Unimaginable suffering shall be granted to those that do not tag properly.

8714: artist:Phenelia character:Katia_Managan impure_thoughts questionable text very_casually_underdressed

- Reply
Rick2tails: very attractive Katia there! ^_^

8717: artist:Phenelia character:Little_Katia character:nightmare_king chiaroscuro dreams guar_plush red_diamond wooden_sword

artist:Phenelia character:Little_Katia character:nightmare_king chiaroscuro dreams guar_plush red_diamond wooden_sword

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Rick2tails: this is adorably sppoky

8719: Katia's_Thief_Tunic Kvatch artist:Phenelia books character:Katia_Managan character:Kvatch_Rock kvatch_arena_trousers outskirts_of_Kvatch telekinesis

Katia's_Thief_Tunic Kvatch artist:Phenelia books character:Katia_Managan character:Kvatch_Rock kvatch_arena_trousers outskirts_of_Kvatch telekinesis

- Reply
Rick2tails: nice drawing of KAtia and the book being magically read

8720: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Night_Eye action_pose artist:Phenelia character:Katia_Managan rain streets_of_Kvatch

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Night_Eye action_pose artist:Phenelia character:Katia_Managan rain streets_of_Kvatch

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Zargothrax: The cat burglar's on her way! Good drawing

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Rick2tails: good pose and rain there!

8723: artist:Phenelia booze character:Katia_Managan horn_and_drunky merchandise questionable very_casually_underdressed

- Reply
TheGibusGuy: I reeeally like this one~

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Rick2tails: love the pose here

8708: Khajiit Kvatch artist:Bluedraggy casually_underdressed character:bartender merchandise questionable text

showing 10 of 11 comments

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bluedraggy: Took a while to edit this down to "Winnie the Pooh" levels of SFWness. At first I wasn't going to post it at all, but then I realized that, though Kaz' butt proficiency has increased markedly of late, a few more examples wouldn't hurt.

Also I'm standing by to begin listing all the famous cartoon characters in history who didn't wear pants and yet weren't considered too racy for TV so long as there was a void where certain parts should be! :)

Winnie the Pooh
Donald Duck
Chip and Dale
Fritz the Cat (oh, maybe not a good example there.)
Porky Pig
Fred Flintstone (possibly. Not really conclusive.)

See! I'm really just following the style in a long line of The Greats! Nothing lewd here at all really!

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bluedraggy: Oh! Also I think he's given far too much shit for his grumpiness, given the bs he has to put up with. I mean, Katia was about as blithely racist to him as it's possible to be, and he ends up letting her back in anyway - just to get his table dragged outside and flipped. I mean really, he's supposed to put up with all that without being a little grumpy?

Just sayin'. It's pretty hard to defend Rajirra, but S'thengir's like the best khajiit of all. Hardworking business owner and all.

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Jig_Bigga: S’thengir’s a man of his word. Respect.
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Yeltsa_Kcir: @bluedraggy: he works with drunk people for a living.. i thing one can excuse him for being irritable.. he's hated on to much..

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Jig_Bigga: i must add that s’thengir wouldn’t have agreed to this unless he KNEW his polished, round bum was something worth flaunting

almost makes me wonder if he’d been preparing for this day all along

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Rick2tails: S’thengir’s the best character in the comic ( best who isnt Katia)
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Yeltsa_Kcir: @Rick2tails: PREACH

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Vidiotdragon: Blue out here raising the BAR when it comes to butts

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TheGibusGuy: Out for her viewing pleasure.

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Robbyn: Good god. I'm staring respectfully, i swear.

8731: Imperial Khajiit TES_Oblivion animation artist:NotGodOkay character:ASOTIL character:Gharug_gro-Upp character:Katia_Managan orc screenshot text

Imperial Khajiit TES_Oblivion animation artist:NotGodOkay character:ASOTIL character:Gharug_gro-Upp character:Katia_Managan orc screenshot text
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NewFace: Well ain't you the high tom titty

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TheGibusGuy: Gharug has fallen on hard times.

8711: artist:Phenelia character:Katia_Managan monochrome sleepy

artist:Phenelia character:Katia_Managan monochrome sleepy
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Yeltsa_Kcir: THE EEPER!?!?!?!?!

8728: Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit anachronism cat character:Katia_Managan character:Kvatch_Rock dwemer_technology tears text

Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit anachronism cat character:Katia_Managan character:Kvatch_Rock dwemer_technology tears text

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Radiocaster: I really hate that rock
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Yeltsa_Kcir: FUCK YOU!
ROCK PRIVILEGES REMOVED -Sincerely City of Kvatch

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TheGibusGuy: Maybe she should could buy a chair in its honor.

8709: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Katia's_wizard_robe Kvatch Kvatch_arena_armor Night_Eye action_pose applied_telekinesis artist:Phenelia black_eyes blind_eyes blushing books booze casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Kvatch_Rock character:Little_Katia character:Quentin character:Quill-Weave character:nightmare_king chiaroscuro dreams eyepatch guar_plush horn_and_drunky hugs impure_thoughts kvatch_arena_trousers magic masser outskirts_of_Kvatch romance rude sad sleep-over text very_casually_underdressed wizard_hat

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Katia's_wizard_robe Kvatch Kvatch_arena_armor Night_Eye action_pose applied_telekinesis artist:Phenelia black_eyes blind_eyes blushing books booze casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Kvatch_Rock character:Little_Katia character:Quentin character:Quill-Weave character:nightmare_king chiaroscuro dreams eyepatch guar_plush horn_and_drunky hugs impure_thoughts kvatch_arena_trousers magic masser outskirts_of_Kvatch romance rude sad sleep-over text very_casually_underdressed wizard_hat
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Phenelia: A bunch of drawings I made this week, I had fun trying different art styles and experimenting with different ways of drawing our beloved Katia

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TheGibusGuy: Ooh, these are all so lovely, those hips~

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Vidiotdragon: Katia indeed equal lemon.

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AMKitsune: The Katia=Lemon part is honestly my favourite.

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APayne1776_TheThird: These are all pretty sweet drawings
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Tigran_Bro: YEAS
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PuChiPi: Oh I love those sleeping drawings transitioning into her dreams and nightmares, that's genius!
You've done some lovely work with all these styles!
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