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4803: 4chan Anvil_docks artist:anonymous character:Katia_Managan missing_tail redraw

4chan Anvil_docks artist:anonymous character:Katia_Managan missing_tail redraw

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tronn: "One month ago you made yourself a promise: you were going to turn your life around. You were going to get a real job, stay out of jail, and not get into any more trouble with cults. Nobody thought you could do it; they said your questionable reputation, lack of any useful skills, and flagrant alcoholism would always hold you down.

But you had a plan.

You were going to start over, far from home. You pawned off your belongings, withdrew the rest of your inheritance, and narrowly managed to buy your way onto a merchant ship bound for Cyrodiil.

And now you have arrived, alone and penniless in a foreign country. Rounding up to the nearest week, you’ve been sober for an entire seven days. This is your chance to be whatever you want to be. Whoever you want to be.

You think you’ll start with a new name. Something less ethnic, maybe suitably Imperial, to fit in in your new home."

4791: Blade artist:ZephyrEasting_XD character:Katia_Managan magic_fire monochrome sketch text

Blade artist:ZephyrEasting_XD character:Katia_Managan magic_fire monochrome sketch text
showing 10 of 11 comments

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fastolaf: stealth archery

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Rick2tails: I want to..*sings* get physical! physical .oh katia lets get physical!" Sorry, I couldnt resist. seriously though cute picture

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ZephyrEasting_XD: Thx Guys!!!! To be honest, i only start drawing Katia due to how cute she is!!! Also, Im not a full on artist which made those comments even more encouraging! Thx again, guys!!!

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Asa_of_elswher: If this is a reference I don't get it. all I take from it is sword or magic in which case sword definitely sword.

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ZephyrEasting_XD: Nope. No reference. This image popped in my mind. i then started sketching it lol.

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Toryu-Mau: Be the Witch Hunter! Do Both! >):^o

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AMKitsune: @Azure: Why hurt their bodies when you can hurt their feelings, right?

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Kat: Mysical :3

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Radian: stealth with bound bow

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Geravind: @Radian: Obvious way for one, imprisoned to Cidna mine... (you still must have "Quiet Casting")

Furrst of all, put out that fire, press "sneak" and leave the most exposed area.

4782: Cosplay Quill-Weave's_evil_armor artist:Furnut censorship character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave criminal_scum monochrome pineapple pixelated smiling text

Cosplay Quill-Weave's_evil_armor artist:Furnut censorship character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave criminal_scum monochrome pineapple pixelated smiling text
showing 10 of 13 comments

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AMKitsune: "Now to do something truly evil..."
*slightly tilts picture frame*

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Sashimi: This is deliciously evil!!

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damrok4321: awesome xD

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Rick2tails: this is wonderful!

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Sashimi: Is it just me or does that expression make Katia more alluring?
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Sashimi: you are definitely not the only one

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Geravind: @Sashimi: Figures...

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Sashimi: @Geravind: He, he, I cannot tell a lie!

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Sashimi: I imagine Quill making a Godzilla roar when I see this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zhJljblPcY

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4783: adorable artist:Cider character:Adine character:Rainbow_Danger_Professionalism_Dash character:Welkynd_Kitty crossover dragon monochrome soul_gems

adorable artist:Cider character:Adine character:Rainbow_Danger_Professionalism_Dash character:Welkynd_Kitty crossover dragon monochrome soul_gems
showing 10 of 15 comments

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Kazerad: This is like a test for how un-Prequel-related something can be before I take it off the page. 99% of people will not remember the kitten.

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Enheldor: @Kazerad: But he's the most important character.

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IkkyKrrk: @Kazerad: You say that but we know damn well what you're planning behind the monitor

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madmanransom: Purge it.
Do it.
For the
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forestOverlord: @Enheldor: Agreed. That cat's important.
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forestOverlord: Updated Welkynd_Kitty tags to character:Welkynd_Kitty across site.

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bluedraggy: Rather than post my colored version separately, esp. since there's some question if this is Prequel enough, I'll just post it here in the comments and link to the full size.


Came out pretty good I think. Even if my background looks like some kind of weird desert. Backgrounds are hard.

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Sashimi: Wow D, nice job! I really like the shadowing too!

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bluedraggy: I hope so because I'm about to post Quill-Weave carving a pumpkin. If it's ejected for being too risque, I'll probably be too embarrassed to post any more for awhile. (And that pole-dancing Katia will surely not make it under the Questionable wire). So wish me luck!

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Kat: I remember that cat. It's so cute, like all cat things. :3 And RD makes the wole thing about 20% cooler. ^^

4795: artist:Cider character:Rajirra character:your_weird_OC fanfiction monochrome sketch smiling wink

artist:Cider character:Rajirra character:your_weird_OC fanfiction monochrome sketch smiling wink

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Sashimi: "Tell me about my eyes again!" Another wonderful fanfic commission I got from Cider. Thanks man.

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Rick2tails: nice art! this cider person has been doing a lot of nice prequel art.I need to ask them for a commission myself sometime here in the future.
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Nafaalilargus: @Rick2tails: he's one of the comic's artists, how have you not heard of him?

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Geravind: @Nafaalilargus: ...and he is somewhat amazing.

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FuzzyZergling: Wait, Prequel has more than one artist?
I've been reading for like two years, how did I not know this?

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Rick2tails: I would think if you took a poll of all readers Cider wouldnt be well known

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Enheldor: @Rick2tails: (X): Doubt

Of all the not-Kaz artists, I would think Cider is the most well-known.

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Raydio: @Rick2tails: If this booru allowed you to delete comments, I would urge you to “delet this.”

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Kazerad: @Raydio: If this booru let people delete their own comments I would bully people into deleting any comment that quotes a meme.

4793: Strength artist:Raydio character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing monochrome sketch

Strength artist:Raydio character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing monochrome sketch
showing 10 of 14 comments

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Pineapplekat: oof

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Toryu-Mau: ... Grrr Powah~! Git those Gains! >):^°
( Sucks a raw egg straight out of the shell and crushes the shell between biceps. )

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Sashimi: You could add a barbell with pineapples for the weights!

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: when I was a kit I ate 5 dozen eggs each morning to help me get large....

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Rick2tails: looking good Katia!
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HolyCrap: Nice, you in art school or something?

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Raydio: @HolyCrap: No, but I'm trying to learn still
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HolyCrap: @Raydio: you still in high school then?

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Raydio: @HolyCrap: Yeah, in my senior year. I picked up this hobby around September

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CaptainLackwit: @Raydio: Whatever you do? Don't let up. You're good.

4774: Katia's_wizard_robe Strength Undertale artist:Tana character:Katia_Managan character:Toriel crossover food stranger_danger tears

Katia's_wizard_robe Strength Undertale artist:Tana character:Katia_Managan character:Toriel crossover food stranger_danger tears
showing 10 of 26 comments

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madmanransom: @Grape: Oh look, a sensible man.
What an oddity.

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Rick2tails: @enheldor the joke about naming..it went right over your head unless you were joking too. its hard to get full context in text on the web

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Kazerad: @Grape: Grape, are you really insinuating that you don't want to see the two of them



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Skoon: Mama Tori! <3

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IkkyKrrk: "You have to eat ALL THE SNAILS."
"Why are you doing this?"

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Grape: @Kazerad: Holy shit.

Please die
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Millie: The fandom ain't banging on anyone's door. You have to seek it out. Otherwise you can ignore it and play the damn game and enjoy the odd adorable pic such as this that happens by
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forestOverlord: @Millie: Amen.

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furnut: I haven't been tuned in on any of the fandom of Undertale, so I find this drawing very entertaining without any emotional baggage :D I really like the vein on her fist

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AMKitsune: Mother knows best. Now eat them all up, or you won't grow up to be big and strong.

4779: MS_Paint artist:MevisRivinel character:Gaius_Atrum cultist dreams fear monochrome red_eyes text

MS_Paint artist:MevisRivinel character:Gaius_Atrum cultist dreams fear monochrome red_eyes text
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MevisRivinel: This is how I imagine Gaius Artrum's nightmares. With the "he just stands there" line
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MevisRivinel: Oh and by the way, Gaius is wearing pajamas
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MevisRivinel: And I just tagged it "nightmare" because it's not the nightmare king, but rather the nightmare cultist. :/
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MevisRivinel: . . . I think I should have made the background darker . . .

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Toryu-Mau: ... Well, awkward silence in dark confined space is certainly an effective way to induce fear. >):^/
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MevisRivinel: @Toryu-Mau: now that I look back at it, it does kinda look scary . . . XD sorta

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furnut: The background is dark enough. I have to stare at it to really see the characters. It's pretty creepy. I don't think I ever had a nightmare as visible dark as this. They were all decently lit.

4790: Blade Tales_and_Tallows artist:Bluedraggy artist:Cider character:Quill-Weave food hist_glands questionable very_casually_underdressed

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bluedraggy: "I'm taking an awful risk, Cider. This had better work." to paraphrase some dead guy.

Cider did it, I colored it. I sincerely hope it's not too much for the Booru (because if it is, the pole dancing Katia certainly won't be!)

While I originally intended a different scene, this does work perfectly for a scene in Evil Quill-Weave pt. 3 Fall Festival fanfic.

Finally, she looks waaay too enthusiastic about using that knife on the poor pumpkin.

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Rick2tails: I see no problems.theres nothing you can see and its not like there isnt underdressed tags

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Sashimi: I thought I recognized the Governor Tarkin quote! Certainly there's far more risque images on the booru so I'd like to think this is just fine D! Besides, it's for a great story!

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bluedraggy: You nailed the old dead guy Sashimi. Well good. I've come to realize I'm kinda bad and knowing where the line is, but very happy with my commission!

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damrok4321: she looks cute :D I like It very much

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Toryu-Mau: ... Deep in the dungeon, where non can tell "How Do Pumpkin Art", an Elder thing revels in Gourd Gore.

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furnut: This suddenly reminds me of an episode of Steven Universe, where he innocently murders a non-sentient pumpkin in front of his sentient pumpkin-dog.

4792: Blade artist:ZephyrEasting_XD character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

Blade artist:ZephyrEasting_XD character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

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Pepsidude: Oh that's a super cute style

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ZephyrEasting_XD: Hahah thx... My second time. Also, Trust me, you do not wanna see the first XD XD

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Rick2tails: not bad!

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Asa_of_elswher: Hey that's pretty good.
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