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197: Safety_hat Skyrim TES_Skyrim anachronism artist:Gordon_Freeguy character:Katia_Managan looking_badass machete magic_fire pineapple
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showing 10 of 11 comments
Rick2tails: no wonder I never saw this since its 4 + years old. nice work here
Sashimi: What? this was uploaded back in '13 and it's only now receiving comments? Cool pic though!
Sashimi said:hey if it wasn't because i was bored and looked trough Skyrim slutcats this wouldn't have happened
WassapDude94: also i just found out this way of mentioning aka quoting and its far better to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sashimi: @WassapDude94: It's good that you were looking around then! Wonder how many other pics have slipped through the cracks with nary a comment?
xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: Is it just me or why does it look like she has a hoove for a foot?
5368: Cosplay Imperial character:Katia_Managan sketch star_wars
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showing 10 of 12 comments
DarthVader: Welcome to the Galactic Empire!
Doprolol: там там трарарарарам
там там трарарарарам там там трарарарарам там там трарарарарам ТА--ТА--ТАМ!-ТА-ТАТАМ!-ТА-ТАТАМ!!! ТА--ТА--ТАМ!-ТА-ТАТАМ!-ТА-ТАТАМ!!! ТА--там-ТАТА--там-тарарарам-ТАТАМ-тарарарам-ТА--ТАТАМ--ТАТАТАМ ТА--там-ТАТА--там-тарарарам-ТАТАМ-тарарарам-ТА--ТАТАМ--ТАТАТАМ пурурур пурурур та--та-татам тарарам пурурур пурурур та--та-татам тарарам пурурур пурурур та--та-татам тарарам пурурур пурурур та--та-татам тарарам Та-тарарара-Та-тарарара ТА--ТА--ТАМ!-ТА-ТАТАМ!-ТА-ТАТАМ!!! ТА--ТА--ТАМ!-ТА-ТАТАМ!-ТА-ТАТАМ!!! ТА--ТА--ТАМ!-ТА-ТАТАМ!-ТА-ТАТАМ!!! ТА--ТА--ТАМ!-ТА-ТАТАМ!-ТА-ТАТАМ!!! ТА--там-ТАТА--там-тарарарам-ТАТАМ-тарарарам-ТА--ТАТАМ--ТАТАТАМ ТУ--ТУ-ТУТУ-ТУ-ТУТУ-ТУ-ТУТУ!!! ТА-ТАРАРАРАРА-ТАРАРАРА-ТРРРРРРРРР!!! БУМ!
Rick2tails: a little short to be a stormtrooper arent you?
Toryu-Mau: ... They really did not design these helmets for people with long snouts, eh? >):^X
xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: I feel like something bad is going to happen since she is a stormtrooper and you know what happens to stormtroopers when they're the enemies in a video game.
5945: artist:vsauce4 character:Katia_Managan communism modern_clothing
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showing 10 of 47 comments
lapma: @AMKitsune: I like what you wrote, but i think there are some things i would argue."Of course people should be able to determine how much they're able to make by how much they work for it, but when the ability of a person to earn a wage is determined by another individual who also wants a larger slice of the pie" Thats true, but its easier to negociate wage with boss than with government in case of communism(common ownership of the means of production). And 2cnd employee can always try to find other job if he/she is not happy with wage. While in communism worker prety much need to be a part of some kind of political organisation if he/she want to get good job/wage. Im from Poland so i can give some examples from my country. Meat and some of the other food products were only aviable to get with ration cards. Or for the example if somebody in your familly worked in the west and wanted to send some money back to Poland, government would take the money and in excange would give you a coupon that you could use in shop called Pewex (Przedsiębiorstwo Eksportu Wewnętrznego, in english
Internal Export Company and of course it was state enterprise) so you could not even have real western money. And by the way those coupons value was way lowwer than value of real money. And thats only a few examples of what communism is in practic. So taking into account fact that in communism country government is preety much in harge of what what you can or cant buy, I dont think that having a low wage as a worker with low qualifications(those are people earning realy low wages) is not such a big deal in comparisson to having much of your live decided for you by government. As usualy im sorry for any mistakes.
lapma: @AMKitsune: About company scrip, sadly it used to happen, but it was an exception while in communism its close to being normal(especially that one of communism goals is abolishing of money). And about military as a analaogue to communism, military can work as it does, only because it is funded by taxpayers. Military produces little on its own so it has to be based on taxpayer money. Whole country can't work as a military because it would not be able to produce enought to sustain all of its citizens. I dont want to argue about ideals of communism(i still think that they are wrong, but i can see why someone would like it) but I simply think that communism is bad economic system, it is inposible to create working market while you only have state enterprise and government is deciding prices on any goods. And worst of all is abolishing of money. People have a diversed intrestings and while someone might want to spend his money on a car somebody else might be intrested in table top miniatures. How can a government ration all of those diffrent goods to peope with diffrent needs. Communism kills individuality and in place of individuality creates group mentality. But i came out of track, so going back to military, it can work with all of those government provided stuff because of the taxpayer money. And there would be no taxpayer money without strong market. And last but not least military is armed service after all, so its hard to expect it working like some kind of private company. Well i think i should draw something now, instead of talking about communism.
AMKitsune: @lapma: Part the third
Yeah, this has dragged on more that long enough. Time for more cats ![]()
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GrizzlyBear: Goddamn. I never knew threads here got this heated
lapma: @GrizzlyBear: That's kinda what you should expect posting any ideological symbol, especially if it represents extreme views like communism/national socialism/etc.
xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: COMMIEEE! COMMIE!
6484: Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit animation character:Katia_Managan missing_tail plain_background skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug surreal
animated ![]() |
semiafro007: So, no head?
AMKitsune: The moment when Katia learns that cake can be enjoyed with ice cream. Such decadence was too much for her Khajiiti brain to comprehend.
DarthVader: This is what happens when you try and concentrate on Magic too hard.
KuroNeko: This is giving me oblivion zombies flashbacks, those thing were a nightmare at lower levels.
AppleShrapnel: Dullahan Katia :3
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Micropipi69: Kind of weird to me but still a very good piece.
xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: The Psyker experience.
6570: Blade Tales_and_Tallows artist:Nicros_Man brown_eyes character:Katia_Managan crossover fear knife modern_clothing pumpkin
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Nicros_Man: Halloween is coming! Be careful for the Boogeyman!
DarthVader: He man has returned!
APayne1776: She'll probably run up the stairs
damrok4321: I like her expression, not that I like seeing kat scared but the way you drew it. Looks hella good
Rick2tails: she can just burn him up to a crisp! do it Katia!
xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: But can she really burn him?
6780: artist:DOOMGUY11 character:Rajirra firearms modern_clothing snow
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DOOMGUY11: Still trying to get my dream accomplished but its a slow two year progression into my art journey. Eesh.
Tabby_Catface: This Rajirra looks so cool with your shading! I admire the accuracy that rifle was recreated with.
Can't believe you're still thinking you're bad at drawing dude.
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Double_Dee: Ra'Jirra picks Duty. No doubt.
xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: How many weapons did she get from her teammates?
6880: Half-Life artist:TempIntel black_eyes character:Katia_Managan crossover firearms modern_clothing
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Caps: The funny thing is that this incoming HL game is not even HL3, but rather a prequel to HL2.
So, would it count as HL1.5?
Dominik: @TempIntel: in both situations it's a win, you get or HL3, or update, so does it really matters? By the way, fanart looks really nice
Zargothrax: I wonder how a VR headset designed for eyeballs of this size would look like. And yeah, pretty good drawing!
Rick2tails: katia as a bad ass is always cool
xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: Where's the Freeman though?
6928: Safety_hat character:Katia_Managan firearms lego photo
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showing 10 of 16 comments
DarthVader: StG-44 and the P-08 Luger
MrCoopy: further evidence that the far right presence on the internet can always be associated with overly cute things
xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: Managan travels to another dimension to fight for another cause for some reason?
6966: Safety_hat Warhammer artist:Reddish_Herring character:Katia_Managan crossover firearms modern_armor photo realspace
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showing 10 of 20 comments
Zargothrax: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Damn, that was one of the saddest thing I've seen in my life. People in that grim dark future just can't have anything nice.
Caps: P.S.: Really cool work, I'm not a big fan of warhammer but these kind of stuff is really cool. ; )
lapma: @Caps: Felinids are a thing i think, kinda obscure, but they do exist and are living in empire.
Jadezzar: @APayne1776_2: Your living dream is to be blammed by comissars? Bah. The best thing would be to join Adeptus Astartes.
xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: Katia fucking gets mutilated by a corrupted daemonically enhanced Astartes.
7009: artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan lockpick monochrome rags
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