Tag the damned artists. If you do not know the artist, attempt a quick image search before leaving the tag blank.
4897: Anvil_docks anvil prequel_game
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Toxic: Remake of the earlier map. I think this came out better than I anticipated.
If this is too similar to the older map I uploaded, I wouldn't mind if the older one was deleted.
Shotgun_Observations: Yes! This is much better.
DarthVader: Looks amazing! Keep it up!
MrCloudheart: The color of the grass is much easier on the eyes for this one.
I do think the comment on the other one mentioning more variation in the grass tiles would be good. Looking forward to the fan-game. |
4895: Anvil_docks anvil prequel_game
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Toxic: This is the map that will be used in the beta. Something about it seems off to me but I can't tell what it is.
Shotgun_Observations: It's the grass. It makes it seem a little... I don't know... Maybe try different variations of grass? Maybe some mud here and there, or possibly add some things to the empty grassy areas so it looks neat.
Shotgun_Observations: And maybe the water, too.
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Vinarto: Looking at this and comparing it the the actual anvil map. I can tell you're trying to be faithful, which is good. But the real anvil has curves and parts that are diagonal. Which i'm assuming is hard for someone in your position.
Toxic: @Vinarto: Yea, this is just the harbor part of Anvil right now. I originally had it at a similar angle with similar curves as the original, but it ended up being all messed up and borders wouldn't work right and this version was just the best way to go.
@Shotgun_Observasions: I just remade the map. -Retextured grass to a recolor of the grass in Katia: Exselsior -Retextured water -Added more objects -Added shadows |
3277: Long_gif_Contest artist:JJR character:Traveling_Enchanter magic magic_fire text
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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: I hope this works.
WassapDude94: DUDE, HOW THE HELL
WassapDude94: oh wait, nevermind
4888: character:Katia_Managan pixel_art prequel_game sprite tagme
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Toxic: These are the sprites that will be used for Katia in the game. They're pretty similar to what's used in Prequel: Precede, but I've made some small changes.
Little_ducko: I cant wait. Will this be released on a mobile apstore, considiring its the most widely avaliable and the most easy to get youre game onto
Toxic: @Little_ducko: I'm not sure how I would get a Flash game onto mobile, and if I did I would have to change controls and keybindings and such. My original intent was for this game to be released on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
WassapDude94: the only thing id like to point out are that the breasts are a bit too big, like, he whole waist
ofcourseidontwanttopointoutwhyiwaslookingatherbreasts |
4881: Khajiit Kvatch_arena_armor Safety_hat character:Katia_Managan inventory potions prequel_game rags screenshot
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showing 10 of 15 comments
Toxic: @SilentOrbweaver: Gladly! The main story will be the same as the webcomic, but I'm going to try to make some custom side quests and such that don't affect the primary storyline dramatically. The gameplay will change depending on the difficulty; The first few difficulties will challange the player accordingly, anf the hardest will strongly mimic the stuggle in the comic, ex: money is very difficult to obtain, item rarity is increased, etc. Other than that stuff, I want the game to have a sort of RPG feel to it. There will be random number generators for variation and I've already programmed a few dozen different items. If you have any more questions feel free to ask!
Mhauhz: Doing a recreation of Prequel in fully developed game form is, besides interesting, surely a challenge.
I'm eager to see how you tackle interation and dialogue! ... Also, did you take any idea from Morrowind, or Oblivion? Since comic!Prequel is basically a Oblivion mod-expansion with Morrowind rules where convenient...
Toxic: @Mhauhz: Challenging indeed! And I've already managed the dialog system, using something very similar to what's used in Katia: Excelsior and Prequel: Precede. When it comes to gameplay, I'm actually trying to avoid similarities to the Elder Scrolls games, to make the game have a more unique experience.
WassapDude94: Seems like Katia got her inventory/quest log/etc more organized!
strikyer: what engine do you use to make this game?
GameMaker? Unity? I'm curious, did you make theses graphics yourself? they are kinda fancy, especially the roof tiles.
Toxic: I actually use Adobe Flash. The whole thing is running very smooth. Yes, I made all of these textures myself on something called Piskel, a pixel-by-pixel sprite creator. And thanks, the houses probably took the most time to make, about 3 hours each.
strikyer: really cool! thanks! I never knew there was a website for this!
here's a gif I made with it: https://piskel-imgstore-b.appspot.com/img/0c0c6833-f193-11e7-b21a-cbca66980a19.gif how do you make the game on flash player? is there a support for this like unity? or it's hard coding?
Toxic: @strikyer: I made Flash game using Adobe Flash Professional, amd the coding was a little tricky at first but is now like a second language to me. I've heard there are ways to convert .swf to a unity file, but I haven't tried that yet.
OhHiThere: @Toxic: Have you thought about having a walkaround through some of the sidestory comics as unlockable content?
Toxic: @OhHiThere: I hadn't though about that until now, but I think that might be something I can do. If the beta goes well I can definitely put work into that.
4882: Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit Mysticism animation artist:Kazerad character:Jo'Wiv character:Katia_Managan illusion knock_off skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug smiling surreal
animated ![]() |
Mhauhz: So, New Year's kicking in, and I had this thing I made for no reason. May as well post Katia's Pallete Swap.
Let's see if Kazerad figures out what changes, and AWW MAN the School of Illusion is all lowercase.
PermanentFace: I enjoy this more than I should. Maybe I should go to bed.
Mhauhz: @mr_cat @Rick2tails: Well, isn't it amusing? It's like a Katia-shaped light.
Also, Face, did you get rest? Is the tagging all right?
PermanentFace: @Mhauhz: The tagging should now be back on track. I'm sorry if I alarmed anyone.
4892: Khajiit Strength monochrome sketch
4886: Katia's_wizard_robe amulet_of_silence artist:Tana character:Katia_Managan monochrome not_sure_if_racist
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DarthVader: Nice work! Keep it up!
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Asperger_kitten_1337: cute
AMKitsune: I like to imagine that that's a mug of hot chocolate... and that it's snowing outside. Is there any better time for hot chocolate than when it's snowing? Not that I know of.
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Bishop: @AMKitsune: I'm going to asume that she's too poor to afford anything, so someone just gave it to her at a bar. Also, spiked.
WassapDude94: This looks really good, for real.
Rick2tails: a coffee is fine too .seriously adorable!
3388: Secunda anachronism artist:anonymous candle casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave chiaroscuro dress firearms masser missing_tail not_sure_if_racist western
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Streetwind: This pair is sending mixed messages, I feel... :P
Geravind: WOW! =*_*= Ladies, can this one... uh... help you with... ahem... anything? *trying to catch his breath*
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BadReligion: Pantyhose, ARGHHHH!
And these claws! And gun! And dress! And... ... ...where's the Quill tail? @Daniel_Feldspar: My favorite kind of insurance. ...collarboneeeees.
WassapDude94: Omg the source lol
4889: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_adventurer_outfit Katia's_wizard_robe Kvatch_arena_armor PREQUEL_title artist:Artist-GJ booze character:Katia_Managan magic_fire painted_underwear pineapple rags very_casually_underdressed yo-yo
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