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8710: artist:Phenelia character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave impure_thoughts missing_tail monochrome text very_casually_underdressed

artist:Phenelia character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave impure_thoughts missing_tail monochrome text very_casually_underdressed
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Tigran_Bro: ;(

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Karizma: so true.

8706: Prequel fansnark knock_off pixel_art text updates

Prequel fansnark knock_off pixel_art text updates
showing 10 of 13 comments

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Radiocaster: It's gotten so bad that people keep telling me there's a new update out while they're actually referring to the one from June
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forgotmyaccount59: @Zargothrax: I mean the next update should have been published by August 1st, since Kazerad's goal was to update Prequel from month to month and also that's why the timer and the hatmster thing started as far as I recall. Though I hope this doesn't put much pressure on him I was just in shitpost mood
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Yeltsa_Kcir: There's nothing we can do... except wait

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TheGibusGuy: When a series has up to four or more entries I always wonder if they live up to the original.
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NewFace: I hope this puts the pressure on him that he needs, and no more pressure on him than is helpful. People still want to read your stupid webcomic, Kaz!

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NotGodOkay: Why be impatient when you can have quality instead?

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Radiocaster: Yeah lads, Kaz is just really busy getting the boulder to look just right.

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Zargothrax: @Radiocaster: I can't even imagine Prequel without Mr. Kvatch Rock anymore. Katia will have to roll that boulder with her, just like Sisyphus.

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Radiocaster: I swear I'm going to draw that rock getting struck by lightning or destroyed by an industrial digger or ticketed for bouldering in a no-rock zone
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NewFace: Big talk but will you follow through?

8705: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit artist:Miscreation black_eyes character:Katia_Managan happy missing_tail portrait text

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit artist:Miscreation black_eyes character:Katia_Managan happy missing_tail portrait text

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LanaTheBadass: Comparison between my first Katia drawing and the redraw (I didn’t know it would post the two images separately)

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TheGibusGuy: Your lines and coloring are getting cleaner!

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damrok4321: Really reminds me of my first Katias, keep cooking dude.

8703: Khajiit artist:TCOAV black_eyes character:Katia_Managan missing_tail portrait

Khajiit artist:TCOAV black_eyes character:Katia_Managan missing_tail portrait

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TheGibusGuy: Ooh, welcome! She's so pretty looking!

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Jig_Bigga: woah…
her face is so defined
and those EYES


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Jig_Bigga: HER TEEF


8704: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit adorable artist:Miscreation black_eyes character:Katia_Managan missing_tail portrait

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit adorable artist:Miscreation black_eyes character:Katia_Managan missing_tail portrait

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LanaTheBadass: Redraw of my first ever Katia Managan drawing from exactly one year ago

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TheGibusGuy: Ooh sparkly eyes~

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LanaTheBadass: @TheGibusGuy: She’s looking at something very interesting

8700: Khajiit accidents_happen artist:Bluedraggy beach blushing character:Katia_Managan questionable text very_casually_underdressed

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bluedraggy: Censored rather than painted because paint would kinda ruin the joke - if joke it even is. Turns out public showers to wash sand off at major public beaches isn't as widely experienced as I assumed! In which case consider this a public service posting. If you go to a beach in the USA and you see an open-air shower, don't take your suit off (unless it's a nude beach, in which case why do you have one on to begin with?)

Considering the public toilet stalls usually don't have doors on them anymore either, I can easily see why Katia might make this mistake.

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TheGibusGuy: I never liked using those showers when it got all windy, because I freeze really easily. Sand would also still be stuck in my trunks, although I suppose Katia won't have that problem.

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Zargothrax: Yea, this is exactly the kind of thing I'd expect her to do.

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Rick2tails: I am surprised you posted this. great work regardless

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APayne1776_TheThird: Do beach showers even have doors? Never been to a beach in my entire life.

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TheGibusGuy: @APayne1776_TheThird: The ones I've used are basically out in the open.

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APayne1776_TheThird: @TheGibusGuy: Man, I just jump into the ocean at that point.

Also, technically, I have been to a beach before but it wasn't for fun. It was for a military exercise.

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TheGibusGuy: @APayne1776_TheThird: The water right by the shore tends to just get you sandy again though, so the showers are the best you've got.

8699: Among_The_Ruins adorable artist:NotGodOkay character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC

Among_The_Ruins adorable artist:NotGodOkay character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC

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NotGodOkay: Nitt Katia meets another Nitt named Kea.

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TheGibusGuy: Ooh, now that's some side-eye.

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NotGodOkay: Yee. Kea is supposed to be for something. It's one of my large projects involving her being a hero.

8702: Atronach_Sign Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Radiocaster character:Katia_Managan fanfiction fire magic_fire star_signs stars text

Atronach_Sign Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Radiocaster character:Katia_Managan fanfiction fire magic_fire star_signs stars text

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Radiocaster: Coming soon to a PREQUEL Booru near you... probably...

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Rick2tails: color me intriuged

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TheGibusGuy: It seems fate has interesting plans for Katia.

8701: angry artist:Phenelia blushing character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave disappointment meme monochrome rude tears text

angry artist:Phenelia blushing character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave disappointment meme monochrome rude tears text

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TheGibusGuy: She's still a good girl to us.

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ADudeCalledLeo: Leaked ending (real)

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Rick2tails: shes always a good gal to me

8697: Ayleid_ruins Blade Gold_Road Katia's_wizard_robe anachronism animation artist:Radiocaster audience character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan comic commands dwemer_technology fanfiction firearms inventory non-alcoholic_beverage text video_in_source weapon witch-hunter_control_panel

Ayleid_ruins Blade Gold_Road Katia's_wizard_robe anachronism animation artist:Radiocaster audience character:Aggy character:Katia_Managan comic commands dwemer_technology fanfiction firearms inventory non-alcoholic_beverage text video_in_source weapon witch-hunter_control_panel

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Radiocaster: Ah well, no more fire stick. Just when I started getting good at drawing it too!

The animations were very ambitious this time around, except for the last two which were honestly very low priority. I think the hardest (and most satisfying) one was the bottle spinning, though the control panel was the most time-consuming. The next page will probably be less complicated just to spare my poor hands.
I've been listening to a lot of music from Hexen II recently. It's the kind of music I would usually listen to while reading webcomics, so it's kinda funny to listen to it while drawing webcomics.
As always, feel free to leave commands in the comments.

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Radiocaster: Well I ballsed every step of that one up

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Feel free to delete the other one that I screwed up on, to whoever can

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Rick2tails: I`d spin the bottle with Katia! ^_^ these animations are really cute!

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TheGibusGuy: Activate your feline reflexes!
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