7055: artist:Zerorganic character:Katia_Managan machete painted_underwear
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Zerorganic: I finished the front-view Animation Model for Katia... i better take a break now xd. Im really looking forward to use those if the preparation work is done
Zerorganic: Oh... i should move the ear a bit more lower eh. But here you can see how i will animate this stuff. For Example the Ears are on a seperate layer. I can rotate and move those.And every coordination poin between the start and end position will be used too. So the transition between positions will be smooth
Zerorganic: Each Animation Model uses like 40 layers so far
Zerorganic: Thank you ^^. But....any Feed Back for improvment ? That would be cool ^^
APayne1776_2: Knees.exe has stopped working
Zerorganic: @ADudeCalledLeo A little trick that allows me to move her legs better. Most poses would look weird without that
KuroNeko: @Zerorganic: Hmmm, there's not much to say, everything looks pretty nice.
The only points that are a bit strange to me are her hands that are a little too big (but it could be a stylistic choice, like with Felicia from darkstalkers) Also the line coresponding to the bottom of her ribcage should be higher, just alittle under her breasts.
Rick2tails: this is looking pretty promising so far
7044: 3D_Print artist:RoninSmall character:Katia_Managan monochrome
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RoninSmall: as I promised, I post a link to the STL files for printing figures. I recommend printing in 60mm scale on FDM or photopolymer printers. Or SLA. I ask everyone who prints the model to send me some feedback, comments about the 3D printing process and another problems. In critical cases, I will fix the model or give recommendations on how to fix something manually. Thank everyone who interested in this project
Rick2tails: the detail on that is impressive
RoninSmall: The STL versions of the link files have been fixed. I ported the files incorrectly, which elazul-nekron directly told me about, and thank him for that
Zerorganic: Thanks for all the effort ^^. We all do really appreciate that c:. Just a shame I dont have access to a 3D printer
RoninSmall: @Zerorganic: try to searching in your city. at least in Russia there is one or two 3D printing houses in every city, I think not big problem to find printer on East.
7051: Daedric_text artist:SaintDumos books character:Quill-Weave knock_off text
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Rick2tails: is Quill floating?
bluedraggy: You, my good sir, have excellent rendering skills. Skirt wrinkles, texture of the book cover, boob shading (well, sorry dammit - that's what it is!) I hate to think how long this took, but I do assure you it was time well spent!
Zargothrax: @Rick2tails: She's not floating, according to SaintDumos' desription she's being carried away (probably by an invisible hand)
damrok4321: what is coda?
SaintDumos: @damrok4321: c0da is basically Michael Kirkbride’s (ex-developer at Bethesda) fanfiction about the events following the end of the 4th Era. Nirn gets destroyed, the people of Tamriel flee on a spaceship to Masser, and lots of other strange LSD-induced shenanigans.
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7048: artist:KuroNeko blood character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave character:nightmare_king dreams grievous_bodily_harm monochrome silhouette
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Zargothrax: Damn, imagine being afraid to fall asleep.
APayne1776_2: I feel sorry for Katia sometimes
7047: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave dress food pig royalty tears
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lapma: I had it in mind since i saw Zargothrax's picture.
![]() Princess is not herself shen she is hungry, hopefully it will be a god reminder for katia to feed her piggy. If you like her more human form there is a link into some of them in source.
Rick2tails: thats disturbing
Zargothrax: I can definitely see some influences from evil Quill here. Some nice influences, if I may say so.
7041: Blade Katia's_wizard_robe artist:KuroNeko braids character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave dreams magic painted_underwear
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KuroNeko: Can anyone guess what chapter this is from?
(Honestly I doesn't even remember myself. I just saw the image on a video)
Zerorganic: I can’t remember where exactly you can find this picture. But I know it was somewhere near the beginning. The context of this picture was that Katia imagines herself being competent
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GrizzlyBear: I remember! It’s the page after she leaves Hirtel’s bookshop. Without looking it up, I think it’s called “Forty Drakes?”, or something like that.
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forestOverlord: Badass. Good work.
lapma: I see I'm not the only one who likes to find those old things and put them to life. It looks great. Maybe one day dreams will come true.
KuroNeko: @Dominik: @forestOverlord: Thanks :)
@lapma: To be fair I found this one by pure luck when I watched that video about prequel. Yeah let's hope she realise her dream. |
7042: anvil artist:lapma casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan drunk friendship painted_underwear pig questionable text
lapma: We all need a friend that will keep us from doing dumb mistakes, Katia has pig who does that.
ADudeCalledLeo: better to be that weirdo with a pet pig than that weirdo who [REDACTED] a pineapple
Rick2tails: more like bad pig! XD
lapma: @Rick2tails: And now we know who want Katia to make dad decisions, good thing that Princess is one in charge here.
@ADudeCalledLeo: Katia is wierdo, but piggy is not the wierdest thing in her. @KuroNeko: She is good girl indeed.
APayne1776_2: The pig saves the cat from another bruh moment
7043: PREQUEL_title artist:Zerorganic character:Katia_Managan happy portrait sad tears text
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showing 10 of 13 comments
Dominik: This looks adorable. I wish we could see her crying because of happines at least once...
bluedraggy: Yeah. In canon. Though she did get a lady boner once, so that's pretty close.
Zerorganic: when was she aroused.. what ?
Zerorganic: The only situation I could think of was that on the ship. But even then i wouldnt say it was because she was aroused. It was her answer to the weird quastion ,,what do u thnk of me ''. And her toughts were like ,,Eh... As I know myself, I'll probably have sex with some people here ... because i get drunk or whatever .. like always''. So the answer was ,, we will probably end up having sex with each other''. At least that's how I interpreted it
Zerorganic: and her thoughts were like that because of of the experience she made with other people. That sex is the only thing that makes people think she is worth something and while being in the act she feels equal as ,,human'' and not just like a lesser being.
KuroNeko: Haha, sheI know you wanted to make her cry tears of joy, but to me it looks like she sad and pretending everything is fine, trying so hard not to cry
![]() @Zerorganic: I think he's talking about the part were she shot down the apples https://www.prequeladventure.com/2011/07/598/
Zerorganic: @KuroNekoI mean I don’t really know what my intention was. I literally just wanted to test some angles and facial expressions. So I guess u can interpret it either way : being so happy that she cry’s or being so sad that she tries to pretend everything is ok and not to cry. In general I feel like Kati could be close to a mental break down sometimes. So it’s Kinda fitting. And thanks. I did totally forgot about this apple killing lady boner
Zerorganic: I do also regret that I didn’t give her clothes so far god damn
Zerorganic: ooohhhhw..... i know what im going to do! This gave me a good idea
7035: adorable artist:KuroNeko braids character:Little_Katia character:Little_Quill-Weave children fear friendship kittens monochrome
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showing 10 of 11 comments
KuroNeko: @lapma: Hehe, thanks.
Also I forgot to mrntion it but Quill doesn't need the floater (not like she can drown) it's only there for the cute factor.
AMKitsune: Next time on the adventures of kitten and hatchling, our intrepid duo embark on an epic quest to the far reaches of 'garr-den' to brave the long abandoned depths of 'dad's shed' in search of their greatest treasure yet. The rod and dual maces of swingball.
bluedraggy: Only due to great mutual fondness can these two manage to overcome innate racial bias. This is a great concept and great execution!
QW would go on to become an acrobat after having learned how to fall gracefully with much repetition and practice.
Zargothrax: This drawing manages to be cute, while being racist to everyone involved. Good job, I like it! Also nice tree.
KuroNeko: @AMKitsune: This sounds way too lewd for a kids show XD
@bluedraggy: Thanks :) @Zargothrax: It's not racis if it's true. Cats like to climb up trees and don't like water and lizards like to swim. It's just how nature is :p
AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: Your mind took it in that direction, not mine XD. How would you 'TES'erise the idea of swingball?
damrok4321: *a comment expressing me being delighted by this drawing*
damrok4321: yeah im starting to run out of ideas how to admire your works guys
7045: Daedric_text artist:SaintDumos books character:Quill-Weave monochrome
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I really like this style btw :)
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I really like how you drew her head.
@GrizzlyBear: All you need to know about coda is that all you theories, headcanons, and playthroughs are canons unless the games contradict them.
Which means Prequel is thechnicaly canon to the game unless TES 6 somehow contradict it.
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