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4906: Blunt prequel_game sprite

Blunt prequel_game sprite
showing 10 of 12 comments

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Toxic: @Erick_Rusht: Actually there already is a skill branch! I guess I never uploaded a screenshot of that. There are 3 main columns; Defense, Support, and Offense.

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Erick_Rusht: although this sounds probably obvious. If the magic and / or spells are complemented, how much availability and limitation does it have? I will not ask again, if it bothers you.

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CaptainLackwit: There's not enough black on the Ebony weapons, I don't think.

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PermanentFace: Ebony in Oblivion was gold-filigreed. Not very black at all.

But what's a platinum doing here?

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Toxic: @Erick_Rusht: I don't mind the questions, I actually enjoy them because it means people are interested in the game! There will be a few types of primary spells (attack spells) That will use more magicka than other spells. There are a few limitations to magic use, such as no magicka regeneration. By default the magicka will have a max value of 100% and start at 0. More useful and powerful spells will use more magicka and potions will be semi-expensive with a moderate rarity.

@PermanentFace: I added a platinum material to add more variation to the list because without it I thought there wasn't enough material variety. Not to mention that I wanted to stray away from the Elder Scrolls mainstream of weapons (hence the spears and lack of hammers).

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MrCoopy: Much better than the first ones, although I have to say that the silver and platinum weapons look a lot alike. My idea to alleviate this would to give the platinum a blueish tinge. Just a thought, but don't think for a second that this is anything other than great work! Keep it up!

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Toxic: @MrCoopy: Your kind comment is greatly appreciated. It is a good idea though, so I'll make sure to make a change to the texture.

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WassapDude94: Ayy the "Training log" is in the wood category

or is it a branch?

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WassapDude94: Though i do have a question, you said the game will be a full representation of Katia's experience, and that there would be some side quests that wouldnt really affect the story and such afaik, but how would Glass, Ebony and Daedric weapons and stuff fit there?

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Toxic: @WassapDude94: Yea it's the training log, I thought it would be neat to implement it. As for your other question, the Glass, Ebony, and Daedric would all have high rarities and not be obtainable until later on, probably not until the player reaches a higher level. When you do get them, they should just be seen as powerful weapons, and having them will not affect the story.

4910: character:Katia_Managan happy plain_background portrait

character:Katia_Managan happy plain_background portrait

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Itchybaboon: Happy Katia

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: @Itchybaboon: Does not compute. Katia has 2 states and

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AlTan: Her teeth... Oh my eyes

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Sashimi: She's so cute when happy!

4902: character:Katia_Managan pixel_art prequel_game text

character:Katia_Managan pixel_art prequel_game text
showing 10 of 13 comments

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Toxic: @Shotgun_Observations: I've thought about this, and it theoretically would work and would actually make the game run smoother, but then it raises the problem that data such as items and skills wouldn't save between sections. As a temporary solution however, this would definitely be a good alternative to completing the game in one playthrough.

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Kazerad: What about codes? Like, old games had them, where you’d be given a code to pick up where you left off. Usually it was per level, but you could easily make the code store inventory and stuff too.
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Romann: You ever played cookie clicker ? In this game (and probably many others) you could save the game by :
A) Using cookies. The game automatically does it every minute... The problem with that method is, if the player deletes all their cookies, they would lose all progress. But the a conveniant method.
B) Use a string of characters. Basically, it’s like passwords on old games. However, you need to have your code generate the string.
C) Let the user download a text file in which all the useful data is stored. It’s extremely useful for backups, however, it the player could easily undo something they didn’t want to happen.

Maybe you could use one of those methods.
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Romann: *But this is a conveniant method.

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AMKitsune: @Toxic: Assuming you're working with actionscript3, try looking up 'shared object' tutorials. They're probably one of, if not the easiest ways of saving and loading data with flash.

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Toxic: @Kazerad: I actually have experimented with these kinds of codes and they ended up being a couple hundred different digits. The problem however was I couldn't figure out a way to copy them to the clipboard, as you can't highlight text in flash while it is running. As an alternative, I tried to create a document with the text on it but that wouldn't work either.

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POMA: You can automatically copy the code to clipboard.

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DarthVader: Keep up the good work! I am ready for this game to release!
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Streetwind: I once played a flash game that could write save states to local disk, and also load them again, even while living on the web.

Now if only I could remember the blasted thing's name... it must have been at least ten years since then.

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Little_ducko: @Toxic: use a password system, like thos old games

3844: character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC questionable

showing 10 of 54 comments

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @aedan122:

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Kaaz: " kinda questionable "

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comkiller: Like... I've been to some of those "weird porn sites" and came across pics of Katia with things like hard vore and even weirder things. I'll even admit that I found Prequel in the first place because of some (non-vore) pics of Katia tagged "Elder Scrolls" and "Khajiit", but for some reason this is just... "unsettling"? It's like some strange uncanny-valley kind of weird. It's not even some "dats MY waifu!" kind of thing; there's tons of other posts here that would trigger that if I thought that way. I'm not saying OP can't make these or post these, just... idk. It feels off...

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comkiller: If you can't tell, I'm quite bored, but I think I've figured it out.

It's the juxtaposition of the sexual content and the attempt at wholesomeness that is triggering people's weirdness factor. I hear what you're already thinking and yes, "it's natural", but Humans are weird in that we're the only animal with permanent breasts and we're also the only one that naturally use them as a sexual display.
Evolution does stupid things sometimes.
In this instance, they're also on full display for the audience here. If it was from a side view, or covered in some way, then that might be a different story. This is also combined with the "your weird OC" factor. It doesn't matter how you construct an OC, they're always going to be that weird outsider in most people's minds simply because they're an outsider. And no offense intended, but this is an odder example on top of that.
This combines to create the perfect storm of weirded-out confusion in the audience's mind.

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Rick2tails: "juxtaposition of the sexual content and the attempt at wholesomeness "

what sexual content? breast feeding isnt sex.There is no sexual acts going on. I presume by your assumption breasts exposed in a picture means sex,that you are in fact male and also have never had kids.

so other animals have breasts that come and go? That must be news to a number of mammals especially primates like apes and chimpanzees. I assume you mean the size of the breasts expand and contract in other animals.
as for the breasts in view of this picture.It is set inside a private dwelling.There is no need to hide breasts in private especially since many cultures do not have the severe puritan sexualization of breasts at all times .
Now if you object to a fictional relationship with an oc and a character from the strip,I suppose thats fair game.It says more about those having the hang up then the person creating the art though.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: it's been 11 months

IT'S TIME TO STOP *nuclear explosion noises*

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comkiller: @Asperger_kitten_1337: SURELY THIS LEAD-LINED FRIDGE CAN SAVE ME!

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Rick2tails: hey it worked for Indy

4901: character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad character:your_weird_OC fansnark text

character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad character:your_weird_OC fansnark text

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Shotgun_Observations: What the fuck.

I can tell a lot of effort has been put into this.

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MrCloudheart: I actually wrote it in the span of about 30 minutes. I'll copy the comment from a friend when I try to fix the image.

Because I suck at cropping and don't know how to fix the upload here.

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MrCloudheart: @MrCloudheart: Alright. A fixed version is posted in the source link, its only a few more lines, but it has the conclusion

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Kat: Wow

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Sashimi: A storm is brewing on the horizon.

4903: Kvatch_arena_armor YOL_TOOR_SHUL artist:LimeHazard character:Katia_Managan fire magic_fire

Kvatch_arena_armor YOL_TOOR_SHUL artist:LimeHazard character:Katia_Managan fire magic_fire

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WassapDude94: yol...TOOR SHUL
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Asperger_kitten_1337: Must. resist. adding. tag.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: Must. Re- yol, TOOR SHUL

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Rick2tails: Trogdor was a woman but also I mean a a catwoman or maybe she was a dragon.. . burninating the countryside!

4879: Blunt Khajiit artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan christmas green_eyes presents smiling

Blunt Khajiit artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan christmas green_eyes presents smiling

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Radian: Well, I did miss Christmas but New Year still about to come...
Happy New Year!

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damrok4321: Happy New Year to you too! Also amazing art!

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Rick2tails: this is simply amazing!

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Shotgun_Observations: I can almost imagine Santa Katia in a minigame called: [S] Katia: Infiltrate, endless mode.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Shotgun_Observations: 6 hours in: Imp murderboss: "Your miserable life has made your skin thick, kitten."
Katia: "I was born w- wait no I wa-"
Katia is hit with a fireball and has dieded

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fastolaf: Good kids get a pineapple

Bad kids get their skulls caved in

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Geravind: Новогодняя брига довольно странная, про "инструмент" я вообще молчу... вообще злая она какая-то, не буду с ней праздновать.

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Radian: @Geravind: Ты что, был плохим мальчиком?

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RoninSmall: @Radian: "выбирай, либо я тебя отпизжу палицей, либо либо отпизжу, но чем - сюрприз"

4900: animation character:Katia_Managan portrait

animation character:Katia_Managan portrait
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Asperger_kitten_1337: Aesthetic Managans

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tuf_: nice

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MrCloudheart: *loading, still a static image* : This is your brain on math

*loaded, now animateed* : And this is your brain on

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The_Last_Watcher: That's really nice. I like how not all the edges are solid. It gives the whole thing a little depth. The eyes are especially impressive.

4899: Katia's_adventurer_outfit Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear prequel_game rags sprite

Katia's_adventurer_outfit Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear prequel_game rags sprite
showing 10 of 11 comments

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PermanentFace: It would probably be more popular if so many fans hadn't given up on it during the two year update famine.

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Rick2tails: its a great comic but the pacing and update schedule cant help it be more popular then it is I am afraid.
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Vinarto: I'm so happy that someone is making a prequel game. but i'm sad i'm not the one making it.

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Toxic: @Vinarto: If it makes you feel any better, I'm taking suggestions for elements in the game such as characters and items. So if anyone has any ideas for stuff, feel free to share them- I will consider everything.

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nwhisper: @Toxic what game engine is this being made in?

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nwhisper: @Toxic:

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Toxic: @nwhisper: Adobe Flash Pro CS6

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nwhisper: oh its a flash game?

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Toxic: @nwhisper: Probably the largest flash game in existence, yes.

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Toxic: @nwhisper: However I did figure out how to convert in into a .exe file so it could be a standalone game. I think you still need adobe flash installed though.

4894: Anvil_docks character:Katia_Managan prequel_game rags screenshot text

Anvil_docks character:Katia_Managan prequel_game rags screenshot text

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AMKitsune: Was this made within the game engine itself? If so, I'm looking forward to trying this even more now.
It's like the comic's old walk-around flash's, but this time with actual gameplay mechanics!

One thing that concerns me slightly though is how the text looks like it's pixels have been distorted (like when you shrink pixel-art by an awkward number). It doesn't make it impossible to read, just harder than it should be.

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Toxic: @AMKitsune: This is actually a screenshot of a test I was running in a stand-alone flash player and I cropped out my desktop. The text is blurry for the sole reason that it's a screenshot, and is actually quite clear to read in-game.

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DarthVader: @Toxic: I would be honored if you joined me!

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Katia's breaking the fourth wall?
Oh no, if she's not careful she'll zero sum!

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Huntierier: You should make her magic meter 0.

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Toxic: @Huntierier: It will be, I was just experimenting with values.
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