough but it'll do... for now.
also Pretty nice animation :) attack of the clones but the clones are sad. And a yellow weird cat thing.
DarthVader: Order 66
DarthVader: Execute Order 66!
Caps: @AMKitsune: Now we have to many Kattias. The universe will be not be able to handle so many Kattias.
Rick2tails: with so many Katias no one will mind if I take one home *procures one cat*
Caps: @Rick2tails: And then that one Kattia started to reproduce by mistosis into a infinite number of Kattias.
7010: artist:lapma black_eyes character:Katia_Managan guar_plush happy magnus pig tears
7006: actual_underwear adorable applied_telekinesis artist:Zargothrax casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan monochrome telekinesis witch-hunter_control_panel
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showing 10 of 13 comments
ADudeCalledLeo: faerie of (un)luckiness
APayne1776_2: The fairy godmother I wish I had
Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: I can give you a better anthro problem: try designing a headphone. Earpods are out, we're talking studio grade over ear headphones. If you were to design it naively and simply have it envelope the ears with a band on the top, it'll be top-heavy with no clamping force. A small tilt on the head and it falls off.
@AMKitsune: Aww, she's even prettier in color. And nice job changing the color of the wings to be closer to mysticisms representation in the comic. @TempIntel: Well, she's allergic to that, on the other hand... @ADudeCalledLeo: she can spread misfortune instead of pixie dust. And light everything aflame. @Whistle: Thank you. @lapma: For YOU dear moderators. And for me for being lazy to draw clothes but didn't want to tag my drawing 'questionable' for nudity. (and I don't really like the aesthetics of the painted underwear. It's good for memes though)
KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: Make them so that it softly pinch the ears, that way they won't fall.
Or even better, take the superior option and draw a lizard instead of a cat. No more ear problems :p
Rick2tails: painted underwear was good for a specific time in katias life but as a long term thing its beyond dumb
5370: artist:Kazerad beautiful character:Rajirra crossover explosions firearms looking_badass modern_clothing
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showing 10 of 26 comments
LuminosityXVII: In other news, Silent here has me picturing the size of the heels necessary for TwoKinds-style digitigrade legs, and that, in turn, has me giggling.
Geravind: @LuminosityXVII: This One hasn't seen them... If any female spy will sneak upon us, Khajiit will smell their coming... or, maybe, not -- we'll see.
Toryu-Mau: @bluedraggy: Up and read From Elsweyr with Love, M8. Awesome all around so far. >):^]
BTW, all these "Manual Automatic Hammerfell Technology" is cracking me up at the seams. >)X^D
Toryu-Mau: @LuminosityXVII: ... At that point, it's not a shoe anymore, it's a weapon!
Imagine the size of the stiletto that would end up on it. >)X^D
bluedraggy: Thanks Toryu-Mau! I live for people reading my crap! Damn thing is growing like a weed though. I pictured it as somewhat shorter than it's turning out to be. As for the MAHT, if you have sufficient cheap manual labor, who needs technology?
Toryu-Mau: @bluedraggy: ... Wha~ these chapters are coming out quicker then I can read~ this is a good era to be living in. >):'^D
bluedraggy: I'm cranking to get it done. I don't THINK it will be too big to post on the booru, but it might be.
xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: not enuff dakka
7018: Eyetia Katia's_wizard_robe artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan pig surreal
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People don't do weird art anymore they say...
Met Eatia and Snoutcess.
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Yes! Eyetia lives again and now she has her own pet.
Nice one and thank you for giving me a chance to post that reaction pic.
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*pr tsss
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