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4925: character:Katia_Managan portrait stylized
4920: Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch
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Rick2tails: a little light, but looks nice!
WassapDude94: i like the rezised head, looks more real and khajiiti
WassapDude94: On a second thought, this style gives Katia a more fit look, like if she was an actual guard/soldier, this emphazisizazisaises some muscles (in the shoulder, ribs and upper leg area mostly) that are there in the comic but not as noticable before
4919: animation character:Katia_Managan prequel_game rags text
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showing 10 of 28 comments
WassapDude94: Actually ive never played oblivion, but i plan on doing so, i was picking my first TES game some time ago and picked up Skyrim SE cause its more casual friendly, i like the idea of being dragonborn, and cause its not as horrifying as oblivion, if it wasnt for that then i probably would have played oblivion by now
PermanentFace: Out of curiosity, in what respect is Oblivion horrifying?
WassapDude94: Have you seen those "faces"? dude they look like they were purposely made to look bad, and sometimes its just nightmare fuel.
Toxic: @WassapDude94: I suppose the faces could be seen as a little unsettling. But you have to remember that development for Oblivion started in 2002, and facial design has came a long way in 16 years.
WassapDude94: Yeah but i guess Morrowind's faces were better, also even if it was good back then i dont have a time machine and now is ugly at best.
Toxic: @WassapDude94: Faces aside, Oblivion's not too bad of a game so far of what I've played. Once you get past the 2002 faces, it's pretty enjoyable.
Toxic: (For the record, I don't mind the old graphics. It has a nice nostalgic feel of older games)
PermanentFace: Most of Oblivion's faces are fine, from what I recall. There are some frighting ones, but mostly they're about par for the time.
Morrowind has the advantage of peoples faces basically being one polygon, so you can sketch something and just plaster it on. |
4923: character:Katia_Managan inventory prequel_game rags screenshot text
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Toxic: Re-worked inventory system. Also shows what the description boxes will look like and how they will display stats of items.
The maximum amount of items that can be carried in the inventory bar are 9, however this will be changed after the beta. Additionally, There are slots for helmets, cuirass', greaves, boots, gauntlets, and an outfit. Plus 3 accessory slots and 3 quest item slots (Accessories are things like enchanted rings or amulets, and quest items are special items that cannot be removed until the quest is completed). For items, the rarity system is as follows: *Common *Uncommon *Rare *Ultra Rare *Legendary *Mythic Originally this list excluded the "Mythic" category, however I wanted a rarity difference between Ebony and Daedric items and this seemed to work the best. The original in-game screenshot came out blurry, so this was the alternative. Requests, recommendations, and constructive criticism are appreciated. |
4915: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow anvil character:Katia_Managan spoilers text
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showing 10 of 16 comments
Rick2tails: this could be the "ending" as long as there was an epilogue where she gets thrown in the prison to be the hero of Oblivion
damrok4321: God please no
PermanentFace: Of course there will be more adventures for Katia, at least if she ends up in a certain Imperial cell! That's the whole point of this being a Prequel. I hope one day to see Katia off into her own adventures, preferably with a band of other potential PCs. Don't you think it makes more sense, after all, that more than one person accomplished all the things available to the player in Oblivion? Could the Crusader of the Nine and the successor to Sheogorath plausibly be the same person?
I think Gharug, Asotil, and pretty much any unaccounted-for Kvatch NPC has a chance of being a 'PC' at the time of Septim's death. I would like to believe that Katia becomes Champion, but that the madgod finds some other champion. Stephane, perhaps, or Gharug.
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Millie: Open door to find Quill Weave dead, the character in Oblivion simply being an identically named, scaled, employed, and residenced twin, Katia was also Bruce Willis the whole time
Toxic: Fun fact- I actually have never played any of the Elder Scrolls games until yesterday. Now I own all 7 of them (including Battlespire and Redguard), and have a mild addiction. After playing Oblivion I can now see that this ending might be a little inaccurate- that is if Katia is the hero of Oblivion.
And here I was making a game based off of a game I've never played. All I can say is don't be expecting strong similarities in gameplay between my game and Oblivion.
PermanentFace: @Toxic: You were making a game based off a webcomic based off the fourth main game in a franchise. Stranger things have happened.
comkiller: "Wake up, kitty kitty. That's it. There's a rat in my cell, Khajiit. A fat, tasty rat. Does the kitty want it? Is the kitty hungry? You'd better take whatever you can get in here, Khajiit. They don't feed the new prisoners. Didn't you know that? First they starve you. Then they beat you. Then, if you're lucky, they kill you. That's right. You're going to die in here!"
4918: character:Katia_Managan prequel_game
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showing 10 of 21 comments
WBGaming81: Vintage, gold and silver could be earned later or so
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Millie: Remember PEMDAS: purrentheses, electrocution, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction
Toxic: @Shotgun_Observations: I was thinking about using all of them. The player would start with the vintage and it would change texture as the player's money gets higher.
Shotgun_Observations: @Toxic: Actually, that is better. Since money is hard to come by (supposedly) it couldn't be abused too much.
The_Last_Watcher: I actually think silver would look the best, given a little bit of distress (texture on the edges, a few specks of discoloration, etc.)
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Big_Boi: You could also add an option to change the color under a “hud options” menu and just have vintage set as the default color.
Shotgun_Observations: Oooor... Make it so the different colors mean diferent difficulties. Gold being easy mode, etc...
4912: character:Katia_Managan prequel_game
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Toxic: A video for the first look into the beta. Very brief yet shows things I couldn't in a screenshot.
Erick_Rusht: Fascinating, it's better than I expected, really. This work deserves to be recognized, you have earned a subscriber and a "like".
AMKitsune: @Toxic: If I may make a small suggestion, The 'popup notifications' for things like exp gains and level ups fly by incredibly fast in the video, making them hard to read if you're not expecting them (I had to rewind the video and pause it to read them).
My suggestion would be to slow down the movement of these notifications and possibly have them opaque for longer. That should help make them easier to read. To give you an idea of what I mean: ![]()
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Meow-mix-king-44: TOP KEK M8
Little_ducko: That looks fuckin awesome
4891: Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan pixel_art prequel_game sprite tagme
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showing 10 of 20 comments
Kazerad: @Toxic: I don't know, it would be slightly amazing if you just made gold weapons incredibly expensive and incredibly weak compared to everything else. But, probably the bad kind of amazing.
Toxic: @Kazerad: I'm thinking about replacing the gold with ebony on the primary weapon materials and tiers chart above, but keeping the gold set in the game and hiding it in a collectible way, kinda like what you did with the wooden utensils in Katia: Excelsior.
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Streetwind: You know, golden weapons don't have to be solid gold. You'd have a hard time even swinging them properly if they were! But they can simply be "gilded" - covered in a thin layer of gold for aesthetic purposes. This is actually something that's been done IRL, so there's no reason it cannot be in the game world.
Incidentally, it's the same for silver weapons. Silver is only a slightly less bad metal to make weapons out of than gold. But steel weapons can be silvered, giving the weapon its benefit of hurting silver-hating mystical creatures without lacking in sturdiness.
AMKitsune: @Toxic: If I may, the colourations of these steel and iron weapons are currently the opposite of what other games have raised me to believe. Isn't iron weaponry usually portrayed as the darker metal and steel as lighter?
Also speaking of colour, the Daedric weapons kind of look like iron as well. Perhaps making them darker (near black maybe) would help differentiate them? If nothing else, it would help the red highlights pop. @Kazerad: Now I'm imagining a mace made entirely of glued together gold coins.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: the Kvatch arena armor doesn't have sleeves, though
Toxic: @AMKitsune: I actually just stayed up all night working on the game, and one of the updates I made was fixing the coloring of the textures.
@Asperger_kitten_1337:Along with other updates, I fixed this problem and made a few more Katia outfit sprites.
Asa_of_elswher: @AMKitsune: actually that's not true, until vary recently in history, steel was always vary dark in color, almost black, because of the carbon they added to the iron. ( I know all this because I do black smithing)
AMKitsune: @Asa_of_elswher: I did not know that
![]() Then again, that's why "what other games have raised me to believe" was added in there. Games are often full of inaccuracies that end up being accepted as common knowledge. That aside though, what sorts of things do you make? The only experience I have with blacksmithing is watching things like that 'man at arms' youtube show where they make pop-culture weapons and armour (which instantly makes you at least 100 times more qualified to handle glowing metal than myself XD).
WassapDude94: We need Warhammers! Greatswords! and actual differences between the War axes and Battleaxes (come on the daedric axe is gigantic and most likely a battleaxe yet the copper and iron are war axes)
Asa_of_elswher: @AMKitsune: I wouldn't even call my self an amateur. But I've made steel ingots before so I can tell you thay are vary dark, because of the carbon we need to add to it. It used to be that cole was added but nowadays we add industrial grafite to iron and there you have it steel, but it's still vary dark so big company's add a special finish that makes that mirror like sheen.
4909: character:Katia_Managan firearms the_great_war
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Katia is wielding, the M1 carbine a weapon designed for paratroopers and lite infantry. In design its similar to the M1-granda, but firing a reduced caliber and having a shorter barrel. It's firing mechanism is gas-based like the M1- granda but differing in its rotating-bolt, it's chambered in the 30cal-intermediate, and has an effective range of 600ft.
That's all today on guns with Asa. Thanks for listening and I'll see you all next time.
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