Always heed the Daedric Fun Tip.

4848: Holiday_Reprint_Run Strength accidents_waiting_to_happen actual_talent artist:Hahstuz artistry character:Katia_Managan character:Nah fire fire_safety food mercandise pineapple vampirism

Holiday_Reprint_Run Strength accidents_waiting_to_happen actual_talent artist:Hahstuz artistry character:Katia_Managan character:Nah fire fire_safety food mercandise pineapple vampirism

- Reply
Shotgun_Observations: I knew it!

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Mhauhz: This is what happen when you're totally out of will at nearly 2AM and decide you WILL draw something and WILL post it, and forgot how to use a tablet.
Also leeching all the power there can be from the idea of Kazerad selling pounds of "juice and sugar" with derpy Katia faces to people.

This is terrible and I regret nothing, and I still don't get why I perceive Nah as big-nosed.

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Mhauhz: Also I somehow got ninja'd by a shotgun observer in my own image's page.

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madmanransom: ...hell, I'll take it.

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Raydio: I bet this is how kaz made the prequel candy

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Rick2tails: this is how the candy is made?

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Mhauhz: Oh, what's that? It HAS COLORS NOW?! Oh my!
If Makkon ever saw my workflow on this, s/he'd KILL me.

Of course, it was as neatly done as the lineart.

4060: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic accidents_happen animation artist:cataphractz character:Katia_Managan destruction_magic fire_safety knock_off magic magic_fire streets_of_Kvatch

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic accidents_happen animation artist:cataphractz character:Katia_Managan destruction_magic fire_safety knock_off magic magic_fire streets_of_Kvatch
showing 10 of 14 comments

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: @AMKitsune: Or burn off your tounge ENTIRELY. How's that for witchhunter?

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AMKitsune: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Don't be silly, you cut the pole above and below the effected area. That way she's free to roam with just a small piece of metal stuck to her tongue (which will eventually warm up anyway).

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tronn: This is a good plan with no downsides.

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Rick2tails: well theres no way this could go wrong

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Bluedragon: Well, she COULD do that a little further down to just heat it up a little. Except... it's Katia. (And btw, if I didn't say this before, these are the most cutest things ever invented cataphractz!)

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Pronin: Well, at least there was an attempt made. So, thumbs up to that, I say.

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protofun: I shouldnt said that. Oh god. Poor Katia. I meant that she could warm up the pole :(

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Rick2tails: she could warm up my pole .. ok Ill stop thee XD
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Sunny: This put me in a giggling fit for 5 minutes straight.
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Irixue_Lirium: Katia burned to death that day...

3996: angry_giant_hands animation artist:AMKitsune artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan character:Mehrunes_Dagon knock_off painted_underwear

angry_giant_hands animation artist:AMKitsune artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan character:Mehrunes_Dagon knock_off painted_underwear
showing 10 of 11 comments

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Katia certainly doesn't seem all that worried about it, though!

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I find it cute too! nice work as always, AMK.

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mister_kat: prety good in my opinion and cute!

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mister_kat: btw hows hand is that? quills?

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Enheldor: @mister_kat: Mehrunes Dagon

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mister_kat: ah ok

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8Aerondight8: This is very cute

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furnut: oh damnn thats very adorable wiggle and squirm

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Enheldor: Katia- "Please do not."
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Irixue_Lirium: If prequel goes the way of... A PREQUEL then I can't wait to see the part where the gates open and Kavatch gets murdered and burnt to shit and how katia somehow survives

4839: Khajiit animation very_casually_underdressed

Khajiit animation very_casually_underdressed
showing 10 of 13 comments

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LazPuf: This is worrisome.

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GalaTheFish: I love this creature, may I keep it?
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @GalaTheFish: it's 11pm and you try to sleep. the only thing keeping you awake is a weird suffling noise coming from the otherside of your house. You know that it's the weird yellow thing that you adopted shaking in a corner with no way to stop it and it's making you mad. What do you do?

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Asa_of_elswher: What the absolute fuck. And I never swear.

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Asa_of_elswher: It's like somewhere between trying to fly and haveing a stationary seizure

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GalaTheFish: @Asperger_kitten_1337: I take it to bed with me and cuddle it until I fall asleep.
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lllxBL4ZExlll: @GalaTheFish: Have fun trying to do that

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Sashimi: I think this needs Raydio's touch!
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Irixue_Lirium: I love the mixture of "What the actual fuck" and "It's cute and I love it" shown in these comments
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Irixue_Lirium: Don't drink skooma kids

4754: adorable artist:Lowenkrieger character:Katia_Managan portrait redraw sad

adorable artist:Lowenkrieger character:Katia_Managan portrait redraw sad

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Lowenkrieger: I made this my avatar and then I realized that I didn't actually post it on the booru yet so here ya go.

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Raydio: “No, I don’t have any c o i n for your w a r e s .”
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Irixue_Lirium: I want to hug it.... I want to hug it a lot.

3960: Skyrim animation artist:wookylee character:Katia_Managan

Skyrim animation artist:wookylee character:Katia_Managan

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: The Theive's Guild. you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: I think this is his supposed portfolio for applying to the Prequel art team.

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Enheldor: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Seems pretty good to me.

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damrok4321: All of your arts are amazing :D

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cataphractz: Honestly all these seem pretty accurate if Katia managed to get herself in Skyrim.

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XLINE: @damrok4321: It's not my arts

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mister_kat: there is actually a mod on steam that you could be katia in skyrim heres the steam mod you will find her on the character selection list at the begening:

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mister_kat: weard mod but you will find her on the list

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Toryu-Mau: Yes, more ear cowl.
We always need more ear cowl.

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Asa_of_elswher: Ah the thieves guild my best elder scrolls memories are with the thieves guild. Slitting throats and stealing valuables good times.

4841: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Sigrid's_Robes character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid pineapple

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Sigrid's_Robes character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid pineapple

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Asa_of_elswher: (Wating for picture to upload) Well it's finally finished my magnum opus it certainly took long enough. (Picture uploads, looks at picture) oh dam my magnum opus is fuckin ugly.
at least sigrid is get'n a beat down. Revenge for katia me and all the fan base.

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Asa_of_elswher: Oh god it's just so dam ugly. But I can't take it down because it took so long to draw.
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lllxBL4ZExlll: I don't recall there being a pineapple in the dungeon. But I DO remember there being tons of SILVER DAGGERS

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Rick2tails: bop her good Katia!!

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Asa_of_elswher: Oh good, someone tagged it properly, thanks to that someone.

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Asa_of_elswher: I think this needs to be the featured masterpiece. Who agrees.

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Shotgun_Observations: After reading about how poisonous pineapples are, Katia thought of a quick plan.

She deceives Sigrid by accepting a deal. When they are alone in the ingredient room upstairs, (which is where Sigrid mixes her potions) Katia makes her move and STRIKES!

But of course, it's just a pineapple. And I don't think that pineapples are venomous.

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Asa_of_elswher: Pineapples are in fact toxic (not venomous because venom is specific to poison designed to enter the blood stream) the toxin however is quickly neutralized by the human metabolism, isn't it great being human. However that doesn't mean pineapples aren't dangerous, they are still nature's morning-stars.(morning-stars are mid-evil spik'ed mace's)

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Mhauhz: No one's gonna commend Katia for bending perspective and depth and hitting Sigrid from afar?

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Asa_of_elswher: @Mhauhz: it's an old witch hunter tactic involving an advanced form of telekinesis

4846: Cosplay Khajiit artist:GB17 comic crossover dwemer_technology eyepatch fruit inconsistent_rendering metal_gear pineapple yo-yo

Cosplay Khajiit artist:GB17 comic crossover dwemer_technology eyepatch fruit inconsistent_rendering metal_gear pineapple yo-yo

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Asa_of_elswher: Crush bandercot is back to haunt us from the 90s

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Rick2tails: then she pulls the pin on the pineapple grenade and tosses it to blow up the bad guys

4838: artist:Raydio character:Gaius_Atrum character:Katia_Managan character:tumblespider christmas cultist mudcrabs presents

artist:Raydio character:Gaius_Atrum character:Katia_Managan character:tumblespider christmas cultist mudcrabs presents
showing 10 of 12 comments

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Sashimi: Ooo, more holiday art! Gaius Clause! He gives out coal to cultists.

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Norad2: This is great in every way.

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Raydio: @Norad2: Gaius is my favourite character because he’s the only character katia can tease and get away with

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Sashimi: Have you been a good tumble spider this year?
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Sashimi: yeah, I killed Krampus!

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PermanentFace: @Lowenkrieger: Finally!

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Raydio: @Lowenkrieger: @PermanentFace: I didn’t do the little guy justice enough, someone ought to draw him better
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sacridshadow: Guess Gaius doesn't like Cultmas much.

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Rick2tails: love the festive outfits here! too cute!

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PermanentFace: So we've got one picture of Tumblespider. I expect the rest of you artists to continue in Raydio's footsteps and produce more art of this wonderful character.

Maybe it can join up with Sworddog and Welkytty.

4844: artist:Robbyn character:Katia_Managan christmas text

artist:Robbyn character:Katia_Managan christmas text

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Robbyn: Happy Christmas to everyone!

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Sashimi: And to you!
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lllxBL4ZExlll: Uh, some people don't celebrate Christmas, check your privilege.

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AMKitsune: @lllxBL4ZExlll: But does that really matter? As long as good intentions are being wished, why should their validity be based on whether someone celebrates an event or not? Someone could wish me a happy thanks-giving and that would be lovely. I don't really do the whole thanks-giving thing (not being American), but it's still a nice sentiment.
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lllxBL4ZExlll: @AMKitsune: I was kidding.

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AMKitsune: @lllxBL4ZExlll: Good to hear, though unfortunately, you can't take that for granted these days.
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