We are watching you.
4805: 4chan animation artist:anonymous missing_tail not_sure_if_racist
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737: Quill-Weave's_bed Quill-Weave's_bedroom Secunda artist:Furnut bed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave impure_thoughts painted_underwear questionable seduction sleep-over stranger_danger
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Killyellowcatnow: Stop right there criminal scum! You violated Katia !
190: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Furnut character:Katia_Managan comic fine_rug khajiit_racism
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Killyellowcatnow: they still can eat her tho
2628: Safety_hat adorable artist:Nyflex character:ASOTIL character:Katia_Managan claws criminal_scum despair khajiit_racism knock_off law_enforcement monochrome rags sad text
showing 10 of 12 comments
- Reply "M'aiq knows many things, others do not." =*_*= That offended face, a-hah! Marvelous art! Khajiit approves.
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BadReligion: we are dumb, orginal is in the source >_<
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Killyellowcatnow: There is no such thing is innocent khajiit
but still nice joke that for you will execute first |
4827: Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan portrait
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Shoka: @Sashimi: The older pro level Wacom tablets are still really good to use. I use a 6x8 Intuos3 that's 13 years old now. 5080 lines per inch resolution, 1024 pressure levels, and supports tilt with the standard pen, airbrush wheel and rotation (with the airbrush and marker tools).
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4816: Athletics Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Fallout Strength artist:YeOldeAlekk character:Katia_Managan monochrome text
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Asperger_kitten_1337: flesh goob tentacle man strikes fronm the grave once again
- Reply - Reply - Reply What are they trying to accomplish by doing this? >):^? Their Master is gone, and there is no Grander Purpose to sacrifice themselves for anymore. But then again, maybe that's just it. Perhaps this is their idea of performance art, making a statement on their existential predicament. >):^T
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Toryu-Mau: they are depressed because their tentacle machine leader is ded
4817: Chapel_of_Akatosh adorable artist:_gpainfox55 character:Katia_Managan character:Weedum-Ja eyepatch inconsistent_rendering khajiit_racism knock_off meme painted_underwear photo
4813: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Like_a_Witch-Hunter Night_in_the_Woods artist:NightmareEyes black_cats character:Katia_Managan character:Mae crossover impure_thoughts seduction stranger_danger text
showing 10 of 16 comments
- Reply - Reply It was an absolute mess at base translation. Google is fine with translating other Germanic languages like Norwegian, Dutch, or German into proper English, but you take one step outside of that family tree and it gets just awful Especially with Asian languages like Korean. |
1760: Grand_Theft_Auto dwarven_corvette screenshot
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...before that spoiler gave me a hint -- it's a backside of some sportcar!
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